Still think that widespread iMac problems don’t exist? After we reported Apple giving UK customers 15% refund bonuses with 27-inch iMac returns, we’ve heard from quite a few readers that Apple is doing the same thing in the US.

15%. Cash. So on a $2000 machine, we’re talking about a $300 apology straight from Apple customer support. From the handful of reader anecdotes we’ve received thus far, it sounds like you need to be a repeat iMac returner who’s dealt with multiple 27-inch iMacs that have been busted in some way (but they may accommodate first time buyers as well, we don’t know). One reader had multiple yellow screens, then received another new model with broken Bluetooth. He took the 15% and just returned it.

Wow! A $300 apology is significant!

  1. honeyman says:

    I need a cash apology from Microsoft for making my life a misery.

  2. sargasso says:

    #1. … and for ruining my 2000AD New Year when I should have been partying like it’s 1999 and instead was nursing a server cluster with a fire extinguisher and an oxygen mask. But, my new 27″ iMac almost makes up for it, it is, sublimely beautiful, and faultless.

  3. honeyman says:

    #3 Aaaaah the bleatings of a Microsoft apologist. How banal. 😛

  4. Gwendle says:

    The bantering of non-Linux users. How fulfilling!

  5. dadeo says:

    Leaving brand-names out of this, I’ve never liked all-in-one combo designs of any device and would expect problems from them. Elegant, maybe..practical from a servicing and cooling perspective – not.

  6. joe12pack says:

    fitting image.

  7. chuck says:

    Was it a YSOD (yellow-screen of death)?

  8. jescott418 says:

    No doubt don’t feel sorry for Apple fans who buy into Steve Jobs BS. These computers are made in China and our no better then Dell or HP.They just have a high profit margin to make Apple lots of money. Which they do.

  9. Buzz says:

    It’s the brakes.

  10. LDA says:

    # 5 Gwendle


  11. Somebody_Else says:

    Take the $300 and put it towards buying a real computer.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:


    $300 is what a PC clone with the same specs of that $2000 iMac costs.

  13. GetOverYourselfGuys says:

    Watching these Platform Patriots hold forth, it’s like the 80s never ended! I can almost hear Duran Duran playing in the background.

  14. bill says:

    Complain all you want, but the bottom line for me is:

    Applecare is worth every cent.
    1. Apple replaced my iMac computer and the new one works perfectly.
    2. And replaced a blown western digital disk drive on my old (3yrs) iMac at the genius bar at the store in 15 minutes. (under AppleCare)

    Apple has great customer support.
    Even though I didn’t get $300, I’m happy.

  15. qb says:

    Don’t feed the proll.


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