Dvorak Poll: What Did You Think Of Obama’s State of the Union Speech?
By Uncle Dave Wednesday January 27, 2010
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#31-Olo Baggins of Bywater
Understandable. Liberals and denial go hand in hand when confronted with the fact that their lord and master Obama is a turd that can no longer be polished.
#31 Olo Baggins of Bywater
“The divider n’ chief doesn’t seem to be living up to expectations, does he?
Are you in a time warp? That guy lives in Texas.”
No he’s talking about the guy who tells the other side to STFU because he won. The guy who was supposed to be left of center but went far left. The guy who was against earmarks then signs the biggest pork barrel bill right after he gets in office.
The guy who was supposed to be left of center but went far left.
Anyone that says this about Obama has no idea what the far left is. Listen to Democracy Now for a week and see just how far from the left Obama is. Anyone that keeps the patriot act, keeps guantanamo open, keeps two wars going, and gives corporations money is anything but “far left.”
I really hate the tradition of the parties standing up and clapping when the President talks about their pet legislation. Republicans and Democrats are both guilty of this. They need to sit down and shut up and listen to the speech.
As for the speech, it is the State of the Union speech, not the speech on how Congress is going to spend your money. Billions of dollars worth of campaign promises is what it is. This is every President giving this speech, so I am not picking on just Obama.
Scary part of the speech was when the President talked about cap and tax. That will guarantee we stay in a long recession. Thanks Obama. I don’t know what is worse: the pork care bill or cap and tax.
Blah Blah Blah Blah…. I didn’t even watch it just a bunch of empty promises once again. He still hasn’t fulfilled his promise on other items.
I thought it was great. My nephew came over and we watched the complete, uncut Red Cliff movie. One of the best speeches ever!
I would have watched it but my TIVO was full and I needed to watch the Buffy reruns so I could delete them.
Looks like the Hope and Change Train is officially derailed. Back to Business as usual in Washington.
This Dvorak poll question misses the point of the President’s speech. We Americans (no longer just U.S. citizens) are expected to feel the emotions that are expressed(think of a Nuremberg rally with no marching with torches, or a sermon by Rev. Jeremiah Wright). Modern politicians no longer expect that the audience will actually believe any of the stated facts or promises. An adrenaline surge will win more support than reasoned argument.
Least presidential POTUS we’ve ever had.
To paraphrase: “Me, me, me, it’s all about me.”
It appears most of us are in agreement that we should do what Andy Shepard said, “…Lets take him out back and beat the shit out of him.”
Who’s with me? You’re allow to bring your own Rep or Dem for a good beating as well.
#42-LOWER CASE SCREEN NAME-“Me, me, me, it’s all about me.”
How right you are.
It’s official – The Obamanation said the word, “I” 96 times in 72 minutes.
I assume those who had that word while playing a drinking game are now dead.
You see, it’s not Obama’s fault. It’s the marketing people’s fault. First we kill all the marketers, then we kill all the lawyers.
The US is the only country in the world to have a teleprompter as a president.
See Peter Schiff’s comment: http://youtu.be/yUu7_WL4948?a
For anyone still following this, here is a very good analysis of Obama’s speech including his misdirections, deceits, and outright lies.
the best Comedy/Drama I’ve seen yet. oh wait, in order for comedy and humour to work, it has to be based in TRUTH.
(it was made better by the fact someone increased the gravity on the right side of the room.. seemed the repubs found it almost impossible to stand up..) ;x
nonetheless: 2 titles come to mind:
-JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! (rofl) (I swear I saw a puddle spill out from under pelosi’s chair.)
-and, “Santa Claus is coming to town”
Off Shore drilling??? (clean)***Coal***?? CLEAN Nuclear Power??! –he had something for everyone..
Nuclear power is anything BUT clean here in the USA. Everywhere else they recycle the spent fuel as much as possible. Here we just turn it into DU bullets and rain it down onto our enemies. –Effectively destroying their arable land and water table..and eventually, their DNA. -a wet dream for the eugenics crowd.
In either case, i’d rather have 500 coal plants spewing reletivly harmless soot rather than having tons of radioactive waste buried in the ground. -which can easily be set off by scalar waves no less.
Btw, our “advanced” use of nuclear power is a farce. You call splitting atoms just so we can BOIL WATER to run a steam turbine advanced?? What a complete waste of fission energy..
almost as funny as the fact that we are still using WWII V2 rocket technology to send satellites and the shuttle into space.
(the re-pubs must of wet their pants with all this oil/coal/nuke talk. ..happy in the knowledge of having a
hard-on for at least a week..)
(conversely, somewhere, a bunch of “Eco-Green’s” ears started to bleed and summarily, committed suicide upon hearing him utter the words “off shore drilling”, “nuclear power” and “coal” in a positive light, -in the same sentence, in front of the entire world)
Of course, if he does end up allowing this, any oil pumped will be sent to china, along with the last of our strategic grain reserves that he has been shipping to china since November.
The “we’ll make sure they play by the rules” meme..translation: -If you think the global police state is bad now, you ain’t seen nothing yet. -SuperCop America is back, only now the weapon of choice is the pen.
of course the flat out gall/audacity of this statement is amazing in itself. He is inferring that our government
is the “champion” poster child of “playing by the rules”
The speech will no less charm the pants off the ignorant masses (if any are still “left”)
I loved his “I’m going to take the money from the Big banks, and give it to the Community *Banks* (roflmao)
And he got a standing O for that!? -what a farce.
Of course, as soon as he does that, The Fed, the Rockefellers (JP Morgan/Chase) and Goldman Sachs will crash the economy “for real” this time. -bankrupting the last of the so called “good banks” who took the money, then nationalize them, then let aforementioned buy them up, pick their carcasses clean, then hand the gift wrapped and indebted bones back to the tax payers.
It was however, an Excellent speech.
-I’ve never seen anyone Lie so eloquently before in my life. -he is unequivocally, the best liar on the planet. (although Tim Geithner gave him a run for his money earlier today as he was *heavily*grilled by the senate finance committee. -perhaps that’s why he gave geitner a BIG “atta boy” hug before he started the speech.
(Nary a scruple in sight)
They will have a field day with the fact-checks tomorrow..
No need to wait for tomorrow for the “field day with the fact-checks tomorrow..”
We already have that today!
Obama does have a talent for pissing people off.
He has already pissed off postal workers, firemen, and every cop and sheriff in the country…
Now add to that the entire Supreme Court! He just made a powerful enemy. They were all put up for ridicule in front of the entire world! That was insanely stupid.
Even when he HAS a teleprompter he puts his foot in his mouth!
You guys are really angry.
Sux to be you, eh?
Are you guys reading the same fact checking article that I am? You guys claim that the fact checking article shows the “misdirections, deceits, and outright lies” in the Obama speech.
The only ones even close to a lie or misdirection are the statements about lobbyists and openness. Everything else is in the article is nitpicks and opinions.
Alleged professor of constitutional law got the facts wrong about the one Supreme Court case he discussed. So was he lying or ignorant?
Soundwash: Ask the folks near Kingston TN how “safe” the ash from a coal plant is. Coal plants also release a substantial amount of radiation into the air. The CO2 boogie man is the least reason we shouldn’t be using coal.
If the problem with nuclear is the lack of processing, maybe we should get on that.
Fightin’ Words
That’s an excellent link!
I’m waiting for the Republican poll that shows 92% of americans agree with recent supreme court ruling. Woot woot!
Hey Dallas! Obamapologist extraordinaire!
Read post #50 again, then look at the video of how angry the Justices look.
Even his sweetheart Sotomayor was disgusted.
Obama the great orator managed to diss the entire head of the third branch of government!
Good job!!
This was an unprecedented and calculated public attack by a President against an equal branch of government.
More than that it was a bold signal from those using Obama that no American institution, group, custom or tradition is beyond attack, ridicule or destruction.
Danger signals should be going off all over the place after this attack because clearly there is danger ahead.
#60. Nice catch. And yet I agree with Obama on this one.
#60, McCullough
History will tell us if Obama was right or wrong on his take of the Supreme Court decision (the majority of Justices don’t think so), but this is known.
Obama publicly declared war with the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court will absolutely have to push back. No option, if they are to maintain even the semblance of impartiality.
Roe Vs. Wade? Guns in the classroom? Constitutionality of Universal Health Care?
Obama the great orator managed to diss the entire head of the third branch of government!
More than that it was a bold signal from those using Obama that no American institution, group, custom or tradition is beyond attack, ridicule or destruction.
At least he didn’t call them liars when they read their verdict…