• Windows 7 driving record profits for MSFT.
  • iPad all over the news again, but people are complaining.
  • AT&T boosting network investment.
  • Also the iPad moniker trademarked by others.
  • Nintendo profits dropped while DS still sells like crazy.
  • Obama may privatize the space shots. What?
  • Google social search reaching beta.
  • McGraw-Hill snubbed? Or not?
  • Digital books under renewed attack.

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  1. qb says:

    I don’t use Windows much anymore, but I know lots of good, smart at Microsoft. If Ballmer and Ozzie would leave and they could get back to doing what they do best (JCD is right) then they would have a pretty darn good company.

    If people are complaining about he the iPad then that means they got it about right.

  2. Zybch says:

    No wonder the iPad has lost its luster already. Its just a large screen iPhone with no phone, nothing more. A pointless product for the brainless cult of apple/steve.

  3. KMFIX says:

    #2… At least this time Microsoft admitted all they did was copy the Mac OS.

  4. qb says:


    Ha. Actually I think MS has some terrific people and products – Windows 7 is excellent for example. Ballmer is destroying the company and Ray Ozzie hasn’t inspired MS’s own teams let alone 3rd party developers. Sadly too many of their best people are trickling out the door. If you made Mich Mathews President and Scott Guthrie Chief Architect then you’d have leadership inside the company again.

    Right now everyone is waiting for Ballmer to die.

  5. GregA says:

    Wow my joke about picture frames has taken off, gizmodo is running with it, and I found this article…


    I am telling you guys, the iPad is not being targeted at computer nerds, it is targeted at the digital photo frame market…

  6. GregA says:


    I don’t know anything about Balmers management style, but he is really horrible as Microsofts pitch man. At the very least, he needs to step down as their keynote presenter, and MSFT stock goes up to 35 right away. Whenever he speaks I am just waiting for him to say the next cringe worthy thing…

  7. Pikachu says:

    9 reasons why cloud computing is garbage:

    Re iPad:
    If you look carefully at the videos by Apple employees, they all look scared. Their eyes are moist and glassy.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I spent a while trying to figure out how to send this in to DU, but I give up. Do your private browsing on a vanilla XP machine with IE. 😉

  9. qb says:

    #8 Pikachu

    I know companies (we’re talking 10,000’s of thousand of employees) that have all their data on servers owned and managed by other companies hundreds and thousands of miles away from their offices.

    It’s called outsourcing your data center. If you pick a crappy provider and don’t manage the contract well then you get what you deserve.

  10. Buzz says:

    If the iPad is flawed, the Kindle has zero right to exist.

    The iPad is just as much a failure as the iPhone. But in a different way.

    Here’s an interesting test: pull out a business card and ask yourself if you would like to read Wikipedia on a screen that size. The iPhone screen is about 82% of the size of a standard business card.

    Compare the iPad screen to the size of the active page area in most books. Way larger than paperbacks. Close to the size in fairly large books and 130 pixels per inch, making reading easier than on your typical 101 ppi computer screen.

    Now, as you decide to lose interest, recite the specific applications you don’t warm up to on the iPad. Or better yet, put all those conclusions on hold for a couple of months.

  11. qb says:

    #13 pedro

    For the masses, Win7 is “fine” which makes it a good product. Out of curiosity, what do you use? You don’t Mac (no duh?). You don’t like Windows. You trash open source so I assume you don’t like Linux or FreeBSD.

    That’s why I made the crack at you the other day about using a VAX 4500. I certainly know everything you hate, is there anything you like?

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe the iPad mania is waning because they didn’t come up with and extra absorbent model =3

  13. deowll says:

    I haven’t heard that many people saying they want to buy an Ipad expect Adam C. who wants to use it as a sound system controller.

    I’d want a couple of USB connectors to hook up a regular keyboard and an external drive. I’d also want to be able to swap out batteries and to open a compartment and plug in large capacity flash memory cards.

    If this thing can hook into the phone system it bloody well ought to have the ability to make a phone call and let you talk using a mike and speaker along with a camera for video conferencing.

    I can do these things with my much cheaper netbook that has two gig of ram and a 160 gig hard drive that has a screen the same size and has a built in keyboard though with mine I’d have to purchase a dongle to make the call directly rather than going through a wireless net connection.

    Buy what you want after all _you_ are the one that is going to pay for it. ?8^)


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