The chairman of the leading climate change watchdog was informed that claims about melting Himalayan glaciers were false before the Copenhagen summit, The Times has learnt.

Rajendra Pachauri was told that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment that the glaciers would disappear by 2035 was wrong, but he waited two months to correct it. He failed to act despite learning that the claim had been refuted by several leading glaciologists.

Dr Pachauri, who played a leading role at the summit, corrected the error last week after coming under media pressure. He told The Times on January 22 that he had only known about the error for a few days. He said: “I became aware of this when it was reported in the media about ten days ago. Before that, it was really not made known. Nobody brought it to my attention. There were statements, but we never looked at this 2035 number.”

[Via Jack Liberty]

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Notice the key phrase in the article, left for last?

    “Dr Pacharui has also been accused of using the error to win grants worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.”

  2. Faxon says:

    OK OK OK. My damn head hurts. We see the whole warming thing is bullshit. So enough already. Fuck them all.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    And more Global Warming IPCC stupidity here!

    When you understand the implications, the ineptitude of the IPCC is staggering.

  4. David says:

    I can’t wait to see the apologists’ take on this one. We have the chairman of the leading climate change watchdog dishonestly making the case for global warming even as he knew it was false. Fool me once…

  5. gooddebate says:

    What, and miss the opportunity for a fine photograph with Al Gore?

  6. testtubebaby says:

    When you are stupid and you are trying to fool people you only end up fooling other stupid people. These assclowns have awaked a sleeping intellegent giant.

  7. gquaglia says:

    Once again for Mr Fusion
    Man made global warming = Sham

  8. MikeN says:

    Like he is going to bother with correcting a detail in the IPCC report. Besides, it is more important not to cede ground to skeptics. This is why Michael Mann insists he didn’t use a proxy upside-down, even though it is obvious.

  9. Mr. Xyz says:

    This spoof of climate science may be of interest.

  10. chris says:

    Is it just me or is that a Klingon?

  11. Martin says:

    #9 (“… is that a Klingon?”) Are you referring to the person on the left or on the right or both? I’m thinking both.

  12. Dr Dodd says:

    Bet all of you that fell for the scam of buying those overpriced mercury filled light bulbs with promises of stopping global warming feel pretty silly right now.

    Excuse me while I gaze upon my safe and bright incandescent bulb that sits majestically in front of me highlighting the smile upon my face.

  13. deowll says:

    #12 I bought the florescent bulbs because they made my electric bill go down and last longer while allowing me to make my house much brighter with out rewiring my residence to fight seasonal depression due to low light levels.

    I’ll change to LED bulbs when they become cost effective.

    Always follow the money and check the data and numbers when somebody starts to scream wolf!The odds are descent somebody is in it for the money.

  14. Chris Mac says:

    It sure looked good on paper.

  15. Ah_Yea says:


  16. BigBoyBC says:

    The science was in, consensus had been reached. Each day we’re findind that consensus was based on bad data…

    Gee, if my memory serves, the last time consensus was reached, based on bad data, we ended up sending troops into Iraq.

    I don’t pretend to know about global warming, but each day it’s proponents with their piss-poor practices and profiteering undermine any legitimacy this issue could ever have.

  17. Serious says:


  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    We were going to go to our favorite comedy club tonight but my wife is under the weather. No need, the first 17 comments are funny enough.

    The entire bunch of idiots are focused on one error. Not one of these idiots understand what that error is or means. They can only masturbate in a cross eyed mutual celebration.

  19. wilblake says:

    Good story catch. I’ll be repeating it on my side. Abrigado.

  20. wilblake says:

    Obrigado (my mistype). I miss Yopa ice cream, Silvio Santos and Cavalo de Aco tv from the 70s, if that helps.

  21. wilblake says:

    #23/24 Nice pedro. Must be my global warming. Well said, man. I can only wish my portuges didn’t sound so silly in person even compared to my typing.

  22. jescott418 says:

    Even if their was Global Warming which I don’t believe. These people have screwed up any credible hope they had of convincing anyone of that. Al Gore might as well find something else to do.

  23. Dr Dodd says:

    #26-jescott418-Al Gore might as well find something else to do.

    That is exactly what he will do. It’s only a matter of time before another scheme materializes where new taxes and one-world behavior is required to save the planet.

    Should be interesting to see what lie they come up with next that will kill us in 50 years if we don’t do something now.

  24. wilblake says:

    K, we seem to all agree good catch by Cherman. I made a comment and copied it, poor portuguese and all. F’in H.

  25. Dallas says:

    All this is an example of sheeple throwing out the baby with the bath water.

    The fact is, we have a need to factor in the health of our ecosystem for future generations while we build more cars to haul your ass to the mall to buy shit you don’t need.

  26. Dr Dodd says:


    And you don’t get in your car and go to the store and buy stuff you don’t need?

    Typical liberal hypocrite.

  27. Al Gore is My Hero says:

    I still hope to emulate Al Gore. Someday I would like to have the same carbon footprint as he does.

    #18 – One fact today. Many more to come. Stay tuned.

  28. Dallas says:

    #31 Yes I do, but I was talking specifically about you!
    Did you miss the part about factoring in the health of environment? That was the key point – ie. the baby!!

    Clearly, your Republicans are still talking about the bathwater! Ignorant, simpleton sheeple.

  29. Stopher2475 says:

    Why is Al Gore hanging out with the Klingons?

  30. Buzz says:

    Cherman idiocy again. According to C. there is no such thing as human impact on the environment, so all is really well.

    Latest: Current cold somewhat assisted by temporary upper stratosphere dryness. Non sustainable.

    “Gee. Winter is cold. Therefore Global Warming is a lie.” -Cherman.



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