A U.S. Airways jet was diverted to Philadelphia International Airport Thursday after a praying Jewish man’s religious item was mistaken for a bomb, police said.

There were initial reports that a man may have been wired with “a device” and FBI and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officials and a police bomb squad all attended.

However, when authorities boarded Flight 3079 from LaGuardia Airport to Louisville, they established there was no bomb on board.

Government sources also said the passenger had been “praying loudly” and that the flight was diverted out of an “abundance of caution.”
Officials said a passenger had become alarmed by seeing a man with phylacteries — boxes containing verses from the Bible — which observant Jews strap around their arms and heads as part of morning prayers…

The passengers were due to fly to Louisville on a different plane. It was unclear whether the man wearing the phylacteries would be among them.

So, if you’re afraid of flying and must take a trip by air – don’t pray once you’re on board. At least not in Hebrew or Yiddish.

  1. LibertyLover says:

    Just turn the security back over the airlines.

  2. bdgbill says:

    This has happened in the past with Muslims praying loudly on planes. I strongly suspect that these people are baiting security in the hope they will be treated badly so they can have their 15 minutes of fame or a lawsuit.

    There is a time and place for everything. An airplane is not an appropriate place for loud vocal praying (unless it is on fire).

  3. paddler says:

    Is that a bomb in your pants or are you just glad to see me?

  4. RBG says:

    Or at least don’t pray with a little square box strapped to the top of your head.

    I don’t suppose anyone thought to ask the fellow about his “device” before turning the jet around?


  5. Benjamin says:

    “Impress these words of Mine on your hearts and souls, bind them as a sign on your hands, and let them be a symbol on your foreheads.” Deuteronomy 11:18

    I thought this just meant show the Word of God with your actions and keep the Word of God in your thoughts. I didn’t know they were literally supposed to strap the Word of God to their heads and arms in little boxes.

    Although they could have much smaller boxes if they read this XKCD comic: http://xkcd.com/691/

  6. Benjamin says:

    Although I have a friend with a Bible verse tattooed on her shoulder and I point to that verse and tell her it is supposed to be on her hands and forehead.

  7. jcostedpm says:

    My daughter had an interesting TSA encounter in Manchester New Hampshire last week. She is in law school and was flying to Philadelphia to see her Grandfather before his heart surgery. She was detained as the ran her bag about 5 times and then had to search it. It turns out her Constitutional Law book was the suspicious item. I guess anyone aware of their constitutional rights is a threat to our country. BTW she is white so thank goodness there was no profiling involved.

  8. Bobby says:

    bdgbill-Jewish men pray at designated times and Orthodox jews ALWAYS pray with the phylacteries. The difference between these religious jews and the religious muslims is, unfortunately, that the jews aren’t involved in a jihad against America. You should fly El AL sometime-safest airline in the business, and FILLED with praying jewish people.

  9. chuck says:

    How about we just start profiling for the religious nut-cases?

    New question to be asked by ticket agent:
    Do you believe in God?

    (If yes, then put passenger on do-not-fly list and call security to taser him.)

  10. Benjamin says:

    #9 Rather require people to say “Allah is no god and Mohammad certainty never was a prophet.” If they can’t say that without flinching, make them eat Bacon, and if they refuse bring in the tase squad to escort them out of the airport.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    I don’t get it. Praying is just another way of screwing with god’s plan. If he wanted to accommodate you he would have in the first place. Unless, of course, he really isn’t as omnipotent as claimed.

  12. bac says:

    #4 — It seems that the normal thing to do is call authorities first then ask questions. Did you hear about the kid at the science school where the vice principal saw him with a bottle that had wires? The bottle in question was a science project for the school.

    If you hear someone praying call authorities.
    If you see wires call authorities.
    If you see something blinking call authorities.
    If you hear someone being loud on a plane call authorities.

    But please do not ask questions first, that would be too logical.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Benjy,

    I think chuck is suggesting anyone who believes in a guy in the sky calling the shots qualifies as a religious nut case. Can you suggest any reason why he might be wrong?.

  14. RBG says:

    13. ‘Cuz the guy-in-the-sky majority call the shots?


  15. MRN says:

    #2 bdgbill

    If they really wanted to have their 15 minutes of fame, they would throw up their hands in the air, cry out “Allahu Akbar!” and then reach for their pockets. This maneuver is guaranteed to cause the joker to be wrestled into the aisle and trussed up by his fellow passengers and the entire cabin crew in no time.

  16. Skeptic says:

    phylactery: phy⋅lac⋅ter⋅y [fi-lak-tuh-ree], noun, plural -ter⋅ies.
    A factory where they make prophylactics – a receptacle containing a holy relic. Sometimes strapped to the forehead during weekday morning prayers.

  17. Benjamin says:

    Since God is omnipresent it is a mistake to call him a guy in the sky.

    Islamic qualify as religious nuts because they actually blow up stuff in the name of religion. Christians and Jews don’t do that. There is a reason why Allahu Akbar is Arabic for take cover.

    # 13 Mr. Fusion said, on January 21st, 2010 at 10:13 am

    “I think chuck is suggesting anyone who believes in a guy in the sky calling the shots qualifies as a religious nut case. Can you suggest any reason why he might be wrong?.”

  18. RBG says:

    17 Benjamin

    By your logic Christians just shoot abortion doctors.


  19. RTaylor says:

    Mr Fusion, prayer is not to change God, but to change ourselves.

    That’s a paraphrase of C.S. Lewis, I’m too lazy to track the source.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Benji,

    Since God is omnipresent it is a mistake to call him a guy in the sky.

    Fine, let’s call him “That dude in the sky”.
    So if he is omnipresent, why did he kill so many Christians in Haiti when there are so many non believers in other parts of the world?

    Well it sure sounds like that part of the bibble where they preach how much god loves his children is a lie. Oh, he killed his children out of his love for them?

  21. Benjamin says:


    Christians don’t shoot abortion doctors. Christians are followers of Christ. Jesus didn’t shoot abortion doctors. Those who shoot abortion doctors are not following Christ.

    Islamic people follow Mohammad who ruthlessly killed people that would not convert to his way of thinking. The followers of Mohammad kill people too.

    Whose religion tells people to kill people? Compare Jesus and Mohammad and it is no contest who I wish to follow. There is a difference.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, So a few years ago when my ma-in-law had her surgery, her pastor spent almost the entire time praying out loud asking his god to save her, guide the surgeon’s knife, allow her a full recovery, …, was all for him?

    That selfish bastard!!!

  23. Dallas says:

    I believe prayer preceded most suicidal bombings. Just say’n

  24. RBG says:

    Likewise most moderate Muslims do not believe Islamic terrorists are real Muslims. Bet we both can find lots of examples in the Bible where God’s “true” followers killed plenty of innocent folks, including children.


  25. Blues says:

    Is there anything the Americans aren’t afraid of?

  26. ECA says:

    In a society of OPENNESS, and freedom of religion..(LMAO)
    its entertaining to see that ALL these Christ/Jewish persons have NO KNOWLEDGE of others basic religions..

    I wont say more. I will sit here and LOL myself.
    Then wonder WHY the only religions we ACKNOWLEDGE in school are????

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, Benji,

    #21 The earthquake was caused by humans, not God.

    Too funny. Something tell me you actually believe this.

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    A religious nut claiming tectonic drift is caused by man.

  28. Username says:

    >So if he is omnipresent, why did he kill so many Christians in Haiti

    I think he gets drunk at Christmas – same with the tsunami a few years ago.

  29. Nobody says:

    >they actually blow up stuff in the name of religion. >Christians and Jews don’t do that.

    Google “Irish Republican Army” and “King David hotel”
    -or maybe they only blowup Brits?

  30. flying circus says:

    I always fly with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.


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