Global Warming Fraud — This should be interesting.
Finally, efforts are being made by the founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, to sue Al Gore and his cohorts for perpetrating “the greatest scam in history” — the fraud of global warming. Thirty thousand others, comprised of scientists and experts, are also willing to join in that lawsuit.
So how did this fraud all get started? It all started in Chicago shortly after Earth Day, April 17, 1995, when Al Gore went to Fall River, Mass., to give his green sermon speech. He was soon joined by Maurice Strong and Peter Knight, a registered lobbyist and Gore’s former top Senate aid.
It didn’t take long before the Chicago Climate Exchange was formed and “a veritable rat’s nest of cronyism” was formed. The largest shareholder in the Exchange is Goldman Sachs, and Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley is its honorary chairman. The Joyce Foundation, which funded the Exchange, also funded money for John Ayers’ Chicago School Initiative. John is the brother of William Ayers who was one of the founders of the Weathermen.
Obama, at the time, was active in this scam and knew darn well what was going on, but three years later that did not stop him from funding these leaders in the man-made global warming movement. The first attempt to improve the environment was a grant of more than $25 million in U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for research and development. That turned out to be a failure, so they were awarded another $8 million in federal taxpayer’s cash. That, too, was a failure. Present major funding is courtesy of Edward Rothschild’s World Bank.
Found by Mike Hutchins.
Coleman has been saying he would sue since March 2008.
I want to see Gore get sued, but until a suit is actually FILED, it’s still just talk.
The blind misleading the blind…
Go ahead… laugh all you want. The fact is Gore was right. In fact, it may be significantly worse than even he feared. Climate change is real. We are having an impact on it. Oh, and for the record, the Earth is significantly older than the 6000 years you think it is.
Probably Al Gore jut put the issue on the table, but other agendas perpetrated the fraud. Climate change is not caused by CO2 alone. We’ll see.
Cripes, even McCain didn’t go for the denier party line. I guess he doesn’t rely enough on Oil Patch buck$.
Where are the facts of this lawsuit? Where/when is it going to be filed? Smells weird to me.
They had to throw in William Ayers. I’m surprised they didn’t call him Barack HUSSEIN Obama and claim that he was born in Kenya.
And I hate to break it to ya — Al Gore being your favorite whipping boy and all — but the idea of AGW has been around long before Al jumped on the bandwagon.
Lots of accusations being thrown around here. We’ll see if anything sticks.
The idea of carbon trading doesn’t look too good, mainly because of a total lack of enforcement. A company promises to pollute less, and gets money for it, but no one checks to make sure it’s really polluting less? Or they put in sensors, but they’re controlled by the polluter? Please. What a joke. We would need a national pollution police force to handle this.
I am waiting, Just waiting..
For this to be a FRAUD in a FRAUD..
And this it is really happening.
I do think that AIR POLLUTION is still happening..I believe that the BREATHABLE content has dropped since I was younger.
ANd it doesnt really mater wheres its created, AS we found with acid rain from the USA created on the black forests in germany.
It does NOT matter how much CO2 can be absorbed into the Ocean, its HOW will the FISH BREATHE.
Second hottest year on record. Hottest decade on record.
Ewww… This could seriously derail the Carbon Credit powergrab.
Seriously though. Why can’t the guys who are serious about cleaning the planet work on stealing the money from the Al Gore fraudsters and reinvest it in a eco friendly Manhattan Project that could provide real results instead of scams.
Peered reviewed research.
Not lawsuits. Not conservative talk radio. Not Sarah Palin. Not debates. Not cranky bloggers.
Peered reviewed research is how you know if science is legit or not.
Hey Bob….how about $50,000 and you write a paper about how man made global warming is for real.
Hey John, how about $50,000 and you tell me Bob’s paper is right on.
Why there you go, Greg. “Peered” reviewed!
this one needs that BS meter
I’ll believe it when a judge agrees to here it.
I’ve got jury duty in march I hope I get this one.
Gee. I wasn’t aware that the World Bank “is” Edward Rothschild’s. Call in the black helicopters.
NASA must be hiding the truth for the cause of this.
Given that we are at an extended solar minimum, and the earth should be cooling severely right now, the only possible explanation should be the prevailing one amongst deniers: that there is something related to the orbit of the galaxy that is influencing the charts. And NASA would of course know nothing about THAT.
BTW, I will admit that the glaciers will not melt away in the time frame published before… but if you deniers actually learned how to read, you would know that the rate of melting is not in dispute, it is the quantity of ice available to melt. It is melting just as fast as described all along, but it will take longer. So much for that conspiracy.
#8 scuba gear?
#12 Why do people keep making the claim that scientists are in it for the money?
The exact opposite is true! The deniers are getting paid by big industry that stands to lose billions if strict guidelines are placed on their industries.
What do you bet this John Coleman character is getting major funding from the coal and oil industry to make his nuisance suit?
What exactly is this lawsuit about?
Free speech still exists, if not in Canada and Europe, in the US.
The scientist who say we are warming are using one set of data and those who say we are cooling are using another. The first group seem to be using a subset of what the second group are using.
The reason I no longer trust anything the alarmist say is that my background is in science and these people have been doing some very bad science. They have also been getting rich doing it.
What climate gate demonstrates along with several other incidents is that these people are cooking the data. If it fits their agenda they will claim the glaciers in the Himalayas are rapidly vanishing even though they’ve never bothered to find out. Looking at satellite photographs then and now should give you a fair idea.
If others wish to think the alarmist are great scientists doing good work that is their problem. As for as I’m concerned the alarmist now have the same level of credibility as someone pushing the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny as being real.
There are some very old zirconium crystals which have been dated. I don’t know how old the Earth is and neither does anyone else but it is older than those crystals.
#21 The reason I no longer trust anything the alarmist say is that my background is in science and these people have been doing some very bad science. They have also been getting rich doing it.
Your background is in “science”? Any particular kind of science related to global warming? Or just a bachelor of science degree in sports nutrition? 😉
And who, exactly, is getting rich? The hundreds or thousands of scientists working on this topic? And where are they getting this money from?
Being a “scientist” and all, you should know that “proof by assertion” is a logical fallacy. You can’t just say it’s true, you need, you know, evidence.
We all know who has the billions of dollars. It’s the big energy corporations that stand to lose big if AGW really is true.
Maybe being a “scientist” and all, you could follow the money and figure out who benefits and who doesn’t and who has the axe to grind.
It’s really funny to see one person post their agenda under so many different usernames.
Few really ever bought into Gore’s BS. People pushed it because they were either A.) Going to make $$$$!! or B.) Gullible apologists looking for a cause to make them feel better about their lack of virtue.
“And who, exactly, is getting rich? The hundreds or thousands of scientists working on this topic? And where are they getting this money from?”
Are you serious? Haven’t they already been shown to be earning a living proportional to the level of hysteria over this?
When is John getting a spot on Fox”News”? He has become as big a whack job as Glen Beck and Sarah Palin.
Are you serious? Haven’t they already been shown to be earning a living proportional to the level of hysteria over this?
You’re the one making this claim, you provide the evidence.
Why do the Global Warming stories on this blog always consistanly end up with the longest comment threads? LOL
You do realize this is bullshit? There is never going to be a lawsuit, they are not even going to file one. Its just a stupid tactic to try and convince people the global warming isn’t real and that it comes from Al (not helping) Gore.
Deniers are not interested in evidence. They will use any tactic except looking at the evidence because the evidence doesn’t support their claim.
Do we trust the corps??
Which scientists do we listen to??
I cant lean 50/50..
I cant lean 60/40.
I want to fall off this poll.
I see both sides and wish someone would just CREATE OXYGEN and #@$@$ the rest.
How can you even post these things. Forget evidence forget what people say, at least have the brains to just look whats happening around you. Winters was very cold this time in India, which is my country. There was rain where there is a desert.
Don’t you have any sense of responsibility towards your fellow human beings. If you do not want to do anything then don’t. But please don’t dissuade other people who are trying to save their future.
These weather guys cannot predict from one week to another. Don’t think I will ever believe their BS about global warming. A lot of these idiots were predicting a Ice Age about 20 years ago. Which is it? Anyone who believes this stuff must believe the sky is falling too.
I hope they do file this suit. That way it can be dismissed with costs.
It has been said many times before, there is really no need for me to repeat all of it. Deniers like to ignore facts and then make up their own bullcrap. Nothing is going to change their minds.
Is it is also coincidence that a huge number of them are also adherents to the “Invisible Dude in the Sky” cult. No rational, logical, or scientific thought required.