The head of the Taliban in Pakistan, who was linked to the murder of seven CIA agents, has died after being wounded in a US drone attack, according to reports.

Hakimullah Mehsud died of injuries sustained in an air strike in North Waziristan earlier this month, Pakistan’s state television claimed. The state broadcaster also said the leader had been buried in the Pakistani Taliban-controlled area of Orakzai.

It is believed to have played a role in the suicide bombing of a CIA base in Afghanistan in December last year – one of the worst disasters the American secret service has suffered.

[Via Jack Liberty via Barcepundit]

  1. jescott418 says:

    Nice shooting! I was amazed at the Drone’s abilities. I saw a news report where it was directly overhead of a reporter and it had a good camera angle on her. But she could not see or hear it overhead. So I bet the Taliban never saw it coming.

  2. Dallas says:

    Obama knows how to fight a strategic war. Wow.

    Unlike President Cheney’s use of B52 carpet bombings with Napalm, this administration knows this enemy needs to be dealt with the use of surgical strikes with advanced American military know-how.

  3. rudedog says:

    #2 I never new Cheney carpet bombed Pakistan? You learn something new every day.. LOL

  4. RBG says:

    2 Dallas. If only Bush had a great Secretary of Defense like Obama.


  5. Dallas says:

    #4 I agree

  6. Loose Stool With Cheese says:

    Yeah, it’s amazing there were no surgical strikes until the Messiah took office.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    From Times Online:

    A local tribal leader said Hakimullah Mehsud was killed in the early-morning raid, but the Taleban insisted he was still alive.

    So… to settle this, let Hakimullah comment on current events.

  8. Nappy Headed Ho says:

    Those guys behind him would stand out like a sore thumb at an airport.

    /just saying

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – Loose Stool With Cheese

    Bush and Cheney made sure to pick their targets.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – Nappy Headed Ho


  11. Rezyde says:

    These guys are trash and it’s nice to see the drone is doing its job.

  12. Nappy Headed Ho says:

    #7 – Cheese, surgical strikes don’t really kill enough bystanders. Carpet bombs are less expensive and increase the butt pucker factor.

    /again, just saying
    //I have nothing against carpet.

  13. Nappy Headed Ho says:

    #14 – I’m proud that we got this guy and if we kill everyone around him it will send a message to militants and citizens alike not to hang around them.

    Now if we missed this asswipe, I can only hope the TSA fucks up and ‘ol Hac here winds up on your flight.

  14. bobbo, your own interest can be short term and different in the long term says:

    #15–Nappy==of course you are proud. All we have to do is kill enough people and everyone will agree we are right.

    Aren’t we on the same side here?

  15. Winston says:

    Taliban sub-leader says, “I’m moving up!” The other 1000 in line say the same while “collateral damage” incites more to join the queue.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    War SUCKS at fighting terrorism.

    Yes, you can kill a few but you just breed more in the process.

  17. Awake says:

    Didn’t we just kill a guy in this leadership position last month? And the month before? And the month before? The Taliban and Alqaeda are guerrillas, and can’t really be decapitated.

    Funding keeps them going. Take away their funding and the whole thing falls apart. And where does their funding come from? Yes, you know the answer already. Our ‘allies’ in the Middle East.

  18. zorkor says:

    Good Riddance!!

  19. bobsyeruncle says:


    funding… fundamentalist… I get it…

    Sure – $ probably brings some action items on their corporate whiteboards into better focus. However, I seriously doubt that $ is the motivating factor for any of the grrrrrr-illas we’ve come to know and love.

  20. RBG says:

    17 Winston: Collateral damage like taking out 70 other people in a public market? Peter Principle.


  21. Nappy Headed Ho says:

    #16 – Bobbo, obviously we haven’t killed enough people. Remember, we are doing them a favor so they can get their 72 virgins.

    A few:

  22. Skeptic says:

    Canada has a few drones there as well. They’re not quite as effective because they must announce their presence and ask politely, “excuse me, do you mind terribly if I kill you now?”

  23. bobbo, a student of history and Rumsfeld says:

    #24–Nappy==heh, heh. I WAS expecting those very girls, but I hadn’t seen that pose before. Very fetching.

    I agree “if” we killed more/enough that their behavior/beliefs would EVOLVE over time and the group would be made up of people who didn’t want to die.

    ===but we Americans are not willing to provide that amount of convincing. We wimp out in those circumstances.

    So==how proud should we be that we do, and will only ever do, a half assed job that will never succeed? How vividly must that FACT be before we try something else??? Before Nappy Headed Jingoists stop yelling for what they can never have?

    aka=Intelligent Obama Based Apologistic Foreign Diplomacy aimed at getting what we want from the world instead of looking foolish.

  24. eaglescout1998 says:

    Was he read his Miranda rights?

  25. Nappy Headed Ho says:

    Bobbo, these were the same girls that collapsed the floor at Jenny Craig a couple of weeks ago.

  26. sargasso says:

    Reported by Pakistan State Television from an anonymous source, re-reported by Sky News, a Fox TV affiliated network. A reason why a marine on the ground with an M16, will never be replaced by a remotely controlled drone. Verifiable head count.

  27. EdZepp says:

    #25 lmao;)

  28. Loose Stool With Cheese says:

    #13the next question is where do you get exploding carpet to make bombs with?

  29. RBG says:

    25 Skeptic
    In both official languages.
    Respecting that targets proportionally include disadvantaged social & ethnic groups.


  30. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I came here to see the virgins, wasn’t disappointed.


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