Click on the photo for the Apple video promo

Click on the photo for Gizmodo’s first hands-on.

No contract. Prepaid. Activate on the iPad.

  1. The Aberrant says:

    I was disappointed you can’t install your own programs. Would be far better if you weren’t constrained to just iPhone Apps. As it is, I agree with those who say that there’s just no market for this. (Although the “colored Kindle” comment is apt.) Nice price point though.

    At that price point, with the ability to install your own apps (IE, running a “full” [or full-enough] version of Os.X) I could see myself buying it for my morning browsing and some personal gaming needs.

  2. Father says:

    Nexus One:

    better (but smaller) screen?
    free turn-by-turn navigation
    fully integrated Google Universe (Google Voice, etc)
    replacable battery, flash memory
    apps available directly from producers (carefull whom you trust)

    I can’t see Jobs’ vision with his slate.

  3. GregA says:


    As per usual the peons of the world don’t get it. Apple has revolutionized the digital picture frame industry with this device. Think about it, who else is bold enough to go ahead and put 3g right in the picture frame? Also, no one else has though to add a keyboard to digital picture frames until apple went ahead and did it. Finally no longer will you have to use that clunky remote control, that can get lost, to control your digital picture frame, Apple was the first to go ahead and integrate touch screen controls into their digital picture frame product. Also, all the other digital picture frame products might have facebook or pandora radio built in, only apple saw the wisdom in letting you access the app store for all your digital picture frame software needs. Finally, mobile Safari is simply best in class in digital picture frame web browsers.

    Once again Apple has done it, they have revolutionized the digital picture frame market. Yes, their product costs twice as much as other digital picture frame manufacturers, that is the cost of having the finest digital picture frame that money can buy.

  4. freddybobs68k says:

    Well looks interesting.

    The movies are so sycophantic as to make me want to repeatedly head butt the screen.

    Main problem from my perspective is price – it’s too much. It needs to compete in the netbook space as that is effectively what it is. The iPhone was originally 600USD. So they probably haven’t priced it to shift yet. Give it a year – if its 300USD or less, then maybe.

  5. RBG says:

    The 1074 x 768 iPad resolution is not great for HD photos. Too bad it couldn’t have been 1920 X 1080 to coincide with the HD movie standard.


  6. god says:

    I know I shouldn’t be surprised at most of the questions/criticisms.

    I haven’t seen one person here who comprehends the extra experience of depth of field from an ISP LCD screen vs. what you probably use. Just as an example.

    But, then, no doubt many of y’all choose not to purchase many products because they don’t fit the narrow ideologies you pretend to. Social or political.

    I recall the same kind of folks, same arguments, railing that HiDef TV would never succeed except among some kind of fanboy.

  7. Floyd says:

    Underwhelmed. Tablet computers have been out commercially for at least 10 years. They’re used for tracking medical data in hospitals, and for inventory taking in stores. They’ve been running on MS operating systems for some time.

    These aren’t the pads you’re looking for. Move along.

  8. jbellies says:

    It’s not a giant iPhone. It is a giant iPod Touch, which does have a market.

    I guess the name detractors have never used a Thinkpad or a notepad. For them, it has to be the new iBalls computer, composed of two spheres. You input on one sphere using the wand. The answer (which is always “Rub me some moh!”) appears on the other sphere. Comes with patented Balzac (TM) technology which adjusts the display depending upon the font size and rotates the text for immobile viewers.

  9. sentril says:

    God I really disappointed with this I thought it was going to have more features. It’s just a big Iphone and I already have one of those.

  10. rezyde says:

    Really no wireless sync! You mean I have to connect this thing to my desktop or laptop to sync. Come on Apple! No HDMI out!

  11. jescott418 says:

    Just a oversized iPhone. No Flash I am sure and tied to a crappy AT&T network if you want true mobility. Tied to iTunes for video content I am sure. Sorry I won’t be buying one. I can do everything it does already and much cheaper.
    The 1Ghz CPU is scary slow considering the Atom from Intel runs at 1.6 Ghz. Don’t know if its multi core? Will not run more then one app at a time?? Are you kidding. I guess Apple fans don’t mind paying a lot for something so handicapped.
    Low expectations I guess as long as its pretty.

  12. dob1001 says:

    Ugly thick bezel;
    Ugly wood texture in iBooks;
    Ugly brown graphics in Calendar;
    Ugly SD adaptor;

    I think the $500 entry price would have been ok IF didn’t need a host computer.

  13. GigG says:

    SO it is really just a big iTouch.

  14. Zybch says:

    #46 I agree with the ugliness of some of the pad. The stupid bookshelf UI is atrocious, and you’d think that a thinner bezel would have been one of the Lord Job’s demands.

    Add to that that its still just a shitty LCD display instead of the far superior (though admittedly pricier) OLED that more and more devices are now using like the Zune HD and Nexus phone.

    This thing has ‘flop’ written all over it, well it would if the brainless mac bots grew brains and realized that apple is just ripping them off.

  15. Mike says:

    I have a desktop, a laptop, iPhone…where does this fit in my life?

  16. GregA says:

    I think the real revolution that the iPad will herald is pay as you go 3g internet service from all the wireless carriers.

  17. qb says:

    pedro can finally replace his VAX 4500

  18. Howard Beale says:

    just a big ipod touch

    no camera-no video skipe

    no phone – ya I know no one would hold it up to there ear but a speaker or head set phone would be nice.

    no multitask? what year is this 1997?

    no flash ya flash sucks but its useful

    not open- locked up tighter than an iPhone will need a maximum security penitentiary brake not just a jail brake

    10 HOURS of battery LIFE–ill believe that when I see it

    kindle killer – how will it work in the sun?

    No HDMI/HD Video Out no SD or CF in–Adapters galore

    what the price of admission is only 499 I want one

    oh Apple you seductive devil you.

  19. KMFIX says:

    The thing needs USB ports, at least 2. Especially giving it a way to charge the battery… So if you’re low, or out, and you’re somewhere away from your precious 30 pin, you could connect to something and get power.

    I think that’s one of the coolest features on my crappy samsung phone.

  20. Breetai says:

    Ewww…. I thought for sure the price point was going to be out of hand. I think I may have to make the leap.

  21. Father says:

    A product only a fanboi could love.

  22. zzzzzz says:

    hmm hp iPaq

  23. god says:

    Poisonally, I’m waiting to hear more specs about the cpu. It is the first Apple silicon to make it into the wild. It’s called the A4. Probably the core (pun intended) reason for the combination of power and long battery life.

  24. amodedoma says:

    It’s not for me, but then I didn’t like the iphone or the ipod either. It’ll probably be a hit, which means apps store and itunes will make a killing. Good for them. For those of you complaining about what it doesn’t do, I suggest that’s part of it’s attraction. It’s not a computer, it’s a high tech communications and entertainment tool. Made simple to be used by nearly enyone. The price will come down and this thing will probably become very nearly ubiquitous.

  25. Glenn E. says:

    No, that can’t be the name. The “iPad”? More like what “I Paid!” for the Data services. They definitely need a better name. And stop milking the “i” prefix gimmick. Here’s one possiblity. How about calling it, the “Wi-Pad”?

  26. Glenn E. says:

    Oh! I know, how about the “Cobbler”? You know, as in keeping with the whole Apple theme.

  27. Pikachu says:

    I will probably buy one.

    I was an earlier adopter of the Newton, and over time I’ve owned 3 of those.

    The iPad external keyboard looks great.

    But I do notice that the Apple page says the iPad hasn’t been FCC approved yet…

  28. Skeptic says:

    It’s practically free. Just buy 10-15 shares of AAPL at $205 and in 6 months when the stock hits around $250 sell, you’ll have the $500 it costs. (IMO of course)

    I predict another winner for Apple.


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