The second part of the video is here.

  1. Pikachu says:

    Glenn Beck cries too much.
    I mean, he does it for a TV show, like that guy from that Network movie (1976).

  2. Breetai says:

    So… He didn’t back it up. It’s too bad all the pieces fall into to place that way.

  3. Floyd says:

    While I don’t always agree with Ron Paul, I respect him.

    Need I say whom I don’t respect?

  4. deowll says:

    The people running this government are not that fond of the CIA.

  5. Lou Minatti says:

    Ron Paul was great in Bruno.

  6. Cursor_ says:

    Taking political advice from Ron Paul is like taking medical advice from Tom Cruise.


  7. Rabble Rouser says:

    Ron Paul and Glen Beck are both idiots!

  8. The0ne says:

    Yes, but Beck should be brutally beaten up imo. He shames winners of previous darwin awards.

    I’m not advocating anyone here should go and beat Beck up, mind you, but if you do decide to do it please tape it and put it on youtube. Thank you.

  9. Tom Degan says:

    It amazes one to realize the extent to which this silly country is susceptible to such blatant propaganda as spewed forth on a Daily basis by FOX Noise.

    These are the days of America’s ultimate doom. When a clueless thought Nazi like Glenn Beck is able to hijack America political conversation, it only proves beyond a wisp of a doubt that America has swallowed the fatal capsule of its own demise.

    Seriously, did you ever, in your weirdest, stupidest fantasies think your country would fall as low as it has? It kinda makes you wonder.

    Tom Degan

  10. Rick Cain says:

    And the CIA is one of the smaller intelligence agencies. We have 10 intelligence agencies, and the NRO for example is reputed to be 5 times the size of the CIA in manpower and budget.

    There’s more thats going on than Americans realize.


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