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Colin Powell, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former secretary of state, has come out in favor of eventually repealing the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on gay and lesbian service members.

“In the almost seventeen years since the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ legislation was passed, attitudes and circumstances have changed,” Powell said in a statement released by his office Wednesday. “I fully support the new approach presented to the Senate Armed Services Committee this week by Secretary of Defense Gates and Admiral Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I will be closely following future hearings, the views of the Service Chiefs and the implementation work being done by the Department of Defense,” Powell said…

Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solomonese said…“His powerful voice for ending ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ is a tipping point in favor of the brave men and women who are serving our nation in silence. The support of respected present and former military leaders brings us closer to repeal, signaling that we’re moving forward and will get there soon.”

The truth is that there are no more excuses, the death knell for ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ has been rung and now is the moment to send this law into the history books where it belongs.”

I forget there used to be conservatives with a conscience. There are so few left.

  1. Uncle Patso says:

    # 48 Dr Dodd:

    “Obama is purposely invoking every option possible to destroy freedom, so crushing the esprit de corps of the military is not unexpected.

    Obama is not incompetent, just evil.”

    # 50 Dr Dodd:

    “… Every action, every decision from the Obamanation has been destructive to the health of the nation. No one is that incompetent.

    You don’t really think this is an accident, do you?”

    This kind of insane hatred is a bit scary; not only in its unthinking ferocity, but also in how widespread it is and how homogeneous its proponents are: they all repeat the same lies almost verbatim.

  2. nunyac says:

    It seems to me that colon P. has passed along a pretty good idea. All that DOD would have to do to accommodate his suggestion and keep all parties (HM, HF, GM, and GF)reasonablely happy is to establish DOD wide, four separate sets of bath facilities and four separate sets of sleeping quarters. Probably would want to add to military code something to make unsolicited sexual advances of any kind toward a fellow service member a court martial offence punishable by 5 years in Fort Leavonworth.

  3. Dr Dodd says:


    That is typical Obama – snub allies and suck up to enemies. How can that ever be good?

    You would think it would be worth it to Obama personally to attend the EU-US summit just for the chance to bow to all those leaders.

    As you know he loves to bow… probably a direct result of bowing so much to Miz Michelle.

  4. Phydeau says:

    #65 Dodd, you are so far out there it’s funny… are you sure you’re not a liberal posing as a foam-at-the-mouth right-wing nut? If so, great job! 🙂

  5. qb says:

    Dr. Dodd,

    A soldier dies in combat. While military are talking to the parents it becomes apparent that the soldier was gay. Should he be given a military funeral? Should he get a Christian funeral service?

  6. jman says:

    any disagreement with the One’s policies is hatred and racism.

  7. Phydeau says:

    #68 Why must you wingnuts paint presidents as angels or demons??? You worshiped Dubya as a god until it became clear what a disaster he was. And now you demonize Obama, you did before he even took office.

    What is WRONG with you people???

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    #68, Phydeau

    They’re just middleaged white men who think they can do a better job than Obama just because they’re middleaged white men.

  9. jman says:


    hardly, what is wrong with YOU people?

  10. BmoreBadBoy says:

    Once again, most amusing thread ever! It is so fun to watch red team versus blue team. I guess this is what they call democracy. The 51% who won the election gets to brow beat the 49% who lost it for 4 years. All the while, the senate and house will vote themselves another raise while inflating the money supply, getting the U.S. more in debt and putting americans in more danger by killing innocent palestinians, afgans and iraqis (collateral damage) while playing security theater – which will take away more of your freedoms via xrays or anal probes at security checkpoints, your choice.

    We are all slaves. So yes, I hate my oppressors and refuse to go along with any of their agendas. Obama doesn’t want to destroy the country, he wants power. And to be effective, he has a lot of interests he needs to pander to, the least of which are yours or mine. Unless you’ve got millions of dollars’ worth of lobbyists in DC, you mean nothing to him. Same with Bush before him, and Clinton before him, all the way back to George Washington. Escape the political matrix, the shroud that has been put over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

  11. Phydeau says:

    From post #9: But pssst… this article is about Colin Powell, not Obama.

    #73 For the record, we were talking about DADT and Powell. The screaming Obama haters started making it a Republican/Democratic thing.

    In general I agree with you… money talks, they have it, and we don’t. 🙁

  12. BmoreBadBoy says:

    #74 Yes, money does talk. That’s why voting in elections is redundant. I’d rather vote everyday with my dollar in a free market economy than have to wait 2, 4 or 6 years to vote in an election. Yes, people who run corporations are selfish and greedy. But guess what? So are politicians. If I’m unhappy with what a businessman is doing, I can stop patronizing his business. If I’m unhappy with what my Senator who has been in office for 30+ years is doing, I can vote against him in 6 years and most likely he will still win because people don’t pay attention and the Senate has, what, a 95% retention rate???


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