Dvorak Poll: What Did You Think Of Obama’s State of the Union Speech?
By Uncle Dave Wednesday January 27, 2010
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When I first viewed the poll results there were slightly more nays than yeses. It would appear that the more time people have to think about the speech the fewer people like it.
It is my belief that the people who didn’t like the speech are going to find a meaningful way to share their pain by voting.
#63 The Supremes lost any semblance of impartiality in Bush v. Gore. At the time legal experts were shocked that they took the case and shocked that they decided on equal protection grounds and floored that it was a one-time-only deal. If the Supreme Court wants to be an explicit political actor then it can be treated as such.
“Roe Vs. Wade?” Please
“Guns in the classroom?” You must explain further, but I can intuit that you are hopelessly wrong.
Does Obama think, even in his wettest dream, that the Supreme Court will kowtow to him?
Is he that stupid?
Looking back again, I feel a little sorry for Barry. He needs to take a laxative.
As I said before, the right wing nuts won’t care for facts. They’ll make them up as they go along.
As for the number of “I”s in the speech? Guess what? The President is outlining his agenda for the coming year. It wouldn’t matter what was said, you as**oles would still complain.
#71, As I said before, the right wing nuts won’t care for facts. They’ll make them up as they go along.
What a hypocrite! You and your left wing wingnuts are constantly making up shit to defend the Obamessiah. And when confonted with facts, result to personal attacks.
Tell us, conFusion, why would you sacrifice others to save your wife?
You both have nuts, apparently too big for either of you to handle. So why don’t you STFU and leave the thread alone already.
I think it was Aliens that mind-controlled Obama to say and do what he did to make everyone so pissed. They are responsible, lets all focus our hatred towards them instead.
Death to all Aliens! Charge!!!!
People! People!
Let us have compassion for Fusion!
His hysterical rant is normal for anyone who realizes their messiah is a false God.
#73, Mine are not too big, not too small, just right.
I just know how to use them correctly.
Principal Obama’s Lessons for America
My favorite line:
The president took credit for the stimulus package, demanded another one — and called for budget restraint
We should be disgusted the Court now allows UNLIMITED MONEY available to buy off Congress.
Yet, the Republican sheep here are moaning that Obama ruffled their feathers. How fucking pathetic.
The Supremes lost any semblance of impartiality in Bush v. Gore. At the time legal experts were shocked that they took the case and shocked that they decided on equal protection grounds and floored that it was a one-time-only deal. If the Supreme Court wants to be an explicit political actor then it can be treated as such.
What dribble. This was a fundamental issue of election protocol. It would have been shocking had the Supreme Court not taken the case. Further, the core issue is that Florida wanted to change election procedures during the election. It was Bush’s side that argued his case under Equal Protection (the Supreme Court did not come up with that) and he did so stating that the rules within the State have to consistent. You can’t change the rules of what counts as a legal vote from one place to another during an election.
Frankly, the Supreme Court is a political actor being that they are the third branch of the Federal government. By definition, checks and balances implies checks and balances of power and thus politics.
#62 McCullough,
while i agree as well, my take is that this is all a charade.. -me thinks they were ordered to do this.
the dems will need bookO bucks in this midterm cycle to not be wiped clean. historically, they will lose seats on this cycle anyway, but now it has been compounded 10 fold by the madness of Reid, Pelosi and the rest of the closed door “backroom cabalers”
This was just the “ticket” they needed.. -they will now have wide open phantom internet donations ala obama’s campaign. -and I’m sure the repubs will abuse the crapout of it as well.
Let’s see if this “Bill” he spoke of is passed before the midterms. -if it is passed, but full of loopholes, we will have our answer..
I would accept nothing but a bulletproof, full reversal.
#80 Bush v. Gore was a fundamentally a coup d’état.
Different voting precincts have a wide variety of voting machines and ballot types. Right there you need to scratch your head when lack of standardization is used as an excuse.
The fact that the court’s decision was not to be used as a precedent in any other case is jaw dropping. That isn’t how the legal system is supposed to work.
I also question that the supreme court was widely seen to be a political actor prior to Bush v. Gore. Obviously that has changed.
The issue is that the determination of what was considered a legal vote (remember the dangling chads?) was changing day to day. Some considered chads that were attached but somewhat punched to be a vote, others did not and so on. This has nothing to do with the machines. This has to do with the way in which the recounts were being conducted by humans.
You have a mistaken notion about how the system works. It is not the case that every Supreme Court decision is supposed to be used as precedent. A vast majority are to be sure, but it is not a requirement.