It may just be me, but I’m a tad skeptical about this.
Amid the mass of aid agencies piling in to help Haiti quake victims is a batch of Church of Scientology “volunteer ministers”, claiming to use the power of touch to reconnect nervous systems.
Clad in yellow T-shirts emblazoned with the logo of the controversial US-based group, smiling volunteers fan out among the injured lying under makeshift shelters in the courtyard of Port-au-Prince’s General Hospital.
A wealthy private donor provided his airplane to fly in 80 volunteers from Los Angeles, along with 50 Haitian-American-doctors, in a gesture worth 400,000 dollars, said a Parisian volunteer who gave her name as Sylvie.
“We’re trained as volunteer ministers, we use a process called ‘assist’ to follow the nervous system to reconnect the main points, to bring back communication,” she said.
“When you get a sudden shock to a part of your body the energy gets stuck, so we re-establish communication within the body by touching people through their clothes, and asking people to feel the touch.”
Apparently the “wealthy private donor [providing] his airplane” is John Travolta.
Hopefully the poor people of Haiti are getting real help, like doctors and nurses.
I hope the religious crazies are at least carting food and water aside from witch doctoring.
Many of these people believe in Voodoo and other types of healing and religions. Scientology probably fit right in.
Uncle Dave, you missed the worst part of this story:
“A video report from Britain’s Channel 4 News on Thursday looks at some of the work the United States military is doing in Haiti, and shows that there is some looting going on in the capital where hunger and despair are still widespread. Jon Snow’s introduction to this report also notes one of the odder facts of the week: at the same time that three aid flights for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières were being turned away, air traffic control at the military-run airport in Port-au-Prince allowed a Scientologist flight to land right away.”
And since when did Scientology adapt the Christian cross as a symbol?
If by Voodoo, you mean Catholicism, then yes, considering that over 80% of the population is Catholic.
What happens if you want your money back from the cult
Scientology is incredibly empty of noble principles, God and truth. What ever happened to the promise by anonymous to destroy that organization?
#5: Chanology and Anonymous
Whether they believe what they are doing works or not, they know exactly the value of those yellow t-shirts and all the photos they’ll get out of this trip. that guy standing next to her either has no arms or is also taking a pic of the “action”. the photos from this operation will last 10 years in their paraphernalia.
the cross is camouflage. assumed icon for a purpose.
ironically, kinda like how Haitians combined Catholicism with Voodoo.
The mystery for me is how anyone gets involved with this cult, and how they believe the stuff they are told. There is always going to be a class of fools, and they have to do something with their time and money. If not this, then American Idol worship, I guess.
I see stupid people.
You know those poor Haitian folks are looking at these nitwits thinking, “what, the fuck, was that?”
On the other hand it is probably no more worthless than sprinkling holy water on them.
Maybe they could get off their asses and haul some supplies. From a CBC reporters notebook:
“The National broadcasts our story, which noted the the Port-au-Prince airport was just a stone’s throw away and had piles of aid sitting on the tarmac that was not being delivered. From the clinic, we show a seriously injured little girl being carted about in a rusted wheelbarrow and terrified children being treated for deep flesh injuries without anaesthetic (the clinic had run out of it). We hear from doctors begging for aid.”
Here we go again, all of you expecting humans to be rational.
If the ‘tology chick’s face doesn’t look like it was caught on fire and stomped out with golf shoes, I’d let her touch me.
Many people in Haiti believe in Voodo. These people should fit right in.
I don’t object as long as they are giving stressed out people a place to relax, take a bath, some clean cloths, and something to eat.
I don’t want them treating broken bones especially compound fractures.
# 1 Dallas
I Agree. Hopefully those (not)helped by the cult also get real medical attention when the real scientists (doctors) get around to them.
ROLF. That is the funniest thing all day! I picture two brothers, one gets a real doc, the other complains of getting gypped.
Sorry to be insensitive, but nobody did a damn thing back when they (were) eating dirt biscuits. Now everyone all up in arms – which is good but inconsistent.
The symbol on the back of their shirts isn’t in fact a cross. It’s a lower case “t”. As in “time for another religion”
I’m too lazy to read the link since I’ve read two similar stories in the news. What I read said they were only “treating” neurological injuries. Which seems okay since they have a way with Thetans.
Excuse me, Ben (#20): I am an atheist. I don’t care if religious NGOs send and distribute aid. In fact, the way they rip most people off, I’m happy to see them give a little back. And trust me – for most of them they give back a lot less than they take in for these things. I would never work for an NGO that was distributing bibles or other religious tracts. A bible is not emergency aid.
As for the Scatologists, I won’t argue their right to do what they/re doing but I think they should be required to show some proof of their qualifications and psychic healing ought to come after the emergency stage. Right now, they’re just in the way. When I go to work in a similar situation, I am required to show my credentials. Faith healers would probably have similar credentials from their church. But there ought to be someway to keep them out in the early days of a disaster.
All the crazy religious factions come out when the poor are suffering en mass. It’s like a job fair but they go to the applicants fully open to obtaining (converting) new recruits (followers).
I laughed my ass off when John Travolta’s kid died. He’s in Scientology heaven now, whatever that is.
The Scienctologists are not offering real healing and I think they are doing more harm with their anti-medicine mumbo-jumbo.
You mentioned there is a need for people who aren’t medically talented to haul supplies. I foresee a need for more than just food and water and medicine. Somehow the rubble will need cleared and new buildings will need to be erected. I have no problem with the Scientologist giving out food and water, clearing rubble, hauling supplies, or rebuilding buildings.
I don’t care if they give out a few e-meters. As long as they aren’t keeping people from proven medical aid, fine, but I agree that they need to prove that their methods work. Until then, put the organizations who have real medicine in charge of healing the sick.
# 23 The0ne said, “I laughed my ass off when John Travolta’s kid died.”
We’re all very proud of you.
You must be shitting yourself with all the dead kids in Haiti.
Not all all. They aren’t gerontologist to begin with. If they were then yes I would definitely lmoa. I would point and laugh and people in accidents as well. I would point and laugh at anyone dying due to their stupidity. I would laugh myself just before dying IF I was that stupid.
That’s my point, what’s yours? You want to help the a-hole driver that drove 100mph in the rain and crashed? Not me. And Johns kid is in Scientology heaven, how much more do you and they want? He was probably “taught” it might have been the best way to go to Scientology heaven for all we know. In any case, a good laugh.
This debacle keeps on getting worse. The most helpful thing they could have done, being the religion of airplanes ‘n all, was provide transportation. Hmm, what could go wrong…
The Tee shirt SHOULD say
“Touching bad boys since 1963”
Too bad the military can’t do us all a favor and accidentally shoot down Travolta’s 707.