In vaguely related news, sitting too long can be bad for you. Who could have imagined that?

  1. Hmeyers says:

    Lemme tell ya .. that ain’t gonna work.

  2. deowll says:

    Do Isometrics

  3. Animby says:

    These movements seem particularly close to another group of exercises most of which are done outside the workplace:
    1. Have biblically-approved missionary sex with wife
    2. Receive oral sex from wife
    3. Receive oral sex from girlfriend
    4. Receive punishment from Mistress Helga
    5. Evacuate yesterday’s lunch. (NB – does not apply to microwave burritos)
    6. Check for spouse/boss before accessing internet pron site

    Say healthy!

  4. Bradley says:

    Thanks for the information, I cant wait to read more of your posts.


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