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The title of this post is supposed to be shocking? It is like saying rain is wet.
If underage pimpin’ won’t sway people I do not think lying will have much impact.
Another major non-story, dug up by Your Friend The Republican.
#1: Ditto.
#3: With very few exceptions, they’re ALL lying thieves. The Dem or Rep label makes no difference.
Wesley Mouch undressed; a cheat, liar and douchebag! How come anybody takes this jerk seriously is a mystery to me. For some strange reason he escapes every sleazy issue he is involved in. Who is protecting this guy. All of media can’t be on the take… or are they?
#1 Yep!
#4 Agreed but this is one guy I hate more than others. Lying fat greedy sack of sht imo.
He only uses is mouth to lie and…
BULLSHIT! That was a tiny video clip, editing, out of context. That’s not a lie, that’s just made up editing. What was the full text of the floor speech? Did he discuss anything about ownership depending on incoming/ability, any other exclusions or caveats? Who knows…you editing down a 2 hour debate to 5 seconds. What a crock of s**t.
I can ‘create’ the same video showing Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush want to kill all Jews…just edit some misc video footage together, cut and paste in the right order, take a sentence here or there out of context. LOL.
Whoever made this is the same guys behind the “there’s no global warming” nutbags. Forget the complexities and just base your judgments on blog posts and made up beliefs. Whatever. The internet is just a collection of crap people make up and then send around to each other to support each others already existing opinions. Total garbage.
#9 you are nuts. Barney Frank and his friends that love the community reinvestment act are the basic reason we had a real estate bubble. Everything else, the credit default swaps, the sub prime fails, etc are all a direct result of an unsustainable increased demand in housing.
Talk about clueless, sssshhhhsssshhhh. You two must be out of your mind if you don’t already have a clue what this clip was presented. Go see the O’reily interview with Berny there, you’ll have a good laugh.
Like most Dems, I assume Barney was “for” everything. Ownership, renting, squatting, == everything.
Its the Repugs that are “against” everything.
On that alone, I’d say the video is unfairly edited even stopping mid statement==so, not credible on its face.
Does Barney avoid his responsibility in the Housing Bubble? Of Course. Does everyone else as well? Of Course.
Called a false distinction. A favorite among hypocrites and party hacks of all stripes.
This is the equivalent of photoshopping video for the Republican sheep to consume. You will see more of this.
I don’t buy into video clipart stitched together to ‘prove’ a point.
Filed under “H” for “Hairballs from Cherman”
So the corporate masters of Congress are told that they should not discriminate in lending, use this opportunity to kite loans, the economy collapses under this weight…and you only blame Congress?
barney rubble and chris dodd were the instigators of the housing bubble
To understand why scum like this stays in office read #3, 8, 9, 13, 15.
It’s amazing how much blame for this mess can be heaped on one or two members of the political party that was out of power during the inflation of this bubble, without even so much as a committee chairmanship from which to launch their evil plan.
That said, it’s just the Democrats’ good fortune to have been in the minority at the time. No one, neither Republican nor Democrat, would have had the political will or support to actually put the brakes on the artificial prosperity that fueled this bubble. There are no such heroes in Washington.
The only “cure” that’s even politically possible is prevention. Unfortunately, any industry that can afford to shell out billions of dollars annually just in bonuses has enough left over to nearly overwhelm any political system seeking to restrict it through meaningful regulation.
An excellent example of why Youtube videos can’t be trusted. The right wing nuts always loved anything that puts their screw-ups on someone else.
Another fail.
Seriously, does catching a politician lying really warrant a blog post? What is the context? Why is this so important?
#11 Barney has no out. There is plenty of solid evidence that he was in this up to his neck and as he was once badgered into admitting: He has the power by right of his Congressional Office.
#24, doill,
Another of your inane posts. Why not post some of that “solid evidence”? Would it be because most of it is fabricated?
Come on just admit it….all these people that don’t like Barney…the real reason is because he’s gay…and kills kittens
#26, Mr. Duck,
You forgot the part about human sacrifice BBQs in his back yard.
Blaming the housing crisis on CRA1977 is the saddest joke of all. Housing was basically static in pricing until 2000, when Gramm-Leach-Bliley 1999 kicked in and the looting began.
Republicans are so laughingly pathetic its just sad to watch. Using Barney Frank as a whipping boy is even sadder considering Congress was dominated by the GOP from 1994-2007. Obviously Frank wasn’t chair of any committees during that time.
So where was the reform when wall street was robbing us all?