Sacramento Bee reports:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday offered yet another way California can save on incarcerating illegal immigrants: pay to build prisons in Mexico.

“We can do so much better, in the prison system alone, if we can go and take inmates – for instance, the 20,000 inmates that are illegal immigrants that are here – and get them to Mexico,” Schwarzenegger said.

“We pay them to build a prison down in Mexico and then we have those undocumented immigrants be down there in the prison,” he added. “Half the cost to build the prisons and half the cost to run the prisons. That is money, again, a billion dollars right there that can go into higher education. That is an example of one of the things we do that is unnecessary spending.”

[Via No Agenda News]

  1. Dallas says:

    I agree.

    I like Arnold. He’s not your ordinary scumbag Republican infected by the religious taliban parasites in the country.

    Maybe it’s because he married a Kennedy.

  2. chuck says:

    “Half the cost to build the prisons and half the cost to run the prisons. That is money, again, a billion dollars right there that can go into higher education. That is an example of one of the things we do that is unnecessary spending.”

    Interesting quote: he’s saying we’ll save money by building the prisons in Mexico. Then he says we’ll spend the money that’s saved.

    Someone explain to the Governator that California is bankrupt. You don’t have ANY money!! You can’t save money and then immediately spend the “savings”.

  3. crimsonfenix says:

    I always thought illegal immigrants were more or less immediately deported upon being discovered. Having so many in the American prisons is news to me. Also, what if they’re not Mexican? Then again, knowing that making it across the border wouldn’t even spare them from incarceration in a Mexican jail may be enough to deter some.

  4. jescott418 says:

    Put them on a transport plane, give them a parachute and drop them in southern most part of Mexico. Tell them next time they get caught they won’t have the parachute option. I still don’t understand what part of illegal our government does not understand.

  5. Breetai says:

    Check out that 800lb Gorilla,

    So we’re just gonna hand money over to the drug cartels and tell them to incarcerate their own people?

  6. Ron Larson says:

    #3… there are heaps of Mexican nationals in Calif. prison serving time for crimes in Calif. They are deported once they have served. He is not talking about Mexicans who have only been caught for being illegal. That is actually pretty rare once they get into the US.

  7. Faxon says:

    My idea:
    Permanent decorative (Virgin Mary icon) Titanium exploding collars which detonate when within range of coded signals emitted by transmitters covertly installed in all US Starbucks coffee shops. Radio range: 1/4 mile.
    Place collars on any illegal immigrants convicted of a crime, and drop them back in their own countries via black helicopters.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    Why not just outsource it to China? Crime would go down dramatically.

  9. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    What an illegal alien might look like:

  10. aLcX says:

    Schwarzenegger cares about putting money in higher EDUCATION ?!
    Isn’t he the *.hole who cut the budget of Berkeley by a billion dollar in 2009 ?

  11. Fatula says:

    Hey oven-mitt, I’m with you – Shriver looks like a train wreck. What a great photo!

  12. deowll says:

    #11. Yeah it seemed the tooth fairy wasn’t giving out free money in 2009. Of course with a 20% income tax and a 10%? sales tax they managed to hold out but dude CA has issues. For some reason business bleeps and they can’t cover the bills any more.

    I’m guessing 2010 may be worse for state governments even if the economy picks up a tad. TN seems to be doing better than some states but then again we went into this thing with an emergency reserve while CA was in the habit of running out of money before the end of each year and borrowed to finish the year.

  13. B.Dog says:

    I used to think that we should toss the Russians a bone by paying them (pennies on the dollar) to hold our prisoners.

    I think Maria is simply deeply disturbed by the possible political incorrectness of this ploy.

  14. Oscar says:

    Sorry my english not so good. My padre has got me a job as werden of CJ001, which is the California Jail 001. We call him numero uno.

    The Jail is quite not expensive. Doors lock from the inside. Is built to Holladay In standards.

    The outside wall is over four inches high. The reclusos are told not to cross it. We get 1100 pesos (84.41$) per day per recluso.

    Of that, I see only 600 $ME, so it’s not as much a profit as they esay.

    The hardes part of my job is to keep out our poor.

  15. ROB WEST says:

    As to Maria Shriver, it’s called getting old.
    She is still rather attractive, she looks tired and unhappy.

  16. jbella says:

    We should take that one step further. Lets outsource all our prisons to another state that could hold them for cheaper.. say Nevada or Idaho. Look at San Quintin prison. It sits on prime ocean front land in Northern California. THey could probably sell that property for at least a hundred million dollars.


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