This Episode’s Executive Producer: Steven Pelsmaekers (on behalf of The Separator)
Associate Executive Producers: David Bailey, Ilan Shemas
Artwork by: Randy Asher

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  1. I dont agree with the part of trains. Sure, GE is going to make money on it. But it still makes sense.
    You may not believe in global warning, but there is also such things as peak oil, wars for oil, etc. . And flying just takes more petrol than riding a train.
    As you say, it’s super easy to get from city to city fast in Europe. There are areas that are just as populated in the US where that could work. And maybe some areas need to be abandoned (like the non-costal states) once energy supplies dry up. Then everyone will live pretty Europe-like.

  2. The age of consent data seems to not be quite correct, at least according to Wikipedia.

  3. Mac Guy says:

    In Tunisia, the age of consent is 20?! Holy crap…

  4. Mac Guy says:

    And what’s with countries where the age of consent is 9? I mean, wtf? 9?!

  5. Pikachu says:

    Bill Moyers is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which is a mafia that wants that dismantle USA sovereinty.

  6. jccalhoun says:

    Is there anything that Curry doesn’t think is a conspiracy? I’ve listened to three episodes of this show since it started and every time Curry brings up some plot.

  7. deowll says:

    The rules clearly vary a great deal. In the west the old traditional date when sex/marriage was deemed to be normal was 13 by the Catholic Church though the actual laws relating to this were more varied. People commonly died young so they entered adult status young.

    In the Islamic lands things also varied. Arabic tradition was after the girl hit puberty she could marry. Mohammad’s youngest wife who lived to be very old may or may not have been nine when he married her. She may also have been thirteen but if she was she was still playing with dolls. It isn’t clear from the book she wrote or from contemporary sources so many Mullahs are okay with nine. Mohammad did not directly address the issue.

    Please note that the heartland of Islam has no laws relating to age of consent but they do insist on marriage first and have traditions that would suggest marriage is after puberty. The age at which puberty occurs can vary a great deal for a lot of reasons. In well nourished westerners of European descent 9 is considered normal though I disagree and among blacks 8 is considered normal though I still beg to differ.

    I think children are much better off if this doesn’t occur until they are at least 11 but I’m not sure that the use of drugs to delay the event is either reasonable or prudent.

    Since neither the Bible, nor Koran directly address the issue views are bound to be as varied as the people that express them and have varied significantly through time and space. The correct time no doubt depends on the individuals and the culture they live in.

  8. tecban says:

    The Miley Cyrus clip is hilarious, but it’s a fake. The fact that it’s from Funny or Die should have perhaps clued Adam in.

  9. freddybobs68k says:

    Talking economic hitmen, you can instantly watch an interview with one of them, a Mr John Perkins on netflix. The program is…

    Speaking Freely: Vol. 1: John Perkins

  10. petit male says:

    I would like to thank Steven Pelsmaekers for carrying the show!


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