• 4/5ths of young adults use wireless Internet rather than the old-fashioned ways.
  • HTML 5.0 getting into the news.
  • Nexus One gets the edge over other Droid phones.
  • Amazon getting more and more into tech.
  • Bit-Torrent passwords hacked?
  • The Devour phone arrives.
  • iPad to be used for textbooks?
  • Video games sales sliding.
  • Fake update installing Trojans.
  • Sprint to do Wi-Max phone.
  • Bans on cellphones in schools fail.
  • Italy to screw web vids.

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  1. bill says:

    Add Computer/Software Manuals to that list!!!!
    How about
    OReilly? and everything/everyone else!!!

    How about we ask a specific question about some piece of software and the search engine makes available for download the ‘man’ equivalent from 10 different sources the chapter or paragraph listing your inquiry!!!

    I’d pay for that.

    And you could read it over and over ‘offline’…
    Until it sinks in to your noodle!!!

  2. Ken R says:

    another misquote of John re: Mac mouse

  3. qb says:

    #2 Actually John C Dvorak was right for years on his mouse prediction. Up until Windows 3 in 1990 most people didn’t have mice, and even then it really took off with 3.1 in 1992. JCD is successful because he does make some bad predictions, but mostly he’s right. However he’s not the Buddha.

    For example he’s totally looney when it comes to the iPad though. Right? 😉

  4. deowll says:

    (Us) You can have them as long as they are turned off and put up. Then if you need it you can call your guardians.

    Most cellphones are way to lame to do much serious work on the net. A net book is my bottom line.

  5. Mouse says:

    In 2 years time the iPad will release a nano version of itself with camera and USB input. Only the discerning will notice it’s actually an iPhone – the rest will pay over-the-top again for this ‘upgrade’.

    I’m not a fan of Apple and don’t think it’ll take the gusto from Google this year if and when Chrome OS is released – I’d say it’s time for each of us to try to educate Joe Public as to what’s actually worth buying and what’s just a iFad.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    The Textbook makers are borderline criminal industry; you know this because mass production should mean low prices and yet this is not what we have.

    The same for higher education as a whole.

    I don’t file Steve Jobs “closed markets” approach in that category. Steve Jobs is the grim reaper in disguise who will end up popping the bubble even though he actually aims to expand it.

    The doomed Kindle gets partial credit for establishing an idea that iPad with attempt to usurp. And then a few years down the road, the iPad closed market concept will be replaced by an open market, finally popping the bubble.

  7. Bit-Torrent passwords hacked? The Devour phone arrives. iPad to be used for textbooks? Video games sales sliding. Fake update installing Trojans. Sprint to do Wi-Max phone. Bans on cellphones in school fails. Italy to screw web vids.

  8. D.Lee Beard says:

    iPad Changes Higher Education

    John, I think that the iPad will change higher education. Textbooks have never become more multimedia because they relied on devices that did not act like a book. The iPad book reading feature does act like a book.
    The problem the iPad can solve is the 50 pounds students have to hike around with them across campuses day after day plus a 5 pound laptop. The iPad is only 1.5 pounds and has the potential to carry all of a students textbooks (assuming the publishers get on board).
    Plus, teachers can now write more interactive textbooks.
    Publishers don’t have to worry about having lots of extra stock left over and can publish and deliver the books for less than the paper types. This means costs can go down for students who will buy this device in lieu of a laptop because in tough economic times, it is cheaper.
    I’ll be putting out a video on this at my Ask the Techies podcast if anyone is curious to hear more.

  9. sargasso says:

    80% of the most influential market demographic exclusively use wireless broadband? Is that exclusively wireless or in conjunction with a DSL WiFi wireless link at home? Speaking for myself, a late baby boomer, I am entirely off the grid! I buy 3Mb/sec HSUPA 3G mobile broadband on $US30 prepay charge cards from the supermarket checkout once a month and have no phone or home broadband connection. When I stop using the internet, I stop paying for it, there’s no contract. I plug my (free) USB router into any PC or Mac and have instant broadband speed. This is of course, not the USA. But the future is in mobility, definitely.


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