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haha , that was funny , good post.
If that thing was on my ceiling I would have used my .410 on it.
#2, Same here. The hell with the ceiling!
When I lived in Oz, I’d find Huntsmen in the house from time to time. And yes, they are huge and very, very fast. Like this guy, I’d use a large bowl to trap them and then take them out to the garden to eat bugs.
They are also loud (for a spider). One morning I was brushing my teeth and I heard what sounded like chewing. I looked up and there was a Huntsman sitting on the wall eating something. I could actually hear him masticating. Uggh.
There is a story in Perth about a terrible freeway accident. One morning a woman was driving to work. She lowered her visor to block the morning sun and a Huntsman dropped in her lap. She freaked and crashed.
My Aussie in-laws are very nonchalant about the spiders they come across in their house. The last time we were there the cats were playing with a decent sized tarantella-looking thing. Fuck that shit! I hate spiders. Next time use the shop vac or a flamethrower!
That’s cute… but fake.
Where there are conifer trees there are various enormous wood-pile spiders like the Huntsman, Wolf and Avondale. Most are non venomous, although they are able to bite and inflict a necrotic bacterial and enzyme goo. I bought an old forestry house in New Zealand, and spent a lot of time and money killing off these, huge, funnel webbed spiders. A can of WD40 for close encounters, permethrin based surface insecticides to treat the webs and rafters, wait a week and use an industrial vacuum cleaner.
Every Australian has to go through the ‘huntsman spider dropping on you’ initiation. It part of growing up here.
lamer than lame…
I have a medium sized huntsman that lives behind a framed picture in my bedroom. He (or probably ‘she’ as the females get much bigger) is about 4 1/2 inches across and stalks across the wall and ceiling on warm nights.
She doesn’t hurt me so I leave her alone. My cats would LOVE to get hold of her but shes too quick for them and can fit into the most amazingly small spaces and cracks.
Hey Johnny D.
How can you have a vid with some guy and his spider. Then a vid of some guys blowing up a tank/shed. But you have nothing on how the supreme court sold out every person in the USA yesterday. Step up the content on the blog.
#2 that would have just pissed off that spider…
huntsman are only 4 to 5 inches in diameter? hhmmmm
me thinks you need to meet the wolf spider, i had two one in the house and the one in the garage.. there are about as bit around as my hand… about 5 to 6 inches… the one was in the basement in the laundry room… i think it tried to attack my foot as i came in to do my laundry. i was pulling clothes out of the drier and had turned around to hang them up, noticed an odd spot on the floor. i thought it was a spill or something that had dripped from the ceiling, but for a puddle with splatters around it , was way to symmetrical . on closer inspection i noticed it had eyes. :O
i thought about getting a fly swatter to killit, but then thought it would prolly have me pinned to the ground if i tried that… took and empty laundry basket and wacked it with that, hard enough that i cracked the basket…
the other one was hanging out on the garage door needles to say i didnt go into the garage until it got could enough for heavy frost..
i have a picture of that one… i’ll have to post it and put a link up here..
I have two words for you: Hair spray.
If you’re particularly afraid of spiders, I have one more: lighter.
ok here is the spider pic this is the smaller of the two.. the other one that was in the basement, (sorry no pic of that one) was about a one half to twice as large at this one., and this one is about 3 to 3.5 inches big
I should add that there’s a small-ish (2″) one living in my wife’s car’s wing-mirror. It usually likes to make a sprint across the driver’s side window as you’re pulling a tight turn in a carpark or similar thus causing you to lose control of the car and your bowels simultaneously.
Not poisonous or aggressive but highly geared to making you freak-out at short notice.
One of those thing fell on my face when I was 3 or 4 and I’m still scared of spiders 30 years later.
I was going to suggest knocking it down with a broom but I think a vacuum is clearly head a shoulders the best option.
Huntsmen are harmless and are fairly tame. If you leave them alone they soon get used to humans and don’t even get twitchy as you walk past. The one in this vid is a fairly big specimen.
I used to chase them out of the house but I don’t bother now, I figure we can live in relative harmony.
I live in an old house, we have huntsman wandering round all the time. They’re big, sometimes, and they’re fast, all the time. I only chase them out if they’re over my bed. I’ve had them on and in my cars as well, it takes an iron will not to freak when one runs across the dash and disappears under the steering wheel. Best hunting is done with a stick with a towel on the end, with a cat for a hunting companion. If you miss, they don’t.
hahahah, made my day. Thanks.
#21 alphgeek
I have made a pact with spiders, in particular huntsmen. If they stay out of my personal space, I will leave them alone.
The only time I ever had trouble with a huntsman was when about 2 or 3 hundred of her babies gave birth right behind my bed. It really was like a scene from arachnophobia.
Otherwise, these creatures are harmless. I never thought I’d say this on the internet, but it’s clear this video is fake. 😛