They’ll be talking about Obama using a teleprompter to talk to some kids. While this is happening, 3 bombs go off in Iraq, unemployment keeps getting higher and more evidence shows that many Gitmo detainees were “suicided”.

  1. angry says:

    Funny how he skews left even in photos. HAR!

  2. Phydeau says:

    #34 HAR indeed. If you picture yourself in his position, he’s actually skewing right. How apropos.

  3. Rabble Rouser says:

    Poor photoshop job. Shadow for Obama and his body guard, but none for the teleprompt stuff.

    How stupid do these people think we are?

  4. RBG says:

    36 Rabble Rouser.

    And where’s Obama’s shadow from the light behind him? I see the speaker shadow. The man is without substance.


  5. MikeN says:

    #19, you sir are the Worst Person in the World

  6. Animby says:

    # 28 Dr Dodd said, “Great orator? Just another lie that is Barack Hussein Obama. Barry to some.”

    Come on, Dodd! At least he don’t talk with no “Negro dialect”!!! Unless he wants to, of course.

  7. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Poor little pedro, can’t let a little thing like facts get in the way.

    “Obama held two separate sessions at the school — the first with students and a second for the media. And while he did use two teleprompters for his comments to the media he did not use them for his discussion with the students.”

    (There are also many other sources on the ‘net saying essentially the same thing)

    Facts. Enemies of the right.

  8. Somebody says:

    “but at least he isn’t sitting on his ass rocking gently back and forth like a nervous child for seven minutes after it was obvious the nation was under organized attack”

    You’d be nervous too if you knew that Dick Cheney was choreographing the whole thing.

  9. Rick Cain says:

    Obama has to use a teleprompter because rightwing fanatics do their best to twist anything Obama says or does.

    The last big Obama gaffe in their mind was when he wanted dijon mustard on his hamburger. Obviously he’s elitist scum who uses dijon instead of good old blue collar mustard.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    Did you guys see Obama SPANK the conservatives last Friday?

    … WITHOUT a tele-prompter!

    What a beauty. The GOP made the mistake of believing their own meme and thought it would be a cake-walk to debate Obama.

    So they let their spanking take place on live TV! Ha!

    Fox even cut the feed to shield their viewers from such a humiliation.


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