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Dude, that was just wrong. Who do you think you are? William Shatner?
Yeah, that was very crazy-Shatner-esque.
John, just remember, wives don’t belong in pools. Ever.
JCD cuts loose!
Groucho Marks is going to haunt Dvorak for life.
The Woolite and Mucinex commercials were the highlights.
I thought that was entertaining. I KNOW THAT GUY!
Also noticed the ad. Get ready for some of the same for No Agenda, since no one over there seems to get the concept of a pledge drive.
Why does PBS have money and No Agenda doesn’t? PBS has a clue and figured out how to do an effective pledge drive.
free discount? thank god last time i hav to pay for one of those. sign me up!
Looks like Leo LaPorte type silly comedy.
…..never did like silly.
4 Stars
It starts off bad, then becomes so-bad-it’s-good, then it’s just fantastic.
Need a long-hair blond wig, and shorten the electrical tape on the lip down to a nice Hitler square.
I guess that’s one way to nail Nexus for short battery life.
Hmm, taken in Leo’s barn, no doubt.
You gotta love the duct tape mustache. How much does it hurt to remove?
We met back in Sonoma County in 1967
I’m having visions of a whole Tech Hippy Netcasting Network with 22 shows, like Leo’s,
This Week w/Tech Hippy
Tech Hippy & Google
Windows Hippy
Mac Hippy
The Tech Hippy
Hippy Security
Tech Hippy@night
The Daily Hippy
NSF Hippy
Home Theatre Hippy
This Week In Hippy Hardware
Hippy’s House
Tech Hippy’s Science Hour
Hippy FLOSS Weekly
The Law Hippy
Tech Hippy Live@CES
Hippy Futures In BioHippy Tech
Hippy’s Road
Hippy Rows
Radio Hippy
This Week In Tech Hippy Fun
Go for it dude!
Ok that was funny… don’t quit your day job but still funny.
Doing the ad was priceless!
More! You’re making more sense than Jim Goldman.
Cagematch between the Tech Hippy and the Tech Grouch needed.
Old hippies like JCD’s lampooning are still around in towns like Bloomington IN, Taos and Santa Fe NM, Boulder CO (Nanoo Nanoo), and Eugene OR. It’s amazing how many of them are still stuck in the 60s.
Mevio needs a makeup and costume department. John you need to use your characters to do a Apple/PC ad parody on a split screen.
Damn… did Tech Grouch quit? I loved him.
I’ve never been partial to smelly hippies. At least Tech Grouch has an excuse (no shower in the shack).
John you should quit now that you’re a ‘head’.
Sounds like it might have been entertaining, but an introductory ad with no way to turn it off except the browser refresh button?
No thanks.
The G Marx lip? Kinda funny but Mevio tends to cause my browser to crash during their commercials. I don’t mind the commercial I just don’t like crashing. Could you tactfully suggest that the brain dead people responsible for this fix it?
Thank goodness the preroll and postroll were Air Wick ads, because this one stank up the joint…
Please John don’t do this shit again. Tech Grunch is good, i don’t see enough of those, this one isn’t your style.
Dude- attempting to play that video just crashed my Opera (v 9.63). I’ll try it again in Firefox.
Fun & amusing; needs work. (Try getting a writer, or let Leo ad lib it for two minutes & write down what he says or record it. Should be good for 2 or 3 episodes…)
That was cool! John knows how to portray the hippies because he’s a Boomer. It’s method acting.
First saw part of this on last Sunday’s TWIT. Did not recognize John C. Pretty good, overall 🙂
I doubt either character will win any awards, though they are fun. The Tech Grouch seems closer to JCD’s own personality; the Tech Hippie may be rooted in nostalgia from his Berkeley days…