The head of the Taliban in Pakistan, who was linked to the murder of seven CIA agents, has died after being wounded in a US drone attack, according to reports.

Hakimullah Mehsud died of injuries sustained in an air strike in North Waziristan earlier this month, Pakistan’s state television claimed. The state broadcaster also said the leader had been buried in the Pakistani Taliban-controlled area of Orakzai.

It is believed to have played a role in the suicide bombing of a CIA base in Afghanistan in December last year – one of the worst disasters the American secret service has suffered.

[Via Jack Liberty via Barcepundit]

  1. Faxon says:

    Must have been quite a sight to see all those ragheads flying around in different directions, rolling down the dirt streets. Nothing better than taking out ragheads. Funny thing, some liberal pukes think this is a bad thing. Makes me wonder when they are leaving for Yemen.

  2. Special Ed says:

    #34 – Rags? Some of them look like fairly nice table cloths.

  3. clancys_daddy says:

    #27 They were printed on the side of the missile. But you have to read really, really, fast.

  4. deowll says:

    The drones, which have been in use for several years, are an effective tool for taking out people. The problem is you don’t always know exactly who you are taking out and more or less innocent third parties are certain to be among the dead however innocent third parties are always killed in war. In this case the Taliban often deliberately try to hide among such people.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Wow. The loathsome posts here show that bin Laden got exactly what he wanted from 911.

  6. Hakimullah’s profile was raised after he appeared in a farewell video with Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al Balawi – the Jordanian doctor-turned-suicide bomber and triple agent who killed the seven agency employees.

  7. bill says:

    Wow! Payback is a bitch! Ain’t it?

  8. Dale says:

    Don’t they all want to be martyrs? We simply obliged.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    I’m tempted to say “yay!” But in the long term, it will prove to be a near meaningless victory. In stead of using our intelligence to try and defuse the causes of this conflict. We choose only to devise new ways to kill off a few of its players. Meanwhile replacements are being recruited and trained, every day. Just like our own army. As long as our own pro-war propaganda holds up, for recruiting fresh troops. The enemy’s pro-war propaganda and recruitment, will sustain as well. We’re never going to end these wars, if all we ever do is threaten and kill everyone and anyone who doesn’t give up and/or die, voluntarily.

    Live by the sword, die by the sword.

  10. algoreisacrook says:

    another sand knee grow bites the dust


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