1. TmomasLomez says:

    Hahaha, Republican for Governor in Illinois? He’ll just end up in jail like the rest of ’em!

  2. Breetai says:

    LOL!! That’s awesome.

  3. Jerry Vachaparambil says:

    This one’s different. He’s the real deal…check him out

  4. Tom Woolf says:

    OK – time to go check the Dvorak archives. We have to see if he was deriding the Bush administration for their fiscal irresponsibility (you know, like excessive cutting of taxes leading to a deficit, starting two wars – one optional/recreational for W – without consideration of funding, unfunded multi-multi-billion dollar drug bill, etc.)

    If Dvorak complained of those things, then I will happily come back and say “My apologies, Mr. Dvorak…” I suspect those criticisms will be missing, which will lead me to believe that Dvorak falls into either the “I’ve got mine, screw you” or “blatant hypocrite” category.

  5. Benjamin says:

    if (party == Republican || party == Democrat)
    if (location == Illinois)
    politicalCorruptionFactor = 10;
    politicalCorruptionFactor = 2;

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    As for a political ad it is good.

    As for veracity it stretches the truth. As expected from a challenger.

    As for promoting a commercial product, I would think Apple might have something to say about this.

  7. DavidtheDuke says:

    Republicans it’s “there’s a tax for that”
    Democrats it’s “there’s a corporate beancounter for that”

    Maybe the idea of centralized power in general (corporate or govt) is a bad thing.

  8. Colin says:

    Want to get cable television in Chicago City? There’s a tax for that.

    I kid you not… $9 “amusement tax” on my cable bill every month.

    So glad I moved out of that place

  9. stopher2475 says:

    #8 Too bad you can’t write back to the City and say you only watch educational programming and “I guarantee I was not amused.”

  10. rffarms says:

    This is awesome, Whoever did this should get a bonus, I would says more but there is a tax for that.

  11. qb says:

    #5 Benjamin

    Your comment went into an endless loop on my computer. And then there was a memory leak. Now there is a stack corruption…

  12. deowll says:

    A good add. The people of Illinois are going to decide who gets the ax and right now they are mad as bleep at the people in power because they are in pain because the people in power have been making bad choices.

  13. Tom Woolf says:

    Mr. Dvorak – you have my apologies….

    E – bite my shiny metal butt…. sorry I did not respond in a time frame that met your meticulous standards.


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