Warning: coarse language.

  1. Zybch says:

    Pretty much sums up the apple/customer/asshole WSJ writer relationship in one little clip.

  2. Uncle Patso says:

    Dvorak should get _those_guys_ to write for his Tech Hippy and Tech Grouch bits.

  3. RTaylor says:

    This video nailed it. I haven’t seen a better portrayal of Jobs since , “The Pirates of Silicon Valley”. I agree with a previous poster, John needs puppets.

  4. jescott418 says:

    Should listen to Leo Lapport too. He is another Steve Jobs subject that’s been brainwashed. Why is it so hard for the media to be objective with Apple?

  5. Animby says:

    #4 – Dunno. I think Leo is mostly objective though he does lean toward Apple. After all. he claims he’s retired his iPhone and replaced it with a Nexus One.

  6. Dallas says:

    This video mocking the “I love Apple” sheep will be popular with the “I hate Apple” sheep.

  7. Zybch says:

    I don’t hate aple, just the brainless drones that hang on Steve’s every word and attempt to turn EVERY flaw in all apple products into valuable features.

  8. Dallas says:

    #7 Why hate Apple or their fans? Most people are attached to brands. You should look at the Intel vs AMD or Canon vs Nikon forums.

    Granted, Apple fans are a bit over the top but likely because Apple does indeed innovate in easy to use and attractive technology products vs the Dull and HP boxes. Fans are proud.

    I am a Windows user (WindowsXP actually) but absolutely love my iPOD shuffle and IPOD touch and Apple TV. Great products.

    iPAD? Not sure but I very much excited about the tablet battle royale that will ensue.

  9. RTaylor says:

    Many people would agree that Jobs is a maniacal egomaniac and all around asshole. So he has cancer, so do a lot of nice people. I’ve had cancer, but don’t expect to be magically forgiven of all wrongs. I’ve had to disassociate myself from control freaks. They are bad for my constitution. I use Apple products, but not because of Jobs and his phony bologna stage performances.

  10. Wretched Gnu says:

    oh that is a joy. “You have to keep paying for the iPhone service plus the $30/month 3G fee or I’ll f*cking cut you.”

  11. The0ne says:

    Good video. Well done in the muppet sense 🙂

  12. Father says:

    Pride is one if the seven deadly sins.

  13. Mike Craig says:

    Can we get this puppet onto cranky geeks?

  14. Faxon says:

    I am eagerly awaiting the release date for the iPad. I don’t want one, but I can hardly wait to see the people lining up outside the Apple Store in San Francisco and generally acting like greedy, spoiled, shallow fools. And then the television cameras (like mine) will be forced by managements decisions at the stupid television news stations to swoop onto the first customer exiting the store to prove that somebody was first in line, and was the first to emerge from the silver castle with an actual product blessed and chanted over by Apple employees. When they released the first iPhone years back, the employees inside the crystal cathedral were actually chanting loudly, “i PHONE, i PHONE, i PHONE”, and got the idiots outside to join in. It was fucking stupid. Remember how it took only a short time for those first iPhones to be considered grossly overpriced and obsolete? HA HA HA.

  15. Anon says:

    #5 He does a little more than lean toward Apple. I found it funny how he managed to lock up his Nexus for 45 minutes for running too many apps. Pull the battery, restart the phone, problem fixed.

  16. Dallas says:

    #16 I don’t see the iPAD or Apple products in your village anytime soon. Why are you here?

    Shouldn’t you be milking something?

  17. Luc says:

    I don’t think Leo Laporte is such a big Apple fan. He is indeed a big next-new-thing fan. He is a joiner. Launch anything new and reasonably good and watch Leo embrace it in a heartbeat.

  18. Animby says:

    #15 Anon – Missed that one. All I can say is that he was probably thrilled he COULD run more than one app at a time. Jobs’s idea of multitasking is counting your money while buying a new liver.


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