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Nevermind the content, it’s just a bad commercial!
This ad was never intended to get on the Super Bowl.
Let’s face it, this video looks like it was shot in someone’s basement, and poorly shot at that.
It was meant to get rejected and reap the free publicity.
Benjamin, gay men don’t watch football! Really? I suppose they only watch the cooking channel for more scampi recipes. So you’re saying only butch dykes watch football? Or is it women’s golf? I can never remember which stereotype must be true.
CBS is already filling up the superowl ad time with Anti-Abortion commercials. They can’t pander to the pro-gay groups and the conservatives at the same time.
I see a LOT of gay themes in football. Football encourages men to make passes at each other.
What would Angel say?
No, gay men never watch football. Why do you think they have a Judy Garland marathon on cable during Superbowl Sunday?
My god Americans are such whimps and sexual children. Watch any commercial overseas and they don’t have near our issues with nudity, sexual situations, selling condoms, etc. Grow up. We’re such prudes sometimes it’s embarrassing.
And yes gay men watch NFL, some even play in it:
Why do I get nauseous when I see men make out with each other?
You have to admit, teh ghey gave new meaning to a Green Bay football game when they say, “there are some Packer hobbling on the sidelines.”
Brilliant. They knew they didn’t have a chance. So they create lots of free publicity by claiming “Oh no! Mean old CBS won’t run our spot”. CBS should charge them for all the publicity they are milking out of this.
If I were in charge of CBS, I would have called their bluff. I would have said “Sure. No problem. $10m” and watch them sweat since they don’t have $10m to blow on a Superbowl ad.
And if anyone out there buys into this “story”, then are you truly a sheeple.
#11, Better yet, just require a deposit equal to the cost of a Superbowl commercial to consider the commercial. It would weed out the people not serious about running a commercial. They would get the money back if they didn’t run a commercial after all,but they only have to consider those who are going to run a commercial.
Lets keep suppressed gay feelings suppressed, after all only real men sit for 3 hours watching other man’s asses.
Good call CBS.
Wonder where they got the idea from?
This brought back a memory of one of George Carlin’s best routines.
#8 “My god Americans are such whimps and sexual children. Watch any commercial overseas and they don’t have near our issues with nudity, sexual situations, selling condoms, etc. Grow up. We’re such prudes sometimes it’s embarrassing.”
People “overseas” are soooo much more sophisticated than people in the U.S., except for the highly educated liberals (same thing with health care don’t you know).
But please don’t be embarrassed, the left coast is waging war daily against the forces of the intolerant. Television, Movies, and universities will soon have all indoctrinated to express their true sexuality every way, any where, any time.
9 hhopper. It’s difficult to suppress your inner-gayness? Either that or it’s evolution’s trick to encourage you to reproduce properly. btw, I take it you dumped the idea of ever running for any government or public position in life?
[Me? A politician? Har!! – ed.]
# 9 hhopper
Because you can’t choose your sexuality. Neither can they.
[I’m not against it… I just don’t like it. You’re born the way you are. – ed.]
It would have been a waste of money anyway. Instead, they should just sponsor the ipad launch.
#9 because you’re so emotionally and sexually repressed your self esteem just can’t handle someone getting some when you aren’t.
[Har! If you only knew… – ed.]
Mancrunch has already benefited from exposure far away what the Superbowl would have provided – for free.
The gay community can advertise all they want but their freakish lifestyle will always be viewed as sick and creepy.
Even the name is backwards. Nothing gay about it… closer to angry, demanding, threatening and boorish.
The only Gay men I know who watch football and baseball are the hot ones.
I have to admit though I have watched Hell’s Kitchen for Chef Gordon Ramsay.
24, 63, 42, hey!
# 24 Dr Dodd
I didn’t know you were gay! Hang on, only angry & boorish, oh, maybe you swing both ways or does that make you a hermaphrodite, I’ll never understand this science of yours.
Some of the right wing nut excuses for being bigoted are just too funny.
I see you are still projecting your own life onto others. It’s fine if you are a homo, just don’t expect normal people to accept the eccentricities of your degenerate behavior.
#28-Mr Fussion
Good to see you got a new cell mate. Hope you and LDA will be very happy.
# 29 Dr Dodd
Plus threatening. Now you’re 3/4 gay. Just demanding to go, unless stop calling it gay is a demand. I think it is, then I guess you have met your own (puerile) criteria. Congrats.
P.S. Implying I am gay is not an insult to me. I could have said you are a fundementalist, backwards, bile spewing, bigoted, zealot but there would be no gaiety in that (or irony).
#30-LDA-Implying I am gay is not an insult to me.
Of course not, why should it? Those who take the side of evil rarely see far enough ahead to avoid the eventual consequences.
This is just one more attempt by the homosexual agenda to impose thier views upon the rest of American society. Its is no longer a debate about choice, its now unconditional acceptance regardless if their lifestyle choice is welcome or not.
I was molested and raped as a child by a homosexual pedophile. And what he did distorted my self-preception, thus my life. My argument is not from a religious view but from a moral view. And to those of you who are in favor of an add like this being aired with so many children watching, You are a mentaly sick and demented individual!!!