Dvorak Poll: What Did You Think Of Obama’s State of the Union Speech?
By Uncle Dave Wednesday January 27, 2010
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Good speech, but we know he can do that.
I like that he called out the Supreme Court on the election funding decision.
He should be up on the bully pulpit more often. People are angry and until somebody does something they will continue to get angrier. Obama is a smart man who understands many issues. I would rather see him try than some looney-toon.
The question is: does he really have the balls?
As is the case every year, a bunch of monkeys can’t sit in their chairs and STFU. They have to jump up and down, hoot and holler while slapping their monkey ass hands together. The military really needs to get in their and start shooting when the monkeys act out.
#2 the military was too shocked and awed by the Gays in the Military idea..
I’m appalled that he insulted the Supreme Court of the United States right to their face because he didn’t approve of the 1st amendment interpretation. Of course he just spent the entire time bashing anyone and anything he doesn’t approve of. I was surprised to hear “drill for more oil in the U.S.” … “more nuclear power” … “clean coal” … “IF you go along with cap ‘n trade” … Oh, right. And that whole bit about people perpetually campaigning! He’s been campaigning and organizing for his entire first year in office!
Thank goodness only ten more months of this guy.
Just a bunch more or yada yada yada blah blah blah.
The LIEBERALS will rejoice.
It is amazing that no one has read the U.S. Supreme Court decision. It only gave corporations the same rights as labor unions. Limit their contributions and you limit corporations. Why should a labor union have no limits or restrictions but not corporations? I personally would like to see less influence by both….
I counted roughly 24 minutes of applause followed by 1 more minute after the speech ended. I don’t care who is talking, these people need to sit down and shut the hell up.
I suppose this is a win win for those already headed to “public service” careers.
“student loans, and all of their debt will be forgiven after twenty years – and forgiven after ten years if they choose a career in public service.”
Yeah, just what we need, even more workers sucking the public teat with an additional incentive of forgiven educational loans. Government jobs already pay more than the private sector with much better benefits including retirement benefits that are ludicrously generous. And where does the money come from to pay for this?
I looked at the results on the vote and more people disliked the speech than liked it. That suggests to me that it failed to achieve its objective.
My favorite document is the Gettysburg Address. This was no Gettysburg Address.
Maybe that’s not fair.
I don’t think he agreed to do what people have said they wanted done. He’s going to be open and fight earmarks and lobbyist? He’s promised this before but what did he do? I’ll believe that when I see it!
You guys have fun.
did anyone else notice at the end how many autographs this guy was sigining while he was leaving the chamber?? just seemed awful odd to me. he is the president, not a rock star or star athlete. these representatives in our government need to get themselves out of this obama daze they are in and start doing some real work….
“student loans, and all of their debt will be forgiven after twenty years – and forgiven after ten years if they choose a career in public service.”
OK, so what private lender will now give money with these terms? Moreover, government-backed student loans are the primary reason we have the college education cost bubble.
I didn’t see it but will as soon as I can.
The comments here suggest he did a great job given the sheep are complaining about the applauses he got and autographs he signed.
This gives me a good indicator it went well.
Straw man gambit. It would work in easier times. However, right now people are examining everything with wide open eyes. Also they are not dumb as Left thinks they are. Even the argument about Supreme Court decision is based on assumption that voters are stupid. No amount of spent money should change your own examination of candidates. If it does, you deserve what you get.
I am glad that a Republican was elected….oh wait…
He talked the talk – I’m waiting for him to walk the walk
Haha charade you are.
Don’t believe them, don’t fear them, don’t ask anything of them.
The right wing nuts are going to whine and complain no matter what his speech actually was.
35 years ago canada stood to the brink of bankruptcy with less than half the (inflation adjusted) debt you now experience. We still have huge resources and actually still have internal production capacity. Crispy Cream Donuts is ten time the size of our military we can’t afford any more and have a health care system that is on the brink of un-sustainability. The US production capability has been shipped offshore and with it any possibility of a swift potential to rebuild the internal wealth needed to repay your national and personal debt. A 2% increase in interest rate and you’re looking at the never recovering economy Japan has seen for the past twenty years.
This whole scenario terrifies me because if you go Canada goes. We need you to begin to reward profit and prosperity generated internally.
Obama is living a complete fantasy.
He has a nice speech and I hope that he can do all what he had said and not all words.
I watched about 60 seconds on TV and couldn’t take the circus seal act every two sentences and, worst of all, seeing Pelosi in HD. Seriously, the Dems need pull the flag over that crypt keeper.
I did read the speech as I generally do with the SoU. Can’t argue with Obama’s talent for locution. He addressed nearly everything that has been said against him in the past six months. The real question is can he actually convince people to act? So far, he has not demonstrated that he has the ability to actually effect change.
I do take exception to his hollow arguments in favor of the stimulus bill. Most reasonable people understand the need for TARP which added little to the overall debt once all the loans are/were paid. We get it; the financial industry need to be rescued.
The real question people have is spending billions to save a paltry number of low paying, low tax revenue generating jobs. The ROI to the tax payers on the stimulus bill was nearly zero. It made little to no difference on the economy and put us farther into debt. Saving a handful of 30K/yr jobs isn’t going to improve the economy.
10 months?
At the moment of this posting the poll is fairly evenly split. I’m quite surprised because based on the normal comments here I thought it would be 75% “hated it.”
I didn’t bother to watch it. Call me silly but I figure if anything interesting happened or was said that it just might get a bit of coverage in the news so I didn’t waste my time sitting thorough all the clapping and boring crap… …I had enough of that earlier today with Steve Jobs…
The time for stirring speeches has long past but the president hasn’t caught on. He won his election on stirring rhetoric, but it’s time for action not words. So far it’s just BS, who the hell cares what he’d like to do if he could?! I guess he didn’t really have much else to talk about. At least he kept an optimistic tone, you heard the man, things are getting better – now don’t you feel reassured?
Best parts of the speech was when he called out the Repugs for opposing everything and the past 8 years that got us in this shape: going from huge surpluses to horrific debt. He gave them and the country a really good history lesson and explained the exact process of fiscal irresponsibility and refusal to act on the impending colossal collapse that would have made our present situation look like a walk in the park.
Those expecting to hear a State of the Union speech must have been confused when they found themselves listening to a delusional community organizer still running for President.
The divider n’ chief doesn’t seem to be living up to expectations, does he?
Not everyone is bothered by Obama’s pathetic display of leadership. Jimmy Carter was seen dancing down the aisle with expectations of no longer being labeled as the worst US president.
The divider n’ chief doesn’t seem to be living up to expectations, does he?
Are you in a time warp? That guy lives in Texas.