1. fromundacheese says:

    Dr. Paul should just come out and call him the crony insider that he really is.

  2. tom says:

    oh boy, she’s a cutie !

  3. TThor says:

    I simply love Ron Paul’s message… so consistent and so sensible!

  4. Thinker says:

    RP’s making alot of sense here. If we’d work the system, the system would work.

  5. Father says:

    I can’t see this on my phone.

    However, I have to point out the following. Money is just worthless green paper. Gold and silver are just a pretty metals.

    Food, medicine, and the ability to ply some craft or trade are the only things worth more than spit.

  6. nick the rat says:

    i want to hug ron paul. i cant believe hes not got two to the head yet… they might when they realize he cant be shmeared

  7. brm says:

    “Gold and silver are just a pretty metals.”

    Where does this idea come from that someday, gold and silver will be worthless?

    Scarce hard to get metals have been used as money since the dawn of civilization. There’s no reason to believe this trend will change.

    Unless this attitude is disinfo from the fiat currency merchants.


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