The Daily Mail reports:

The scientist behind the bogus claim in a Nobel Prize-winning UN report that Himalayan glaciers will have melted by 2035 last night admitted it was included purely to put political pressure on world leaders.

Dr Murari Lal also said he was well aware the statement, in the 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), did not rest on peer-reviewed scientific research.

Dr Lal said: ‘We knew the WWF report with the 2035 date was “grey literature” [material not published in a peer-reviewed journal]. But it was never picked up by any of the authors in our working group, nor by any of the more than 500 external reviewers, by the governments to which it was sent, or by the final IPCC review editors.’

Money quote:

‘My educated guess is that there will be somewhat less ice in 2035 than there is now,’ he said.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    No, here is the money quote.
    “UN climate chief Rajendra Pachauri ‘got grants through bogus claims”

    Yes, it’s all about the money.

    And more!
    “Two American researchers allege that U.S. government scientists have skewed global temperature trends by ignoring readings from thousands of local weather stations around the world, particularly those in colder altitudes and more northerly latitudes, such as Canada.”
    Worth a read.

  2. Thinker says:

    Hear that sound? Thats the sound of Pachauri’s credibility going down the drain.

  3. Benjamin says:

    Are you saying it is wrong to produce the results that give you grants? Some times you got to toe the line to get by. I wrote papers advocating liberal stances on issues in college because that is how you get an A instead of a C. Not the same level, but when there is discrimination on ideas, you pretend your ideas are the ones desired.

  4. Dallas says:

    #1 Looks like you’re the one doing the rejoicing. Cherman did his weekly issues cherry pick ‘news’ to get Republican sheeple like you excited.

    The educated and informed filter out both the top and bottom ends of the rhetoric and focus on the aggregate. The sheeple like you like to read whatever supports your agenda.

    The need to do something about climate change is clear. The worst that can happen is cleaner energy, independence from foreign oil and taking measure to deal with the ramifications of third world nation growth. The worst is climate disasters of epic proportions.

    Clearly, the GOP sheeple like you will rely on prayer and voodoo. This is to important to let the loonies have a seat at the table.

  5. David says:

    For years we’ve been told ridiculous doomsday scenarios like the one about the Himalayan glaciers disappearing within decades. Maybe we can put the arctic sea ice one to rest too. I can’t wait to see how the global warming apologists are going to get out of this one.

  6. The0ne says:

    Cherman is on a roll today 😮 I honestly think DU is now Cherman’s World and that IS NOT a pretty thing to imagine. For example, I rather be living in China *gulp*

  7. jescott418 says:

    So these people are more activists then scientists? Go figure!

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    jescott418 for the score!!

    Activism masquerading as science.

  9. Rabble Rouser says:

    Damn it! I worked in college, looking at ice cores back in 1976, and there was proof that things were getting warmer over the past 150 years, or so. Just because these bozos didn’t do their due diligence, doesn’t make the fact that the climate is changing fiction.

  10. So? The climate is changing says:

    The climate may be changing … it is always changing. History shows us that. It is not, however, proven that man is responsible.

    What is proven, however, is that arrogant, self-serving so-called ‘scientists’ are responsible for the current hysteria.

    I am all for clean energy, green environments, etc. But, don’t ruin economies based on cooked numbers and guesses.

  11. Reader1 says:

    # 5

    Well those guys also did cherry pick their data to match their agenda.

    Unbelievable how these climate alarmist get so emotional about this issue and defending their masters , you can not talk to these people.

    Soon they will go out kill people in the name of the climate and mother earth , than you have a full-blown religion.

  12. Dr Dodd says:

    #4-Benjamin-I wrote papers advocating liberal stances on issues in college because that is how you get an A instead of a C.

    Sad it has come to that. I had a similar experience where I wrote what I believed and for my trouble took the C.

    Looking back, it was my lowest and most prized grade. I learned more about myself and life than from any other class.

    Never capitulate to lesser ideals.

  13. RBG says:

    What a surprise:

    “Unlike the surface-based temperatures, global temperature measurements of the Earth’s lower atmosphere obtained from satellites reveal no definitive warming trend over the past two decades. The slight trend that is in the data actually appears to be downward.”

  14. Thinker says:

    Hear, hear, #12!

  15. LibertyLover says:

    to put political pressure on world leaders.

    We were told it was NOT a world wide conspiracy. I guess it was.

    This is what happens when you put stupid people in power. They listen to any who can use words with more than three syllables.

    #14, I took a D. Take that! 🙂

  16. MikeN says:

    The statements make no sense. If the authors of the report and the reviewers missed that the WWF report wasn’t peer-reviewed, then how can he say ‘we knew it wasn’t peer reviewed?’

  17. Smith says:

    EPA based its entire endangerment assessment based upon the IPCC’s 2004 report. The melting Himalayan glaciers was one of the primary arguments used by EPA for its endangerment finding.

    But don’t hold your breath waiting for EPA to admit the science was flawed. I suspect the lawsuits will begin as soon as industry obtains standing; i.e., when EPA promulgates its CO2-control rules.

  18. RSweeney says:

    Beware of anything where the answer is a global government with control over all aspects of life.

    This answer is so bad, so dangerous, that there literally isn’t anything worth it.

    Better to die as men than live as slaves.

  19. MikeN says:

    This isn’t the only detail where the IPCC ignores peer-reviewed science for their own activism. Roger Pielke Jr has highlighted how they ignored his peer-reviewed work for non-peer-reviewed paper by Muir-Wood to say that hurricane damage had increased due to global warming. Even for this, they took a small portion of the paper and ignored the rest of the paper.

    World Wildlife Fund reports appear as citations many times in the IPCC report.

    Given that the Copenhagen Summit and so forth have been going nowhere, the best thing the IPCC can do to get any credibility is to put skeptic in charge of the reports. Let Steve McIntyre handle the paleo section, Lindzen handle the models, etc.
    That’s the only chance you have of getting people in power to take them seriously now.

  20. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #15 RGB,

    Where did you find that old NASA page? That is very curious that NASA has left it up considering they now have apparently dedicated millions of dollars to help promote the ‘Climate Change’, even though just 13 years ago they were completely confident in their data showing temperatures had gone down in the last 20 years. (1977-1997).

    Now NASA is re-publishing CRU data as evidence for global warming when in 1997 their satellites were showing no warming (actually cooling) in the atmosphere and they dismissed global warming models because they all would expect atmospheric warming.

    Its a shame so many of the links on the old NASA site are broken, but I wonder why NASA is now using CRU data instead of data from their own satellites, and how they seem to have completely done a 180 on global warming. Something seems very suspicious.

  21. deowll says:

    I believe in climate change. I have no confidence in long range climate predictions. To repeat the obvious none of the modals match up well with reality.

    Why would anyone think that the people who can’t predict the weather with any level of accuracy can predict climate?

  22. Greg Allen says:

    If I found an earth scientist who lied his data, would you guys insist the earth was flat?

    Yes, of course you would, if Glen Beck or Sarah Palin told you it was flat. That’s how you do.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    >> deowll said, on January 25th, 2010 at 7:02 pm

    >> Why would anyone think that the people who can’t predict the weather with any level of accuracy can predict climate?

    Oh, my word. You don’t know the difference between climatologists and meteorologists!

    Seriously dude, you should be reading a book instead of opinionating on the internet.

  24. Skeptic says:

    Another sad day for “science”, but let’s not pull out the broad brush. Money plays a part in all scientific research. They have to earn a living, and science is one of the poorest paid professions compared to the knowledge base required to perform. But there are always assholes that abuse any system, and climate scientists aren’t immune. There are manipulators and profiteers at every level, like in any other organized effort to control us.

    That being said, this paper and Dr Murari Lal are more examples of DISHONESTY in the reporting on AGW, plain and simple. We can only guess at all his motives… money might be one, but by his own admission it was an attempt to deceive world leaders on AGW. His source was two magazine interviews from 1999, and he didn’t even replicate over those facts correctly. Likewise, the IPCC scientists involved in publishing that 2007 report were possibly dishonest themselves, but definitely incompetent and negligent. SHAME!

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t like being lied to (on top of all the other shameful IPCC club activity) on a subject as important as this.

  25. LDA says:

    # 5 Dallas

    Yeah, “The worst that can happen (if the science is wrong?) is…” eugenics. What’s the problem?

  26. soundwash says:

    If I may..(a cookoo for coco puffs moment)

    Really now , is it not all water under the bridge?

    Very soon, we will learn that all of “modern” [western] science was designed from the very start, to be fraudulent in it’s processes and outcomes…and so by extension, anything built on this foundation of “science” will be a fraud regardless if the physicist or scientists involved are pure of heart and intention.

    Lets see if i can explain this “simply”

    One more time children:

    We live in an Electric Universe filled with Plasma controlled by the physics of “Spin”, Electromagnetics, Plasma, Resonance and Resonance’s good buddy, Harmonics.

    In our local system, Our Electric Sun is the anode and the planets and other celestial objects, play the part of the Electrode in the “Galactic Circuit” -electrical engineers refer to our Earth as a “leaky capacitor”. “Spin”. -better known as Torsions physics.. ..and it’s Siblings, -Vortex and Implosion physics, are what makes “the world go round”

    Simple, yes?

    “Spin” effects *everything* including Time, Consciousness and what we think is gravity. (contrary to what we are all taught, -of course.) (I’ll even throw in a dab of Scalar wave physics for all you Tesla and Tom Bearden fans) (-in fact, we should praise Nikola Tesla 1000x more than Einstein for all his contributions to humanity. -both realized and soon to be [re]realized.

    Einstein was used as a puppet by The Church, TPTB and our Government to take/make all his *worst and unproven* theories the foundation of “modern science” -and consequently keep us in a modern dark ages for 80+ years.) (As I always like to point out, -why do you are think we still using essentially unchanged, WWII V2 Rocket technology to launch stuff into space?)

    (the simple answer of course, is because they use LOTS of profitable resources..look up “Operation Paperclip” to learn the “less simple answer” -and do not use Wikipedia or government sources as your source)

    Consciousness, is the glue that holds it all “together”. -which also means that when we get finally get our collective heads out of our arses and “remember” how to use 100% of our brain, we will then fully Realize the phrase: “Reality is what you make it”

    Given all that, it is a fact that our Weather is purely “Electric” in nature. How all those mentioned above interact, is mostly what dictates it’s behavior.

    Greenhouse gasses have zero effect on our climate system relative to the effects of the aforementioned physics and phenomena.

    The greenhouse gas model has FAILED to explain Venus’s hot atmosphere, [look it up] so how on Earth can it be used to even begin to explain, let alone be used as the reason behind, all the crazy weather we have been experiencing here on Earth as of late. -There is no active Volcanism on Venus either. -so please, let’s not waste any “hot air” on that argument either..

    Space Weather and it’s fully “charged environment” has far more an effect on our planetary weather than any greenhouse gas could ever hope to..especially that beloved Villain, CO2. The only thing CO2 will ever have major, “visible” effects on, is the “bottom line” on Carbon Derivative traders and the NWO Globalists looking to lay waste to us all, -if we let them.

    We all have been lied to for centuries. -Now, get over it and prepare for the new “reality” that is fast approaching.

    -And for all the mental midgets in NASA (and elsewhere) -A comet/asteroid of sufficient size need not “Hit” our planet to wreak “the havoc of the gods” upon only has to come *into* the solar system for us to begin to feel it’s effects.

    If one comes into the inner solar system, it will begin to discharge The Solar capacitor to such a degree that the electromagnetic, torsional and angular harmony of the planets in our solar system will be thrown so out of whack that we will likely experience a replay of the havoc and “battle of the gods” our ancient “mythological” ancestors wrote and warned us about..when the “Goddess” Venus, -a comet, with her angel-like cometary “hair” came screaming into the inner solar system. -for which the Warrior God Mars, apparently payed a very heavy price.

    The so called Mythos of the Gods were about celestial objects, not a bunch of egomaniacal men, woman or dragons spewing hellfire and bent on destruction. The Gods, were/are in fact the planets, both see and unseen.

    Everything we have been taught, is backwards. -Bizarro would have been proud.

    Nothing is what is seems.. Nothing is as we are taught.. Mythology is fact.

    Religion is a fictional fantasy -based on those facts.

    Our Reality as we know it, is fiction.. and what we have been led to believe is Fantasy, is our True Reality. We have all been taught to believe what I call: A Mirror Image of the True Reality. -And this Mirror is about to shatter.

    This is why as we approach the ‘event horizon’ (the galactic plane) all the lies told of the past millenia are spilling out of every crack in the mirror

    It is at this rare point in consciousness, Reality itself finally get's to reveals it's true nature..and no mortal can stop it. However, mere mortals can make you "think" -it is something "else". -as for those "higher up" -they have mastered it.

    Those of Ancient, who perpetrated this lie upon Humanity's mind, are desperate to maintain their illusion, -their control over the web of lies they have spun as we cross this threshold of Reality.

    For if they lose their "spin" control at this critical junction, the True Reality will be revealed to us all, allowing all of us at last, to truly be "Free Spirits" If they are able to maintain control of this false reality, -this manufactured divisional illusion embedded in our minds that we all *think* is real, then they will continue to keep us divided and with it, again be able to maintain the fake religions, resource wars and lies centuries old, -and revel in our conflictual energy for another millenia..

    It really is that simple. -it always was. Stupid simple, when you think about it. That’s the [ugly for us] beauty of it all.

    It is time to end this division, join together, and shatter the Mirror

    There is another thing I also now fully understand that has alwaysbeen true… Like all Life in The Universe, there is one constant as it were.. That is the fact that we all were born with Free Will. So now at this critical junction, it is up to us, to exercise this “Given”.

    Will you finally allow yourself to be The Master of your Universe? Or instead, will you continue to allow yourself be a slave within it?

    The choice apparently, has always been ours to make. All they have to do is keep us Divided. All we have to do is Unite as One. Freedom is really that simple. I say Unite.

    What say You?


  27. Reader1 says:


    I say , what do you smoke ?

    what is that!

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, Denier,

    Another sad day for “science”, but let’s not pull out the broad brush. Money plays a part in all scientific research. They have to earn a living, and science is one of the poorest paid professions compared to the knowledge base required to perform. But there are always assholes that abuse any system, and climate scientists aren’t immune. There are manipulators and profiteers at every level, like in any other organized effort to control us.

    Good point. Science and scientists are not immune to errors. That is the purpose of peer review and “best science”. In this case, the error is being outed. The empirical evidence though still remains and it has not been refuted.

    Professor Graham Cogley, a glacier expert at Trent University in Canada, who began to raise doubts in scientific circles last year, said the claim multiplies the rate at which glaciers have been seen to melt by a factor of about 25.

    ‘My educated guess is that there will be somewhat less ice in 2035 than there is now,’ he said.

    Read more:

    The fact remains the glaciers are retreating. That has been seen worldwide. The error was to make an unsubstantiated claim about the glaciers that supply ~1 billion people with water.

    What this has done is destroy at least one career. And maybe that is for the best.

  29. Rabble Rouser says:

    What’s so wrong with making our planet’s environment cleaner?

  30. Serious says:

    #29 always find your posts fascinating, it is a very different stance than most in here.. although you go out a bit heavy, perhaps lighten it and simplify it a bit so that you don’t get comments like #30.

    Electrical charges is behind the most basic “elements” of our universe.. the atoms with its protons, neutrons and electrons even to the smaller bits, such as quarks etc.. all have charges. It is the basis of reactions and the basis for magnetism, gravity, forces and as a result half-life of elements.

    Few people want to see this and rather attribute changes in their environment to the “power” of people. I don’t doubt that electro-magnetic forces, solar winds, celestial bodies have a greater effect on earth than what most people would like to attribute – basic example of this is the effect of the moon on water (tides) and the size of the moon is nothing compared to the planets in our system or the potential asteroids that can pass or solar flares the size of 20-30 earths flinging out into our system.

    But we also have a responsibility to clean up our act as far as pollution in our local environment – CO2 not playing a major part. Im all with #12 on this. AGW has turned into a religion rather than science.


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