Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaeda leader, has condemned the US and other industrial economies, holding them responsible for the phenomenon of climate change.

In an audio tape obtained by Al Jazeera, bin Laden criticised George Bush, the former US president, for rejecting the Kyoto pact and condemned global corporations.

“This is a message to the whole world about those responsible for climate change and its repercussions – whether intentionally or unintentionally – and about the action we must take,” bin Laden said.

“Speaking about climate change is not a matter of intellectual luxury – the phenomenon is an actual fact.”
In the new recording, bin Laden said: “Noam Chomsky [the US academic and political commentator] was correct when he compared the US policies to those of the Mafia. They are the true terrorists and therefore we should refrain from dealing in the US dollar and should try to get rid of this currency as early as possible.

“I am certain that such actions will have grave repercussions and huge impact.”

Isn’t it wonderful when two agents of doom such as Osama and AGW come together like this. It’s fishier than an anchovy milkshake. Love how he quotes Chomsky.

  1. Lyle says:

    Didn’t Osama gather his wealth (and power) from being part of the “lucky sperm club” of Oil Exporting (read “climate changing” and carbon generating) Saudi Arabian Royalty

  2. qb says:

    Like the picture. Not a clue what it has to do with the story. But I like it.

    [Osama’s niece, Wafah – h.]

  3. Sigma says:

    #2 me too

    But separately, I’d like to say


  4. Carcarius says:

    #2 – qb, my question exactly. Maybe she is there to balance the ugly of bin laden.

  5. Randomized says:

    If we don’t stop climate change, the terrorists win!!!

  6. KMFIX says:

    I believe that picture is of one of his children.

  7. frankiedog says:

    It’s his neice http://bit.ly/b2eu48

  8. Curtis E. Flush says:

    Sounds like The Binster is trying land a job as a cable news pundit.

  9. Rick Cain says:

    Fox News might hire him now.

    People forget that Osama Bin Laden is a social conservative.

  10. chuck says:

    Osama bin Laden=Al Gore?

  11. agp says:

    “Love how he quotes Chomsky”
    -the Chomsky angle definitely is interesting.

    “Like the picture. Not a clue what it has to do with the story.”
    -who cares, keep up the good work.

    “It’s his niece”
    -who cares, keep up the good work.

  12. MikeN says:

    So he’s gone from Michael Moore to Noam Chomsky.

  13. L1A says:

    there is no bin laden, just a u.s puppet

  14. Its amazing how Osama bin Laden is such a wonderful accomplished orator
    I thought he was hiding in a cave for his life

  15. Skeptic says:

    Scientists broke the law by hiding climate change data: But legal loophole means they won’t be prosecuted.
    Take your pick of sources…

  16. RBG says:

    Sheesh, next Bin Laden will be commenting on floridation.

    1. Lyle “Didn’t Osama gather his wealth (and power) from being part of the “lucky sperm club” of Oil Exporting (read “climate changing” and carbon generating) Saudi Arabian Royalty.”

    Not exactly. He & his buds would dearly like to off the Saudi royalty. He made his $ as one of more than four dozen kids (you read correct) of the owner of one of the Middle East’s largest construction companies: Saudi Binladin Group.



    I laughed so hard I farted and changed the climate.

  18. qb says:

    “Osama’s niece, Wafah – h.”

    No way. Between that and the embarrassingly bad underwear bomber I’m starting to think these guys aren’t that much of a threat. Seriously, just buy out the Taliban and shut them down.

  19. Luc says:

    That niece is partially to blame for global warming. She’s hot!

    Osama attacking the Big Satan on the global warming angle? He’s getting old, losing stamina.

  20. He'sACriticOfCourse says:

    Just waiting for Osama to weigh in on Lenogate.

  21. deowll says:

    So now Gore, Obama, Chomsky and ben Laden are going to work for cap and trade?

    That picture is enough to get you guys on a needs to die list.

  22. Osama_Bin_Dead says:

    Oh please, people, this is getting comical. Bin Laden’s been dead for years. Apparently most of the people in that part of the world have known this for a long time. Benazir Bhutto apparently mentioned this to David Frost during an interview just before she was assassinated.

    What’s next – Bin Laden weighs in on the Health Care debate?

  23. Mark T. says:

    Suffice to say that Osama wants to destroy the economy of the United States. Why not condone the policies of the libs that are peddling global warming? The end result will be the same.

  24. dave knows says:

    i blame him and his extremism oh and lets not forget his oil exporting.

    clearly this guy is mythology nut who uses 14 century justifications for his perverted behaviour. what’s more the Qur’an legibility is not known meaning the true meaning of its text is not known meaning old Arabic has died out.

  25. eviljason says:

    It’s nice to see bin Laden speak from the grave on a matter like this.

  26. Li says:

    More reverse psychology from the mouth of a dead guy.

    The last terror mix tape was nothing more than some wag trying to manipulate the body politic with his Bin Laden text to speech program. But this time it couldn’t be more obvious. Climate change? Really? I wonder what the carbon footprint of an oil pipe explosion is.

    They must really think we are stupid.

  27. Greg Allen says:

    It’s an often misunderstood aspect of al Queda — they are broadly anti-modernity rather than very political.

    This, they share with fundamentalists everywhere and more than a few American conservatives who want society to return to some glorious ideal past when _they_ set the moral norms and everything was hunky dory.

  28. Greg Allen says:

    I have this vague memory that this blog ran a story on Wafa, Osama’s niece.

    I worry for her life — this is more than enough to get you killed in a conservative Muslim family.

    But, of course, most of the bin Ladens are extensive international travelers and presumably pretty worldly.

  29. Marc says:

    You mean AL-CIA-DA?

    Everybody knows Bin Laden did business with the Bushes and Al-CIA-DA is supported by the CIA because the Military Industrial Complex needs a boogey-man to continue the war on terror.

    Big $$$ in War as you know.

  30. RBG says:

    So Bin Laden agreed to be hunted down just to help out a pal?

    Or maybe the Bin Laden you’re thinking about is “Saudi Binladin,” a multinational construction conglomerate and holding company owned by Osama’s 53 brothers and sisters.



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