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No Agenda Show.
Relief from Haiti Relief
By John C Dvorak Sunday January 24, 2010
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We need to all chant…
The US military is not in Haiti for a bad reason.
The US military is not in Haiti for a bad reason.
The US military is not in Haiti for a bad reason.
And that will make it true.
I need someone to figure this out..
I wont give the puzzle away, as its hard to PROVE.
Take Insurance and Commercial makers..
What do you think these 2 groups can do, and what they have learned over the years about HOW people work??
How to hide, information and DENY what you want, and have you sign your life away into nothing..
Now lets add in BANKS. And what IS A BANK.
NOW, add to this a NON-PROFIT org.
Think real hard..
NON-profit does not mean you work for free.
You can set a SALARY. and WHAT a SALARY you can set.
If you are a bank to NON-PROFITs..and all your money is SHOWN going to non-profits, and going OUT the back end as NON-TAXED..
Think of the interesting things you could do with this setup..
programming VIA TV..
That ringing..think of PAVLOV..
Each time you have the MAIN announcer, you hear the ringing and he TELLS you what is happening..Even if it isnt..
PAVLOV=I drool..
I need to ask something..
About haiti..
For this location..
Why wasnt Guantanamo HIT??
Caicos islands???
HOW about parts of cuba??
If nothing else, there should have been a Tidal wave to the other islands..
As to how could all the media suddenly mobilize the drive to help Haiti, why could it not be a Bilderberg/CFR operation since their people own the media? If so, would the goal not be *prevent* aid from getting to Haiti?
lol, just finished listening to the previous show. Do you know why that dude quoted the figure of 6 million Jews dying at the hand of Iran? Because that’s how many live in Israel! Duh.
Yeah, the holocaust is a meme. WTF?
can someone post the “untuned” version of Alecia Keys singing… from the top of the show…
This is not the best source of data on Earth but it does give you some sort of idea as to what the ravaged city is like.
It is a rather smaller than I thought with a lot more confirmed dead but still a big city by any reasonable standard. The idea that you can supply this place through a one strip airport is ignorant. They have to be trucking in supplies from the Dominican Republic and they have a peer working after a fashion. They are also trying to repair it while using it.
Our forces in the region are mostly living on and being supplied from the carrier fleet. We may not have anything like enough people on the ground to maintain order nor so far as I’m aware has that ever been stated as an objective of the US. It is my understanding that the UN which had a major base on the island is trying to help police the place.
Geologist seem to think Port Au Prince is setting on an active but locked fault that breaks catastrophically at long intervals. Such faults are common.
Neither Cuba nor Venezuela have sent much aid. Both are poor countries. Neither has much of a navy or air force and Venezuela seems to be undergoing an economic melt down due at least in part to seriously bad government.
I don’t know where Crackpot and Buzzkill get the idea that either Cuba or Venezuela could take over Haiti and get the place up and running. Brain farts?
Anybody have a link to that Won-G clip?
Adam you need to do some reading up on drones. The big advantage is you don’t need people in Pakistan to control them. You can use people working 8 hr shifts somewhere State side. In fact they do.
While it is clearly handy to have airports in Afghanistan some of the bigger drones can fly for staggering amounts of time and they can refuel in air. They are vastly better than a U-2 spy plane.
Obama, Democrats, and lobbyist/special interest groups are as Adam said using a revolving door. How can I believe anything Obama says when he tells such big lies? One up for Adam.
In the next presidential election all the opposition has to do is run adds of Obama saying things nobody believes any longer.
I think NASA or at least their climate guy came up with the magic fake hockey stick graph.
Howard Dean is so delusional he gets reamed out by the liberal media.
The British are bringing back the hulks?
How to stop drug use. Adulterate some of the captured shipments and let them through. When the junkies start dropping like flies the number of users will fall one way or the other. Not humane but likely to be darned effective.
The grammar of the text she is reading is off. She may be able to speak perfect English.
That Statue of Liberty was put up after most of the immigration from Europe ended.
Slaw is good for you. Cabbage, collards, Brussel sprouts, broccoli.
If nothing else eats the grass the bugs/termites will.
Eat kangaroo. They don’t fart.
Great analysis on the Haiti Donations Scam.
No need to slam Chinese people speaking English. Stupid and unnecessary.
People give money to feel better and get that free pass into Heaven. They feel that its their duty and if the money is not spent right then that’s not going to affect them. The trouble with that giving attitude is that so many local charities go unfunded because of all the money pouring into this charity. Why cannot we feel as giving for our homeless and our our sick? Because they do not have George Clooney stumping for their cause. Why do we always help other countries with the least chance for success? I agree that both Clinton and Bush consider this a opportunity of some kind. I don’t think they are just being Nobel.
Go donate to Hospital Albert Schweitzer Haiti right now – that ensures your money get to people direct:
ECA take a geology class, would ya?
This was missed by mainstream media news and on this blog, PLEASE share:
The two of you used to bring a bit of enjoyment and fun to my day.
The whole ‘Crackpot & Buzzkill’ idea worked great.
One, Adam was a certain, tunnel minded, no hope conspiracy for everything true believer, whilst the other was a more balanced, grounded, intelligent and generally interesting guy. Having two such opposite characters provides a great show and some good conversation.
WTF has happened?
Now you are not even sticking to your own agenda!!!
First thing you should do, in the interests of honesty, is rename the show to CRACKPOT and CRACKPOT.
John! where has your personality, individualism, integrity and honour gone?!
Gone in the direction of the money I guess. And I really thought you had a bit more to you than that. I was wrong.
You used to instantly jump on Adam’s fantastical stories of world government conspiracy (or whatever other crap he was into ) and you would be the voice of reason, the one telling him how unproven and how stupid his trail of thought and lack of logic was.
Skip forward a year or so and what do we have.
Adam says something about the new world order, conspiracy about the LHC shooting something into the sky and so giving an amazingly fantastic and totally stupid explanation for the light seen in the sky….and what does John do?
He says something like ‘Oh yeah, could be’.
What are you doing?
In training in the Adam Curry school of insanity and false logic?
Before I go let me just say something about the general direction the show has taken and maybe answer at least one question you brought up:
Why do you not get any donations from the UK???!
Good question.
I wonder. Hmmm.
Here’s another good question for you:
Why do you NEVER speak of or look into anything going on in the UK?
(OK maybe one or two times every month, that isn’t enough!)
At least when Adam lived here he actually followed the news and talked of things. Now the two of you just pretend that you follow world news when all you are both doing, is following American news!
That’s fine if you want to be an American news show but I thought you were global?!
One show was particularly funny when you got a donation from Oz and then tried to say how much you have followed the news over in Australia…I remember John saying something like ‘Oh yeah…those Australians have got it bad there…they’re suffering’
Hehe. Nice try John but everyone could hear the platitudes, your bad attempt to know what you are talking about failed miserably. but it WAS funny 🙂
Also it is nice you say you would never take sponsors/ads because then you cannot be impartial but, by that logic, I would be right in assuming that tech5 is not impartial as squarespace would never be reported on, if they were to be in some scandal right…?
The donations thing IS irritating but not because it is donations talk, because it goes on for so much of the show and you both keep referring to it all the time that if I were to time how much of the show was actual talk and clips against how much was just talking ABOUT THE SHOW or the donations or the money, I reckon it would be easy to se that the actual show has much less time devoted to it.
this tells me where both of your priorities lie.
In the money.
Not in the Australian or UK news. Not in bringing us the REAL news when the real news is sometimes just mundane and simple, yet you will ALWAYS find a conspiracy angle (not EVERYTHING that happens in this world is part of an orchestrated scenario planned by the elite to help in their plan to take over the world/kill us all/ poison us all/ etc etc etc)
…you know what? some thing just bloody happen. Get over yourselves please..
You used to have a great and entertaining show.
now you are rude (the talk of Haiti being a hoax/faked/purposefully created so soon after it happening, the talk of another planned fake attack and insulting of the fort worth situation whilst the relatives were only just getting used to the news of their dead loved ones being two shining examples).
You have changed so much since the beginning that I sincerely believe the two of you are just looking at the listener figures and going where they lead you.
Everyone knows the conspiracy BUSINESS is a huge one these days and so, to jump on that particular band wagon would or could be a very profitable thing.
Astute move.
Pity you can only get there with zero credibility and probably none of the integrity you used to have.
Plus you may have thousands of listeners but they are of the kind that believe friggin’ Chem-trails and that we never landed on the moon?!
A great bunch of fans to be sure!
I’m done here.