Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we discover new stocks to watch! Plus a discussion about the implications of the iPad plus attacking Google and Amazon.

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  1. jet70 says:

    Where is that roller coaster picture from?

  2. heinrich says:

    This was a great chat. A+.

  3. The Smak says:

    The pict is from Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point, the best amusement park in the world.

  4. another view of this crazy ride

  5. ECA says:

    online games are HOT.
    Asia has tons of them..
    If these companies are going to the stock exchange, Which I think is BAD as its another PAYOUT they shouldnt need, JUMP on them..

    1 company is Ntreev.

    The NEXT big game is Star trek online, BOUGHT OUT by ATARI(who sucks)..

    BOREDOM leads to finding SOMETHING to do.
    Entertainment means FINDING something you like to do..and can share with others..


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