Note the window.

  1. Derek says:

    Obama is haunted by the ghost of FDR

  2. Unimatrix0 says:

    If you zoom into the photo you will see that its some type of drapery or flag and the “face” is an emblem of some kind. Ghosts…for freaks sake…grow up people.

  3. richardbt says:

    It looks like the reflection of the tree branches.

  4. dusanmal says:

    @#2 Not an emblem on drapery inside… Reflection of the tree branches/sky through them from outside on the window. Still no ghost…

  5. The Pirate says:

    With all hope of “Change we can believe in” gone, Obama has left the building.

  6. TooManyPuppies says:

    Since there’s no good caption for a reflection of branches and the sky:

    “Smoke Break!”

  7. Travis McDermott says:


  8. LibertyLover says:

    After turning off water to the White House to help pay for Michelle’s personal staff, President Obama realized he didn’t get an updated map to the new out house.

  9. Dallas says:

    Looks Cheney is trying to be president again.

    Quick, get the taser and sawed off shotgun.

  10. WmDE says:

    In a world where Massachusetts elects a Republican Senator, two men struggle to save health care reform.

    One the nation’s first Kenyan-American President, the other a recently deceased Democratic Senator whose only hope of ever occupying the White House was to haunt it. So begins….

    Barack and Ted’s Ectoplasmic Adventure.

  11. pcsmith says:

    Worst “Caption this Photo” ever.

  12. Lou Minatti says:

    This photo is making the rounds tonight. I’ve read that people see Jimmy Carter or Elvis. I just see reflections of tree limbs.

  13. AdmFubar says:

    Where’s Waldo?

  14. just me says:

    Harry Reid.

  15. Tosh Togo says:

    Jimmy Hoffa

  16. FRAGaLOT says:

    Ah-ah! for the first time EVER it’s not an image of Jesus or the Virgin Mary. Hallelujah!

  17. tdkyo says:

    WAIT WAIT!!! Look at the tree! Doesn’t that look like a Native American Chief?

  18. Greensaab says:

    I vote #11. This post sucks.

  19. Breetai says:

    I agree with #1 there is definitely a ghost in that door.

    But I think it’s looks more like Andew Jackson

  20. jujuclam says:

    I am fond of his fingers

  21. FRAGaLOT says:

    Doesn’t Obama seem really out in the open for a sniper shot?

  22. Birch says:

    It’s Herbert Hoover, saying “Welcome to the Club of Failed Presidents.”

  23. Dr Dodd says:

    George Soros manipulating his creation in, “The March of the Puppet Boy.”

    A Michael Moore Film.

  24. Airborne says:

    Who posts this crap on here? A reflection of the sky and some trees holds some evil portent or what? Ghosts?

    Is the OP a 9 year old? Grow up!

  25. jgo says:

    Caption is: Cherman should be limited to four posts per month.

  26. Reader1 says:

    Caption :

    I didn’t know devil lived in the white-house.

  27. Dallas says:

    #21 Not at all funny to me.

    However, good submission for the ‘Fox News Funny Caption Award’.

  28. Pikachu says:

    Uncle Tom.

  29. Chuck Field says:

    I’m not much for funny captions, but it looks like the reflection of a TV broadcast of Keith Olbermann. I find that very interesting.

  30. fishguy says:

    #17’s right. The face on the tree at right is more interesting. Is that Ronald Regan, Jesus, or Sitting Bull?


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