They’ll be talking about Obama using a teleprompter to talk to some kids. While this is happening, 3 bombs go off in Iraq, unemployment keeps getting higher and more evidence shows that many Gitmo detainees were “suicided”.

  1. jccalhoun says:

    At least no planes were being flown into buildings…

  2. lemonademaker says:

    shocker!! Hay-zusss uses a teleprompter to read what Nancy wants him to!!

  3. iHeartSocks says:

    Is there no place where this guy doesn’t use a teleprompter??

  4. Winston says:

    I’m neither a Rep or a Dem, but at least he isn’t sitting on his ass rocking gently back and forth like a nervous child for seven minutes after it was obvious the nation was under organized attack. Two of the _first things_ that would have gone through MY semi-intelligent mind that day if I’d been him:

    1. Get me out of here.
    2. Evacuate this school.

    3 bombs go off in Iraq – due to a war started by what president and what backbone free Congressional majority?

    Unemployment keeps getting higher – due to decades of brain-dead economic policies by both major parties

    Many Gitmo detainees were “suicided” – on what President’s “watch”?

    Partisanship is highly counterproductive and is _exactly_ what they want to to _waste_ your time with. The fact is they’re all manipulated puppets (but NOT by you) ripping you off of your wealth and rights daily.

  5. Benjamin says:

    Can Obama even speak without the TOTUS?

  6. Bob says:

    At least he didn’t sit for 7 minutes starring off mindlessly in to space like W did right after 9/11…

  7. Bob says:

    we now present to you The teleprompter of the united state of America. Oh ya, and some other guy reading it.

  8. Father says:

    POTUS is a reality TV show, hadn’t you heard?

  9. The0ne says:

    #4 nice one 🙂

    Still, one has to be able to talk to kids without prompters IMO. That is just insane. Is he that lost for words or just being overly careful? God forbid he’s trying to be “in the crowd” 🙂

  10. John says:

    Look closely people, it is very clearly Photoshoped. Geez!

  11. Vinny says:

    Well, if “the rest of the world is falling apart” is the standard, then this blog has a lot to learn about prioritizing, too, doesn’t it?

    Face it. It’s a funny picture. Two teleprompters in a classroom is a funny image and that’s that.

    As for the other morons here bitching about Bush’s 7 minutes, what about Kerry’s 40 (surely you all know John Kerry of the Senate Intelligence Committee)

    I guess W. shoulda run screaming out of the school with his hair on fire yelling “we’re all doomed!” or something, then jumped in a fighter jet and shot down those planes himself, right?

    Nobody knew how to react. We had never experienced that sort of thing on our soil before. You’ll understand if I cut Kerry and Bush some slack as far as knowing what to do as we’re being struck repeatedly on our own soil and 3000 people are dying.

  12. Winston says:

    #10 I perceive him to be a highly intelligent individual, so I don’t understand the need for teleprompters to talk to kids although he’s not really just talking to the kids, he’s talking to a much wider audience via the media coverage.

    Perhaps they took the previous President as a prime example of the great benefits of teleprompters. After all, “Fool me once………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”

  13. srgothard says:

    #11, can you tell me how you know? My parents emailed me to ask if this is real, and I can’t figure out how to determine one way or another.

  14. Winston says:

    #11 I’ll take your word for it. Even it is real, it’s much ado about nothing, the usual for what passes as US political discussion.

  15. Jim in Seattle says:

    When W was told in that classroom the news of the attacks, it was NOT confirmed that it was a terrorist attack. They didn’t know if it was an accident or not…and it wasn’t until they had further news of the other planes crashing in PA and into the Pentagon. What did you expect W to do? The one thing he didn’t want to do was to create a panic or a dramatic exit from the classroom. He did his best to keep his emotions under control as he waited to get more information from his aides who were monitoring the information. I really enjoy this blog but I’m getting weary of the Bush bashing.

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    If he was speaking to kids in such a classroom, he’s be in a small chair with kids all around. This is obviously a speech or press conference of some sort using the classroom as a backdrop, not a typical classroom visit.

    But that won’t stop the right-wing press, obvious facts never have before.

  17. jccalhoun says:

    What did you expect W to do?
    Anything but sit there like nothing was going on.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Re: Bush…between the first plane hitting WTC and the second, nobody was sure what was happening. We can armchair QB Bush all day on that classroom visit, but he was out of the line of fire there and waiting for solid news. As a Day 01 Bush-hater, I say let it go.

  19. insert_funny says:

    Saw that link on Drudge this morning. The caption clearly states that he is addressing the media following a discussion with elementary students. So nice try right wingers.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    This meme needs a BS meter.

    I’ll guess that his event was being televised and the classroom was just a backdrop.

    The “Obama needs a teleprompter” is pure right wing projection.

    It is the CONSERVATIVES who prefer their leaders pretty-but-dumb — Reagan, Bush. Palin all absolutely need to have their words scripted for them. Too often, when they went off-script, these conservative heroes LITERALLY made no sense.

    We’ve seen Obama speak unscripted a zillion times now, and he’s informed and articulate.

    … well, except the low-information conservatives who swallow and repeat what Fox tells them, rather than bothering to inform themselves.

    I know you can’t accept that a black man is hellofalot smarter than YOU, your friends and your guru Fox pundits but Obama really is that smart.


    PS: And don’t bother posting any of your stupid links to YouTube of some 3-second clip of Obama saying something that SEEMS dumb but makes perfect sense if you watch that actual talk.

  21. Dallas says:

    When Republicans bellyache about Obama using a teleprompter, I feel good the big issues are being handled well.

    Thank you president Obama for preventing a terrorist attack in your first year in office, unlike the Cheney administration.

  22. LotsaLuck says:

    # 21 Greg Allen said,

    “We’ve seen Obama speak unscripted a zillion times now, and he’s informed and articulate.”

    Except for that whole “The police acted stupidly thing” that he said at his last news conference which was, what, last July??

    Oh, and that whole deal where he went to a fund raiser and said that conservatives were folks who ‘clung’ to their religion and their guns because they were so ‘bitter’.

    Depends on your politics if you want to accentuate the goofy stuff or not.

    As for the issue at hand – the teleprompter at the elementary school – it may be totally logical to have a teleprompter handy to deal with the press.

    Gotta admit it looks kinda silly, though.

  23. Phydeau says:

    #20 So, will the wingnuts turn tail and run, or will they man up and admit they were wrong on this one?

    Gee, let me guess…

  24. Phydeau says:

    #23 Say what you want about his politics, but it’s nice to have a president who you can remember a couple of times said tactless things. As opposed to a president who has books and websites dedicated to the countless strange and incomprehensible things he’s said.

  25. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Pedro, what are you whining about now?

    Classroom visits with kids don’t require mics, lecterns, audio and video monitors or teleprompters. Have you ever been in such a classroom as a parent or a teacher? (heh…)

    You watch, this pic will float around the right-wing hemisphere for a few weeks, or longer, despite its obvious and unequivocal reality. Just like the “missing” In God We Trust on the dollar coin. Gah.

    Talk to me again about fabrication. And what’s your thing with sheep? Wait….nevermind, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know.

  26. Dr Dodd says:

    If the Obamanation had not been sold to the people as a great orator this episode probably would have gone unnoticed. As it turns out it stands out much like Dallas’s lips on Obama’s butt.

    Great orator? Just another lie that is Barack Hussein Obama. Barry to some.

  27. LotsaLuck says:

    Have lefties no sense of humor when it involves their own?

    It wasn’t that long ago the the leftie blogosphere was full of images of Bush walking arm-in-arm with some Saudi bigwig.

    So yeah, we takes it and we gives it.

    It’s the political game, son.

    Oh, and I imagine that in a few years there *will* be plenty of books and websites full of goofy Obama quotes.

  28. Kilby says:

    That is totally a photoshop but sadly plausible.

  29. Phydeau says:

    #29 Ah, sheeple never disappoint. Always bringing lousy apologies but always fencing with reality.

    Translation: OK, they got us on this one. Spit out some nonsense verbiage and wait until the next opportunity to rant and rave about Obama.

  30. The0ne says:

    I’ve been fooled! I’m so upset. Their tactics are working to some extent 🙂 Damn fools like me forget to research from time to time 🙂

    Never again Cherman!!! Damn You to Scientology Hell!!!


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