Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the failed attempt to bomb a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas in a new audio message released Sunday threatening more attacks on the United States.

The United States said there was no indication to suggest that bin Laden or any of his top lieutenants had anything to do with the attempted attack and that the claim may have been motivated by the wish of the terror network’s leaders to appear in control of al-Qaida’s offshoots.

In the minute-long recording released to al-Jazeera Arabic news channel, bin Laden addressed President Barack Obama saying the recent attempt was meant to send a message similar to that of the Sept. 11 attacks.

I normally don’t believe or like conspiracy theories, but this can and probably will be used to prop up the wars.

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This is just another sign of how bad the economy has become. Even retired terrorists have been forced to go back to work, at least on a part-time basis. And the martyr death benefit plan that Bin Laden thought would be sound for the foreseeable future is on the verge of insolvency — yes, Allah is running out of virgins! They’re going to have to either reduce the number of virgins or raise the level of martyrdom service to qualify for the plan. This may throw jihad into total disarray until it is solved.

    Unlike infidels, the numbers don’t lie.

  2. Wretched Gnu says:

    ! “Supposably” ?!

    Are you F’ing kidding me, DU? Do we actually need any more evidence that Cherman is actually a 12-year-old boy, as I’ve been saying for months?


    I’m sorry, this has nothing to do with a typo. A typo can’t produce that. This is precisely the word uttered by children who haven’t mastered Treasure Island or Ayn Rand..

    Holy mother of god….

  3. Joey the Friend says:


    You’re stealing my gaffe!

    Joey from “Friends”

  4. Wretched Gnu says:

    … but, anyway, at least that “supposably” finally puts to bed the question of what level of education can maintain this denial of evoluti– or, wait, I mean denial of what the vast majority of climate scientists say …

    … and the mind-blowing premise in each of this kid’s posts that the corporate-funded anti-warming scientists are paid *less money* for their work than the majority of climate scientists…

    Unchristing believable…

  5. qb says:

    Actually ‘supposably’ is a real world. 99% of the time it’s a typo though. Just putting it out there for the sake of argument. 😉

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    qb, a typo for what? Supposadly?

  7. Wretched Gnu says:

    No. Please. No. It is not possible to accidentally hit an “a” and a “b” — in sequence — when you actually meant to type an “e” and a “d”.

    It doesn’t happen. It has never happened.

    The only people who write the world “supposably” are (1) children, and (2) genuine illiterates.

    I’m not kidding when I say that Cherman is almost certainly a 12- or 14-year old kid. Dvorak likes to use him because he doesn’t need payment. John has just promised him his “work” here will look awesome on a college application.

  8. bill says:

    What? Every western government in the whole world can’t kill this MF?
    Come on!

    What is the real reason he is still alive? Or is he?
    Just to keep the war going?

    We don’t need him alive to do that.

  9. qb says:

    Olo Baggins of Bywater cracks me up.

  10. deowll says:

    I don’t think the young men that actually did this consulted the senile citizen about jack.

  11. Jopa says:

    Can’t wait for the day when this cave dwelling monkey will be hanged.

  12. Animby says:

    What’s Gnu? Supposably is a perfectly acceptable adverb. Look it up. I agree it is most often used by kids who might also say they’re having bisghetti for dinner. Other than that, I’m not going to argue with you about Cherman’s contributions here. They do tend to be on the juvenile side. Also, is English his first language?

  13. Wretched Gnu says:

    Animby — I’m sure you understand that although “supposably” could be a word in theory — and there are very good reasons why “supposable” is never, ever turned into an adverb — that word, even if it were used, has nothing to do with “supposedly” (synonym of “purportedly”) as Cherman and most young readers believe.

    One can suppose the universe is shaped like a doughnut. The doughnut theory is therefore supposable. (You perceive why even this form of the word is never used. There are very few suppositions that are not supposable.)

  14. amodedoma says:

    Good thing this blog is uncensored, you guys jump at any opportunity to go off topic!

    BTW, I saw Elvis on a train to Newark, NJ last week. So maybe it really was Osama’s voice.

  15. RBG says:


    “…it does actually have a valid use. The general rule is this: ‘Supposably’ can be used only when the meaning is ‘capable of being supposed,’ and then only in the U.S.”

    Maybe something like “moran”? Hey, if it’s on the internet, it must be true.

    Personally, I thought “supposably” meant “stick it up your ass.” As in “Bin Laden supposably…”


  16. Animby says:

    Adj. 1. supposable – capable of being inferred on slight grounds
    presumable, surmisable

    sup·pos·a·ble (sə-pō’zə-bəl)
    adj. That can be supposed or conjectured: a supposable outcome.
    sup·pos’a·bly adv.

    Seems to me these definitions could account for Cherman’s lack of language skills.

  17. Wretched Gnu says:

    Animby — I agree. But that would still mean Cherman is happy for his headline to read: “Bin Laden is Capable of Surmising That He Claims Responsibility for Airline Bomb Attempt on Christmas”.

    It’s like Tennyson, really.

  18. RBG says:

    The Administrator @ yourdictionary.com says:

    “It’s as if “supposedly” and “probably” had an illicit affair and created this illegitimate offspring. However, do not be one of those who are quick to correct someone using this word by saying, “That’s not even a word.” The truth is, it is a word, just not the word speakers usually intend when they use it. “Supposably,” like all deverbal adjectives on –able, would mean “can be supposed” and not “is supposed.” Supposably, one could use today’s word in a sentence like this even though few currently would. However, such a use is supposable (can be supposed) and the phrase is grammatically healthy.”

    Oh: supposably…from the word “suppository”…stick it up your ass. Never mind. Delicate pearls before swine.


  19. RBG says:

    Damn you Bin Laden!!!


  20. Reader1 says:

    Look the CIA Sock-puppet ,we are going to war again. Soon .

    Yemen here we come.

  21. Never mind media control on the internet
    Here is one guy in a cave controlling the world media

  22. Hmeyers says:

    #1 for the win!

  23. Winston says:

    The failed attempt that he probably had no part in whatsoever failed this time to sucker the US into a quagmire in Yemen, so he has to do his part to try again by associating his much-hated self with the attempt. Their stated goal has been to draw the US into bankrupting conflicts in an attempt to replicate their victory over the Soviets in Afghanistan.

  24. Animby says:

    # 17 Wretched Gnu said, “Bin Laden is Capable of Surmising That He Claims Responsibility for Airline Bomb Attempt on Christmas”

    I like it. Not as classy as “Call me Ishmael” but really excellent!

  25. soundwash says:

    /The Power of Suggestion and Propaganda 101 (and KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid) -or how to keep “the threat” alive.

    Lemmings amongst us, pay attention: NOW you know WHY they ran the “What Bin laden may look like now” photoshop meme last week..


    -See how simple that works?

    Bin laden is long dead, -bad liver.. besides, who cares? He had nothing to do with anything. -he’s just another one of the Intelligentsia’s “script kiddies”


    (Turn off Your TV)

  26. meetsy says:

    sure he did. SURE, sure sure, he did.


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