1. Awake says:

    160GB Hard Drive
    Real Keyboard
    Spare / replaceable battery
    Mutitasking Operating system
    Multiple USB Ports

    Runs Skype
    Runs wireless
    Runs iTunes
    Runs any page in the Internet
    Runs 1000’s of real programs
    Runs Kindle software
    Runs cellular wireless on the provider of your choice

    Aside from the iPhone, most Mac products make me think of the image of a clown on bicycle with training wheels.

  2. Awake says:

    Oh… anf I forgot on #34 above…

    Runs Netflix
    Has video camera
    Had VGA output for large monitor (as long as monitor isn’t Apple with it’s Displayport only policy)
    Runs Boxee

    Reverse the list and you get a list of essential stuff that the iPad does not support.

  3. Buzz says:

    The one in which Hitler responds to Dvorak Uncensored is still in the edit bay…

  4. Dallas says:

    iPAD is a great product and a good price but lack of Flash support is a huge disappointment.

    #34 you seem like a Fry’s customer. iPAD buyers look for ease of use, access to iTunes for consumption applications and a slick formfactor.

    Buyers don’t care if it lacks eSATA support or runs Lotus Notes.

  5. RBG says:

    28 RBG No, it actually is Flash video that the iPad doesn’t run. On the surface, that makes no sense given its ubiquitous popularity.


  6. TJ says:

    That is an absolutely HILARIOUS video!! I was laughing so hard my wife rushed upstairs – certain I was having a heart attack. I kept trying to hit the pause button to catch my breath, but I would see the next line and just LOSE IT again.


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