I guess she’s just not dying fast enough and he can’t wait any longer to go on to his next piece of tail Rielle Hunter. And he could have ended up as president. Story Here.
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Who cares about his personal life. He could have been the best president since FDR.
It’s “Elizabeth” and “Edwards” you idiot! Learn how to spell!
Edwards is a member of a legal mafia known as the Council on Foreign Relations, run by the mafia Rockefeller family that’s subservient to the Old World banking mafia called the Rothschilds.
Too Bad. I like everything about Edwards. I don’t even mind that he cheated on his wife==just that he thought (WRONGLY) that he could get away with it AND that he corrupted others around him to that end.
Bad Person.===Just like all the rest of those power/money/power mad pols. Just like Obama==unless he really is just that different from us instead of only naive and slow on the uptake? Odds are against it though.
I “liked”
Another Bill Clinton is what he could have been. That would not have been good for the country. We do not need more morally corrupt people in government.
I find it despicable. Typical Democrat trying to take more than their fair share at the expense of the little people. He’s married and he is going to leave his wife to marry someone else? How dare he. Some of us have not even been married once. He should have to wait until everyone else has a chance to get married one time before he gets seconds.
I find it absolutely abhorrent and unconscionable that a major publishing house could dispatch a press release fill with poor construction and spelling errors. Did they fire all their proofreaders?
Anyway, I heard she kicked him out. Three cheers!
What a FU@K!!
My thoughts were the same, another Bill Clinton 🙂 That would have been hilarious.
This is DU, it is to be expected. Actually, this is common in many blogs.
Go John! Now’s your chance to pull a John McCain and marry up to a (much) younger wife now that you’ve screwed over your previous wife!
At least you didn’t get caught publicly cheating on your wife like Mark Sanford….oh wait, you did. At least Mark Sanford is the only rare example of Republicans cheating on their wifes…right? Who..what? These guys?
John Ensign
Vic Fossella
David Vitter
Donald Sherwood
Ed Schrock
Dan Burton (John, this guy also fathered a child by another woman, not his wife)
Dan Crane
Helen Chenowith (yes even Republican women cheat)
Henry Hyde (Judge who oversaw Clinton’s impeachment) had an extramarital affair with a woman who was married and had three children
Mark Foley
I don’t think it’s a political thing. I think if you give men with BIG ego’s a power trip, kiss their ass and give them a ‘staff’ and send them away from their family for weeks at a time…magically…surprisingly…they cheat.
#6 Another Bill Clinton is what he could have been. That would not have been good for the country. We do not need more morally corrupt people in government.
Which is more morally corrupt:
1. Cheating on your wife.
2. Starting a bogus war based on false pretenses that kills tens of thousands of people and costs many billions of dollars.
Take your time.
Well there goes any future chance of public office for John Edwards. As for his personal life, its none of my business.
Well, no more that Newt Gingrich telling his wife in the hospital (right after her cancer surgery) he was dumping her for his secretary, as he was spouting off about Clinton. Then there was Henry Hyde hiding his illegitimate kid while running Congress at the same time. And John McCain who left his wife after being badly injured in a traffic accident. Then there was Eisenhower boning his driver while his wife knitted socks on the home front. And I am reminded of a certain South Carolina Governor who took trips to Argentina (on the taxpayer’s dime), but we won’t mention Mark Sanford’s name.
But none of those are my business either.
Cheating on the wife goes from “none of my business” to something else entirely when the one cheating starts parading his cancer stricken wife around the campaign trait in order to garner sympathy from would-be voters.
She’s a bitch. He should have left long ago.
It’s comical to see the usual suspects try to deflect ridicule of John Edwards and his lack of moral character by listing others who may or may not be guilty of the same offense.
Does it make Edwards any less guilty by using the everybody else does it defense?
Of course not.
Not even the liberal favorite “personal life” defense will help him now.
Words to live by – You can never trust a fart to be silent in a crowded theater and you can never trust a cheating politician.
Everyone’s a bitch…
You’re a bitch, that guy there is a bitch…I’m, well I’m not a bitch but everyone else is! Bitch!
Yea, pointless but fun to say 😀
#17 Dubya never cheated on his wife, but he got us into a disastrous war that has killed thousands, cost us many billions, and hurt the country severely.
Nixon never cheated on his wife either.
On the other hand, the country did pretty well under cheating Clinton.
So I’d say your “never trust a cheating politician” idea is full of sh*t. 🙂
And no, it doesn’t make Edwards any less guilty. But it does show something. You wingnuts who are criticizing him so severely but were silent for all the Republican cheaters — it exposes you as a bunch of dishonest hypocrites. Not that that’s a big surprise.
And you never did answer my question in #13… 😉
“I guess she’s just not dying fast enough”
Is she dying at all? The cancer always seems to be perfectly politically timed, then goes away when it’s not needed. Maybe one shouldn’t trust a politicians wife, either?
Which doesn’t change the fact that he’s a scumbag.
Looks like I hooked a nerve… cheating on your wife are you? Or in your case would that be life partner?
Again, you are whistling past the graveyard when you use the “everybody else does it” defense.
12 Glass Half Full
I missed how many of those guys thought they were good enough to run for Vice President.
13 Phydeau
But enough about Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait…
Maybe Edwards can follow that noble Democrat VP-wannabe past-time of supporting John McCain.
#20 “Doddging” the point I see. And still not answering the question in #13. 🙂
No one here is saying it’s OK what he did. Only a moron could not understand that. We’re just pointing out your obvious wingnut hypocrisy criticizing him for what he did but not criticizing the many Republicans who did what he did.
And BTW… all the research shows that you pious moralizing red-staters are far more likely to cheat than us liberal blue-staters. FYI. 🙂
#21 13 Phydeau
But enough about Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait…
Yes, I understand. The wounds are still too fresh to acknowledge that you supported the colossal f*ckup that was the Dubya administration. In time you’ll be able to admit it and forgive yourself and put it behind you.
But for now, don’t think about what a horrible thing he did, starting that war and causing the deaths of so many people based on lies.
#22-Phydeau-all the research shows that you pious moralizing red-staters are far more likely to cheat than us liberal blue-staters.
What research? I hate to tell you but wishful thinking, voices in your head, or sweet whispers from your life size rubber dolly doesn’t count as research.
#24 Hmmm… judging from how right-wingers project their own faults onto others, I’d say you’re cheating on your wife with your life-size rubber dolly. 🙂
#25–Phydeau==I think you missed Doodypants completely. Those well reported studies on the character differences between liberals and conservatives “somehow” did not make it onto Faux News. You can’t really expect Dr Doodypants and the other dittoheads here to have heard about anything so elite can you? Academic Studies??? Who needs them.
#25-Phydeau-judging from how right-wingers project their own faults onto others…
May I say that it’s always a pleasure watching you confuse your life with real life.
23 Phydeau
I’ll have to wait until Bush’s Secretary of Defense finishes in Iraq before I forgive myself though.
#26-boobo-have heard about anything so elite…
So elite is what you call it? Judging from your choices of Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Hussein Obama, elite must be a metaphor for depraved electorate.