1. SURFboard says:

    Things that make you go “Hmmmm…”.
    -MC Hammer

  2. Scubasteve says:

    More like Dentagina Company

  3. ECA says:

    NOW thats a BUZZER..
    now lets ring the bell….

  4. lividd says:

    protip: anything that plugs into the wall should be kept out of your mouth

  5. Marc Perkel says:

    Probably could be used to rub smudges off your car.

  6. Uncle Don says:

    Dislodges belly-button lint.

  7. mayor bloomburger says:

    #1 that was C&C Music Factory.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    pedro has three lovers… Miss Right, Miss Left and Vibra-Finger.

  9. billabong says:

    It reminds me of Mother Thumb and her 4 daughters.

  10. Zybch says:

    Doncha ya just love old newspaper adverts.


  11. Repetitive Strain Injury says:

    This and a pair of x-ray specs. Mmm mmm mmm….

  12. oral vex says:

    30 day money back guarantee? You could be
    putting one in your mouth after it has been
    God knows where!

  13. RSweeney says:

    I believe a later phrase was “for those hard to reach places”.

    Amazingly, doctors actually used early vibrators in the late 1800’s to cure female hysteria.

    Seems that after a few hours of buzzing and a few “paroxysms”, they calmed down.

    Who knew?

  14. sargasso says:

    Still waiting for my Sea Monkeys to arrive.

  15. RBG says:

    Geez, Uncle Dave, you are so unrepentantly sick. Totally gross.


    [Thank you! — UD]

  16. Little Jack Horner,
    sat in a corner,
    eating his Christmas pie.

    Put in his thumb,
    pulled out a plumb,
    and said,…

    “Holly crap! My girlfriend doesn’t need me any more! Thanks Dentagene Company.”

  17. MattB says:

    Don’t put that in your mouth. You don’t know where it’s been.

  18. Joe Dirt says:

    Kinda leaves a “tingly” feeling…

  19. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Given completely unfettered freedom of design, does the optimum shape for a gum massager really just happen to coincide with the shape of a finger, even including the fingernail? Call me a skeptic on this.

  20. Raff says:

    I’ve often wondered if there are any of these weird old ads that you can send of to and still get the product.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #19 – Gary, the dangerous infidel – Given completely unfettered freedom of design, does the optimum shape for a gum massager really just happen to coincide with the shape of a finger…

    Would you prefer this shape? [NSFW]

  22. PcMonster says:

    Used for something else?
    I don’t get it…
    You mean like picking your nose?

  23. Dallas says:

    Pedro is waiting for the iFinger.
    Comes with an upright docking station and black neoprene case.

  24. qb says:

    Well, duh! Nose picker, right?

  25. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #21 Jägermeister, that looks like the perfect shape so family members could easily share the same massager without difficult cleaning, by just slipping a fresh condom on it before use.

    Finally, a shape that makes sense 😉

  26. Animby says:

    # 13 RSweeney said,”Amazingly, doctors actually used early vibrators in the late 1800’s to cure female hysteria.”

    Perhaps more amazingly, many just used their hands and … errr … their … well, you know.

  27. Dale says:

    Nope, nothing else but gum massaging with that..and the $2 x-ray specs advertised next to it in the back of the comic book where you found this ad can only be used to see the bones in your hand..

  28. Buzz says:

    Get two for stereo.

  29. Joe Dirt says:

    #28, you mean get two for a shocker

  30. Winston says:

    Never saw that one as a kid, but for the one I did see, the “facial massager”,” I could never figure out the reason for its weird shape that looked like a mondo version of the nose cone on one of my Estes rockets. And why would one ever need to massage their _face_?


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