GALESBURG — An Illinois National Guard soldier in Afghanistan has been charged by the U.S. Army with possessing child pornography over pictures of a young relative his mother says she sent him.
Terri Miller of Galesburg says she sent her son, Specialist Billy Miller, pictures of the little girl to help him get over his homesickness.
The pictures show the child in a swimsuit playing a wading pool and sitting on a truck. In one, the girl is wearing a swim suit and part of her buttocks are exposed.The Army says Miller will stay in Afghanistan until his court martial. His unit came home last August. Miller faces jail time, if convicted.
Terri Miller says the pictures are innocent.
WQAD TV reports that the child is a relative Billy treated as his own child when the girl was diagnosed with cancer as her father was going through boot camp. The family notes that the same pictures are on family computers and on Facebook pages, and no one else has been investigated.
“You have no clue how it eats me up”, said a crying Terri Miller. “I blame myself every day, every day, if I wouldn’t have sent the pictures he would be home.”
Cripes. More of this story here.
Military Intelligence at work!
What a waste of resources on so many levels.
People are idiots. Especially people in government.
I expect that a senior officer with authority will quickly step in and stop all this nonsense in its tracks. Else the military will get everything it deserves in terms of public fallout.
I call BS. Just more made up distractions.
This is not just government/military, government simply mirrors this society …
Follow the story link and read the other news story on the same page.
“Army: soldier’s charge not connected to family e-mail”
One more aspect of Obama’s administration war on military. Just like the prosecution of marine allegedly punching the terrorist. Under Obama administration every soldier is presumed guilty, just his crime is not yet found. Yes, officers start the process but I bet that it is out of fear they’ll be on the guilty stand if they let anything even remotely looking as impropriety go.
Instead of Harmon Rabb we have Harmon Arab. JAG must have been infiltrated by Al Qaeda. Stories like this and the stories about the Seals being prosecuted for giving a terrorist a bloody lip are proof of this. There needs to be a house cleaning in the JAG corps.
Today the Army e-mailed me this statement; “Our Staff Judge Advocate has confirmed that the photos of Spec. Miller’s niece are not the photos associated with the preferred charges.”
Of course. Good find.
Did anybody notice that the “picture” shown with this article is NOT the one that the sunscreen folks used to use. Her bottom was mostly bare….
Political Correctness lives….
i smell a military pedo coverup
Nope, not wanting to get arrested, jailed and forever branded a sex-offender in an insanely prudish culture with a corrupt and dysfunctional law enforcement system is not political correctness, it’s common sense.
And yes, that sentence was too long.
this was on a laptop??
That had access to the NET??
There is little protection on ANY computer running on the net.
A pic could be installed to be viewed later, or just cached into windows..
Thanks “Glass Half Full” for doing the homework that McCullough should have.
So – not a pedo issue but that he had porn of his computer. And that is a crime? Ten thousands of guys not allowed to watch girls in burka-land? Tbe safest way to turn anybody neurotic. The army believe they have only sent gays over there??? Testosterone, hey – heard about that? But fear prestige has gone into it and the guy is toasted. A good warning to everybody else contemplating their future in burka-land; when the army expect you to become a fighter monk celibacy is the downside….
Since I don’t have a clue what the facts are….
So, if anyone has photos of their young child, or other children dressed in a manner which a third party deems as ‘inappropriate’, then, this could be held to be paedophilic, or pornographic?
Well. If that IS the case – as it seems to be here – then the right and correct procedure to follow is for that matter to go to court.
Of course, should the charges be dismissed, then, the (also) right and proper procedure is for an enquiry into the costs of bringing such court cases and for those responsible to have to provide explanations. This is taxpayers money after all, it has to be accounted for and those responsible for wasting it (if that is the case) held accountable. Can’t have a do-as-you-like at our expense situation – can we? By the way. Seems to me that other citizens i.e. President Obama, could be judged paedophilic if they also possess ‘improper’ photographic pictures of their own, or others children, under EXACTLY those circumstances.
Understand that the law applies equally to all – or is this a mistaken belief?