1. Gwendle says:

    Putting American? Better double check your heading.

  2. chris says:

    Roads seem better than wars and banker bonuses to me.

  3. lemonademaker says:

    Hey that’s Joe the Plumber in the background!!

  4. Dallas says:

    I go by the official sign on the top.

    The bottom shoe strung sign placed illegally by the GOP mafia is to undermine the economic recovery.

    It is also there to ridicule workers benefiting from reinvesting in American infrastructure.

  5. lemonademaker says:

    bottom sign, yellow logo silhouette : is that a ball and chain on the silhouette’s leg?


  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I bet workers tore that down within the hour.

  7. James says:

    Yes clearly our $12+ trillion debt is completely caused by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have nothing to do with our debt.

  8. Thinker says:

    Gotta smile.

  9. spsffan says:

    Well, our infastructure is falling apart almost as much as our economy. IIRC, every $1 put into highways nets $4 in overall economic gain. So, yes, this is not a war, gulag, banker/big business bailout but rather something actually useful.

  10. LotsaLuck says:

    Hmmm. Time to think logically now..

    That sign is not handwritten, but is professionally printed on what appears to be quality media.

    Not inexpensive.

    My guess is that it was taken down by whomever put it up immediately after the picture was taken.

    Perhaps you lefties can retaliate by spray painting the word ‘War’ on some Stop signs or something…

  11. dusanmal says:

    @#7 That is not the point… Point is that people have elected new administration believing its claims to change direction. Instead, administration have pressed pedal to the metal and sped up getting into the further debt by order of magnitude faster (literally: Bush insanity deficit numbers were almost exactly 10 times less than Obama). If you are in debt due to the previous administration and you do everything to cut it and spending – that is reasonable. If you are on debt from previous administration and think people chose you to dramatically increase it – you are either insane or driven by other concerns than well being of the country.

  12. Dennis says:

    And yet…people keep dying in our ‘Non-Newsworthy Wars’, our ‘Non-Newsworthy Homelessness’, and we keep paying the banks and the Corporations now have more rights than the Citizens. 5314 Dead in Iraq, can’t find an official number of dead in Afghanistan, 30 Million + out of work, and Bankers complaining their Yachts ain’t big enough.

    May you live in interesting times indeed.

  13. The0ne says:

    Where is this mysterious workforce? I certainly don’t see any in San Diego here.

    0 people working = 0 productivity = 0 anything

    Maybe I need to go check the closed parks and stuff for working people there. Maybe the streets and highways are intentionally left shtty so when they do work they have more work to do.

    If anyone see any of the city workers working please take a snapshot and post it here so some of us can “feel” better about this whole reinvestment thing.

  14. Floyd says:

    If people are going to work on this construction project instead of having to get unemployment, that’s probably a good result. If you’re working, you’re contributing.

    There is a lot of infrastructure in the US that needs repair or rebuilding. See the I-35 bridge collapse in Minneapolis a couple years ago as one example of many.

    On the other hand, the bottom sign isn’t helpful, since all it benefited was the sign maker.

  15. just me says:

    #12, Bush deficit numbers never included the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, whereas Obama deficit numbers do, so please, don’t compare apples to oranges.

  16. jccalhoun says:

    Is the work they are talking about the work of making the signs?

  17. testtubebaby says:

    #4. What workers? Has anyone seen any work being done where these signs are posted? I have not.

    How is this helping?!

    Build nuclear power plants, oil refineries.

  18. Benjamin says:

    Build something. I don’t mean more infrastructure either. We need to manufacture stuff in this country again.

  19. jescott418 says:

    It would be better if these jobs produced products which could be sold as profit which would create more private jobs. Instead these are government jobs which are from tax dollars.
    Which we have none so we borrow from China.
    Oh and China GDP is said to be close to double digit recovery? Imagine that? You know what they did? They gave coupons for large appliances? Yes, they were made in China. We need road and bridges repaired. But do not call it stimulus. Call it basic rebuilding of our infrastructure we should have been doing anyway!

  20. doodaa says:

    It is a joke people. We appear to be way past due for space aliens to stop by and save us all from sarcastic sign makers.

  21. Rabble Rouser says:

    Gee, I guess Obama is making the country broke by investing in roads. Maybe he should wage a war on a country that never attacked us, or give bailouts to big banks instead. Oh wait, Bush already did that… Not to mention the costs of the Iraq war were NOT put in the budget, but raised as “emergency” spending bills.

    Perhaps if they would take money away from the defense department, and give it to the DOT, we might have better roads, and fewer wars.

    Maybe if we stopped researching better ways to kill people, and spent it on how to heal people, and give EVERYONE medical care, we might have healthier people, and fewer wars.

  22. Tony Smit says:

    Why all the talk about construction work? Why are we bailing out the construction industry (and by extension, the material suppliers to the construction industry, concrete, steel, etc.) Because the construction industry has “overbuilt” itself and does not want to cut back either.

    There is a point in every geographic area where there are enough buildings for the population, and the only need for construction is repair and replacement, not for new big projects for the “edifice complex” crowd. America, as a whole, simply has enough buildings. It is the movement of people into other geographic areas that is causing the illusion of “growth” for those specific geographic areas, and building new buildings makes the construction industry very happy.

    Anyway, not everyone can work in a construction job. Most baby boomers can’t take the heat – the summer heat, the hot sun. They also cannot do heavy physical labor all day either, no matter how well they did it in their 20s. Age takes its toll on the human body.

    And that is just one of many reasons this country is headed into the Great Depression of the early 21st century. The fake-optimists say it isn’t a Great Depression, but they aren’t putting their own money into removing the Great Depression, they always want someone else’s money to do it, or, when those “someone else’s” don’t appear, then they say the government’s money is required, even if it has to be borrowed.

    I gotta stop this grumble, grumble.

  23. Phydeau says:

    #24 Tony, good points, but I think we assumed this is road/bridge construction, which is sorely needed.

  24. Phydeau says:

    #20 Psst… little pedro. If you’re going to pretend to be a bipartisan basher rather than just another right-wing hack, you need to try a little harder. The point being made here, my little bonehead, is that Dubya deceitfully kept the Iraq and Afghanistan wars off the books, thus hiding the true cost from the American public. This is something a bipartisan basher (hint hint) would criticize. If Obama is putting the war back on the books, he should be complimented for being honest with the American people.

    So try harder next time OK little pedro? Your right-wing bias is showing. 😉

  25. ECA says:

    SOP answer..

    AS more people become Unemployed..
    Business tax should rise, as the GOV puts those extra persons to work..
    The MORE work there is the LOWER the taxes should become.
    THATS how it should work.

    But LOGIC hasnt ruled in this country for decades..

  26. meetsy says:

    actually, I don’t mind fixing the highways, as long as they use American workers. However, have you ever seen the prices paid to these projects? The contractors make out …the workers get paid slightly better, the citizens who pay are paying 5x the going rate for the same work in the private sector. Ever wonder why construction company heads drive such nice trucks?

  27. freddybobs68k says:

    This is a little sideways – but if we want to start reigning in our debt we need to do something about health care. Yeah I know everybody is bored and frustrated about that, but it really is a huge part of the debt problem. Here is a graph from Jan national geographic.


    More on the topic – at least building the roads is actually doing something useful for the country. As opposed to bailing out failed banks, and insurance institutions so they can carry on paying huge bonuses.

  28. LibertyLover says:

    A federal spending surge of more than $20 billion for roads and bridges in President Barack Obama’s first stimulus has had no effect on local unemployment rates, raising questions about his argument for billions more to address an “urgent need to accelerate job growth.”


  29. Loupe Garou says:

    #16 just me “Bush deficit numbers never included the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, whereas Obama deficit numbers do, so please, don’t compare apples to oranges.”

    How about comparing your post to reality? Some of the war funding was submitted to Congress as “emergency” supplemental funding plans but not all. I think around 2007 or 2008 it was included in the regular budget.

  30. Loupe Garou says:

    # 23 Rabble Rouser “Gee, I guess Obama is making the country broke by investing in roads. Maybe he should wage a war on a country that never attacked us, or give bailouts to big banks…..”

    He did and continues to do so.

    “Not to mention the costs of the Iraq war were NOT put in the budget, but raised as “emergency” spending bills.”

    Not all of it, get your facts stright.

    “Maybe if we stopped researching better ways to kill people, and spent it on how to heal people, and give EVERYONE medical care, we might have healthier people, and fewer wars.”

    Oh! Come on you people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another right now
    Come on you people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another right now


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