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Click on the photo for Gizmodo’s first hands-on.

No contract. Prepaid. Activate on the iPad.

  1. robinson says:

    Glad I didn’t buy a netbook

  2. Father says:

    Not interested.

    Nexus One on AT&T please.

  3. fanboy says:

    the name sucks…

  4. bzel says:

    I think I will wait for the HP Tablet, the iPad sucks!

  5. rallenr says:

    Pad = Bad

    Terrible name. Too close to obvious feminine product.

    No killer app.

    Won’t hurt netbook market.

  6. KarmaBaby says:

    The Sony iTampon.

  7. Tim says:

    A pad with no wings? Seems like a step down.

  8. The Pirate says:

    Over-priced, under-powered, iJunk.

  9. Zybch says:

    Just another piece of overpriced overhyped junk that the macbots will lap up and defend against any reasonable criticism from the non-coolaid drinkers.

  10. LibertyLover says:

    Just what I thought. I large iPhone without the Phone.

  11. Phydeau says:

    The new Apple iPad… for those heavy workflow days…

  12. Glass Half Full says:

    I’m not sure I “get it”? This isn’t to replace my laptop (not full OS X you can install application on, just a iPhone apps). So I can’t use this to run iMovie, install PhotoShop and such. It’s just a big iPhone. But it’s not a phone, so I still have to carry my iPhone that already has all my games, email, web browsing and apps. So I carry my iPhone and this, just an iTouch (which is an iPhone without the phone) and this too?

    Too limited (not a full notebook) but just a big copy of my iPhone I already have. Who’s the market?

  13. bac says:

    On engadget, some idiots were complaining about no phone function. Who would want to place this 9 inch device up near their ear to make a phone call? Or handle all cals on a speaker phone function?

    If Asus added a phone to their EeePC line, added an accelerometer, screen flipping function, touch screen function, eReader software and individual office apps for $10, Asus would be able to compete nicely.

  14. bac says:

    iPad is not a laptop replacement nor is it a phone replacement. It was designed according to Steve to be between iPhone and iBook.

  15. Benjamin says:

    I like. As long as it has an app that reads PDFs then this is about like a colored Kindle that runs iPod apps.

  16. ajmcnulty says:

    Didn’t everyone think it would cost more? $499 is a low entry point, even with the Apple tax.

    Sure Fanboys will love it and MacBashers will hate it, but what does this do to the e-reader market? Will anyone still buy a Kindle/Nook (or any of the dozen e-readers launched at CES) after playing with one of these?

  17. cantigas says:

    Bluetooth headset capability could work fine.

  18. The0ne says:

    But it has a wallpaper!!!!!

  19. cantigas says:

    The ultimate in Couch Computing!

  20. sargasso says:

    Well, it’s finally happened, time for Big Steve to buy a condo in Florida and take up bingo. Got room in Cranky Geeks?

  21. Faxon says:

    Looks OK. Prices seem reasonable. Battery life sounds good. Nice thing. Not interested. I have a Kindle and if I get a cheap netbook, this does nothing they don’t do, at first glimpse. I am sure Apple will sell millions of them. Once again, the computer industry moves forward. It’s good for everybody, even if you never buy an Apple anything.

  22. chuck says:

    iPad Screen resolution: 1024×768, $499
    Kindle (9.7″) screen resolution: 1200×824, $489
    My netbook screen resolution: 1368×768, $399

  23. Glass Half Full says:

    No really…what is the market? It doesn’t replace the iPhone that does 98% of the same thing. It doesn’t replace your notebook. It’s too big to be just your MP3 player. I mean how many damn Apple products to I have to carry around from place to place.

  24. bac says:

    #18 — the big question is who is going to buy this iPad that doesn’t already have an iPhone?

    If a person owns an iPhone but wants a device lighter than a netbook but capable of net surfing and can be an eReader, what device would you get? A Nook or iPad?

  25. Hmeyers says:

    Steve Jobs has discovered how to rake in $$$ while developing an emerging market.

    That’s the good news.

    The bad news is that this thing probably doesn’t solve any problems I can think of.

  26. DrKhyron says:


  27. dusanmal says:

    I am likely target audience, “living off” 10″ laptops for 10 yrs supplemented for few recent years by iRex Iliad ebook reader.

    Size: exactly in wanted 9-11″ range
    Battery life (as stated): also in wanted 8-12 hrs range.
    CPU power: satisfactory for the purpose (as seen demo of using it)
    Network/connectivity: all what is needed
    Optional dock keyboard: excellent
    Storage: good options for many
    Price: good (would pay 100$ more if my BAD issues listed below are corrected)

    Screen usability for long term reading, to be seen in person (though the same type of tech’ is used as in other Mac products, which is not promising for the purpose).

    Screen resolution 1024x…: at the bottom edge of acceptable. You can’t deal with modern content below 1280x… Not killer bad, but disappointing.
    I/O, extensions: few USB connectors should have been a MUST. Dock (and optional “camera acc.” ) helps a bit but not substantially. Kludge.
    Lack of camera: Bad.
    Card reader: A MUST. Killer bad. Ideally both CF and SD slots should have been provided. I don’t want to send everything over the ‘Net, particularly not GB’s worth. I shouldn’t be forced to use external dongle (camera acc.) for this!
    No stylus writing on the screen: A must, killer bad. There is no substitute in annotating documents and interacting with written text but the pen/stylus. Finger dabbling is nice. But I must be able to write on it with equivalent precision and comfort as with pen.

    So, no banana. Maybe v 2.0, I hope. My current laptop, though old has 10″ screen and 1280x… resolution, performance similar to iPad and many USB (and other) slots. Even DVD and all card format reader. My iRex has pleasant to reed screen for work, days of battery life, same wrls. connectivity and screen resolution as iPad and it both has all card readers built in and stylus writing ability (and USB ports)… Apple should have at least matched this old combo…

  28. Mojo Yugen says:

    I want to see the fallout this causes in the eReader market. I think the most people looking at a Kindle DX will look long and hard at the iPad. If nothing else this should help drive down the price on them and that will be a good thing.

  29. Breetai says:

    I can’t wait for the hacked LCARS version.

  30. cantigas says:

    The ultimate Throne Computer!


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