I guess she’s just not dying fast enough and he can’t wait any longer to go on to his next piece of tail Rielle Hunter. And he could have ended up as president. Story Here.

  1. Phydeau says:

    lol I’m gonna step out of the mud puddle now, Doddger. You are king of the mud, congratulations. 🙂

  2. MikeN says:

    Elizabeth’s no saint. If she thought he still had a political career, she would take it like Hlllary.


    #31 – you got that right. There are no innocents here.

    What Clinton did was far worse than simply cheating on his wife. He cheated IN THE OVAL OFFICE. He essentially cheated on the Office of the President of the United States. Considering that America undeniably (except to the retarded) the most important nation the Earth has ever seen and superior to all other nations, that is the highest office of the human race. You do not disrespect the office of POTUS. Even Kennedy didn’t do that.

    All that being said, Edwards is a sack of crap and thank god it all came out to end his political career. We’re all better off for it.

  4. verycheeky says:

    Why is this news? give me a break. you got liberals running this joint!

  5. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    don’t let a Republican be alone with your daughter (he’ll hit on her) and don’t let a Democrat drive your daughter home (she’ll drown in a car accident).


    Speaking of assholes, judging from the picture, Edwards needs to quit shoving jalapenos up his ass. His face is pretty red.

  7. Phydeau says:

    #32 LCSN, that’s pretty funny. 🙂

  8. Greg Allen says:

    I don’t care about the private sexual lives of political leaders.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t even care about the abundance of gay Republicans if they didn’t hide their homosexuality behind a smokescreen of gay bashing.

    The same goes for the sexually freaky “family values” conservatives… if they didn’t constantly crow about their superior moral values, I wouldn’t care that the conservatives are a bunch of moral reprobates and sex fiends.

  9. chris says:

    John Edwards is no Bill Clinton.

    For the Clinton/BJ compares to Bush/War crowd I’ve heard it best as: I’d rather vote for a guy that screws around rather than one that screws the entire country.

    John Edwards is a special variant of scumbag, though. First the wifey has cancer. You might call that advanced planning, but seriously folks.

    Then he paid the woman through the campaign for promo spots. If you’ve ever seen the videos it seems like a porn intro. Here’s my limo, here’s my jet, here’s my…

    Then take into account that he was still a political player when the rumors started to swirl. He competed in a few extra primaries and had a material impact on the history of the country by splitting the union crowd with HRC. All of this when he KNEW it would eventually be revealed.

    Last is that he used campaign personnel to take credit for his lovechild, and parked the tootsie at a major donor’s house.

    All of this is dirtier than a Hitler-Youth pope or a pill-popping moralist talk show host. For that election cycle Edwards holds the crown for best scandal. Keep in mind that there were dirtier scumbags, but none with a closer grasp on power.


  10. deowll says:

    “And he could have ended up as president.”

    He never had my vote. He always came across as being a fraud.

    If a person will cheat on the person that means most to them, their significant other, they will cheat anybody.

  11. RBG says:

    39 Chris. “Keep in mind that there were dirtier scumbags, but none with a closer grasp on power.”

    You’ve got to admit that Bill Clinton with the WH intern in the Oval Office has got to be right up there. Maybe if he had done a few more car washes for charity like strippers do to cleanse their image, we’d think a little differently.


  12. chris says:

    #41 Bill Clinton doesn’t even rate in the world of American political sex scandals, and I was referencing a specific election cycle.

    The only other contender that year is Eliot Spitzer, but his was much less sordid. I really like what Spitzer did as NY AG and as governor. His humiliation was a sad event. I wish he was in office for the credit crunch. He is a wise voice about financial reform.

    The year before foot-tapping Larry Craig would win. And ’06 featured the ever popular page chasing Mark Foley.

    Edwards was a special gem of financial irregularity, betrayal of a (slowly)dying spouse, and corruption of staff, donors, and the national political narrative. A true scumbag.

    Bill Clinton was a dog, but hopefully you can relate. I think that without Hillary he might only have been the most fruitful man in Arkansas history. Let Bill be Bill.

    John Edwards is something else entirely.

    I repeat, Lysol.

  13. RBG says:

    42. Funny, as President of the United States, cigar-sex with one of the WH interns in the oval office appears not to be on my to-do list. But that’s just me I suppose.

    But you’re right, let’s go with John Edwards for best sexual indiscretion during 2007 on a Friday at 9:30 PM.


  14. chris says:

    #43 I have no interest in or opinion on what turns Bill Clinton on, but I think it’s amusing how the right judges a sex scandal on the specifics of the sex act.

    Take the stories of David “the John” Vitter and Larry “tap tap” Craig. Both were caught doing the dirty with hookers and with guys respectively. Vitter weathered the storm and Craig was driven out. Why? Because Craig’s sex was gay sex. That is much more objectionable, and I’m sure more secretly interesting, to many on the right.

    Bill Clinton was known to have a zipper problem. During the first presidential campaign his infidelity was a big story. Clinton made no promises to the public that he would behave differently, only that it was a private matter that he felt ashamed of. So when Monica came past on her kneepads he was betraying only two people, his wife and daughter.

    Edwards diverted campaign donations to pay the girl, and a bunch of other hinky things(listed in previous posts of this thread) which are almost certainly federal election law offenses.

    I don’t care if Bill or John had better or more inventive sex, but Edwards’ actions carry a much heavier stink.

  15. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Edwards is from my state and is an alumnus of my university, but my contempt for him is vast. A good portion is because of who he had the affair with. When you dig into what she believes and is into, you have to question the basic judgment of anyone who would allow her to hang around the campaign, much less hire her (while porking her) for the campaign.

    I have to believe that at least a couple of donors or advisors tried to tell Edwards what trouble she would bring, but he must have ignored them because his little head was having fun.

  16. RBG says:

    44 Chris. According to Edwards, Clinton’s betrayal went beyond that of just his wife & daughter:

    “I think this President has shown a remarkable disrespect for his office, for the moral dimensions of leadership, for his friends, for his wife, for his precious daughter. It is breathtaking to me the level to which that disrespect has risen.” — John Edwards, Feb. 12, 1999

    Perhaps the difference is that which is expected of a President vs Wannabe.



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