This shows the ridiculousness of the corporatist/fascist government the U.S. has had for the last 100 years.

  1. ECA says:

    Russia, S. america and CHINA(?) has more then any other place..

  2. ECA says:

    I want to add 1 thing to all this…
    I WISH that all things that used USA/TAXPAYER MONEY/created any other way…
    to be released to the PUBLIC.
    Only update, clean up, to be paid for by TAX PAYER MONEY..
    Which means, that the Dams, bridges, roads, Railroad, most schools, and soforth are RETURNED to the PUBLIC..

  3. ECA says:

    all federal, state, county and city buildings built using TAX payer money…ALL state funded buildings and advances to be returned..

  4. james says:

    Corporatism as a system has nothing to do with corporations in the modern sense. Please look at the book Corporatism and Comparative Politics by Howard J. Wiarda. It is on Google Books. Unlike Marxism, the goal of a corporatist system is for the working class and the bourgeoisie to be not in conflict, but a part of the same body (corpus). This would mean things like employer-employee solidarity and an economy that is controlled by the state together with employers and workers working together (ideally). Corporatism was posited as a third way between capitalism and Marxist systems. Our current situation is not a third way. It’s just an evolution of capitalism.

  5. ECA says:

    get the corps to understand that..
    Even the Fed medical coverage would be cheaper if they understood it. but those on TOP dont understand it, and WONT.

  6. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    The POINT of this show is that T Boone Pickens wants 10 Billion Dollars given to HIM so he can show how beneficial using Natural Gas is. Very humble man. Later, several in the audience took him to task for “lying” about tax subsidies===as small as they are.

    This new show on FBN (Fox Business something or other Network? News?) with New show each Thursday Night and repeats the next few days.

    Hosted by Stossel who takes a very Libertarian view. One of the best shows on TV right now.

  7. jescott418 says:

    Gee, he can’t get a loan? Go figure.

  8. jescott418 says:

    Mr. Pickens talks out of two sides of his mouth. On one hand he says he needs government to subsidize these new engery ideals. But on the other he says it he won’t need too much investment? Which is it? Why does’nt other cronies of Mr. Pickens want to invest? Because they know it won’t make money. Tax dollars are much easier to throw away.

  9. Dennis says:

    “Only 10 Billion dollars”……Fine…give it to Me since it is ONLY $10 Billion. Pocket change.
    “Get together with other rich guys” …He damn near stuttered on the reply. Funny how when it is THEIR money, they say NO WAY…yet when it is getting money for some ‘idea’ that is designed to MAKE them More Billions, they demand it happen.
    What a world this has become.

  10. A Happy Tax Payer says:

    Come on people! It’s only $10 BILLION DOLLARS he’s asking for! What is wrong with you? Can’t you see he needs it bad!

    You’re all so heartless!

  11. damontsar says:

    TO ALL Government can be a force for good.
    This view that government is a bad thing that hurts people is a non American view. The Founding Fathers of the United States made the system for the people not for corporations or for the far right or left it for ALL people..

    firefighters, police, us military, schools this is government at work for the people.

    Just go back to the cabin in the woods and leave us college real world Americans alone…

  12. Pikachu says:

    What such rich people want is to exist as parasites on the state while they find ways to force consumers to be dependent on them. It’s the Bilderberg formula.

    We can have wind power if we do it individually ourselves in our backyards or at the state or city level.

  13. Postman says:

    Public risk, private profit. It is the American way.

  14. Dallas says:

    Don’t care for filthy republican oil billionaires but at least Picken’s has a plan.

    I support him.

    The US needs to invest in electric energy distribution grid to tap into our renewable resources like wind.

  15. Godfish says:

    I’m missing something? All I saw was another fox news ambush, not a real debate. maybe I’m missing the point but all I saw was some guy shouting get your hand out of my pocket, Or they took our job! Durk ya Geeerrr.

  16. clear thinker says:

    Well this was clearly some kind of beat-up session on T-Boone and I must say he took it all quite well and remained calm. The fact remains he’s smarter than the other guys on the show and the posters on this blog, has made more money and employed more people than anyone on this blog or on that show etc etc. People are jealous and when smart people come forward with ways to move the world ahead, all the small minds beat them down cause they can’t see the big picture – that’s why they are tiny little failures who post on blogs.

  17. George says:

    Such bullshit. The answer to the energy problem and so-called Global Warning has existed since 1951. NUCLEAR!!!

    Its a proven technology that countries all over the world (except us it seems) are turning to. Build pebble-bed reactors and forget this wind/solar crap.

  18. Postman says:


    Well except for the part about the nuclear waste, yeah I guess you are right.

    Do you realize that all you have to do to become a millionare/billionare is solve the nuclear waste issue? Thats it, figure that one out and you are gold.

    Oh and wind costs less than nuclear to deploy.

    I am all for Pickens plan, just do it with your own money.

  19. chuck says:

    “Get together with other rich guys…” – that’s hilarious! Do you think those other rich guys got rich spending their own money?

  20. Dallas says:

    #17 Go feed your mule. This is a grown up topic.

    #19 Right on. Stick around and help train the idiots in here.

    #20 Your tunnel visioned simple mind on nuclear is elementary. Maybe a remedial course for you?

    #22 Agreed. We also would benefit from a high distributed energy grid that solar and wind allows for. This is over the heads of the idiot sheep in here, though. BTW, Picken’s is putting his own money where his mouth is.

  21. Dennis says:

    DALLAS: No, obviously Pickens is NOT. Otherwise, why is he taking federal monies at all? It used to be, in America, that you had an idea, a plan, and brought it to fruition and sold the results as a business. Now it is about taking over federal properties and then demanding more monies to maintain them while still reaping the profits from it.
    It is not entrepreneurship any longer, when the only reason a corporation does something is because they will receive monies in subsidy greater than investment. No company pays for R&D anymore, not even when given grants for the process. This is a DRASTIC change from the America of just 30 years ago. Maybe you are the one who needs to open your eyes and see the change to corporate power, and how it is now controlling all aspects of American Life.
    Anytime a company failing affects the entire state of the world, is a time when corporations have too much influence and need to be reigned in. This means turning off the spigot of cash, and curtailing the amount of influence.
    But it seems to be too late now.

  22. Rabble Rouser says:

    T. Boone is a huckster.
    He’s full of gas. Hydrogen sulfide and methane to be exact.
    He’s just trying to milk more money out of everyone before he dies. Maybe he thinks he can take it with him.

  23. Dallas says:

    #26 Your point is good but missing the reality that we are talking about an energy grid. First, it requires federal land and second it requires government resources.

    Think a moment about the highway system. Do you think Joe the Entrepreneur can say “gee, I have an idea. I want to build a nationwide highway! I’ll mortgage my house and get started”.

    Kidding aside. An US energy grid is not your ordinary business venture.

  24. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    This brings out a crucial point about improvements to the infrastructure of the United States. It doesn’t belong to the United States.
    99% of the electricity transmission grid is privately held. This fact was revealed when the Pickens plan was delayed last year. Maybe that’s why there was trouble tapping the windmills into it. There have been plans to reevaluate the process of where transmission lines are placed – giving the U.S. Dept. of Energy much more say over state & local interests.
    Honda makes the Civic GX, a car with an engine designed for natural gas combustion. It had the cleanest burning engine when it was introduced. Honda also sold a kit that allowed the car to be filled from a home’s natural gas line. I don’t think it sold well. This technology exists. I don’t think it needs subsidies.

    The amount of oil imported into the U.S. was limited by law to 20% or 30%. This law was repealed in early 1973 before the oil embargo.

    Question: Why doesn’t this law come back?

    Oil drilled or refined here can be sent anywhere. There would have to be a law to keep it in the US and that’s not likely to happen.

  25. RSweeney says:

    crony “capitalism”

    A symptom that the government has taken too much power.

  26. LibertyLover says:

    #29, There have been plans to reevaluate the process of where transmission lines are placed – giving the U.S. Dept. of Energy much more say over state & local interests.

    Which is why Texas has its own power grid. Since it doesn’t cross state lines, the Federal Government can go fuck themselves.

  27. Floyd says:

    #26: R&D is disappearing because:

    1. The smartest people from the Boomer era are retiring.

    2. In the 50s and 60s there was money for R&D, mostly from the Defense Department–the Cold War and all that. Now, Defense has reduced R&D, or made such projects classified. These days, corporations will only do R&D with “other peoples money,” letting those investors take the risk of trying to do something new, possibly without their knowledge.

    3. Too much of our money supply was squandered or pocketed by banks and investment firms on get rich quick schemes back in 2007-08, so there’s not much capital left to try new technical ideas.

  28. sargasso says:

    “T. Boone”? I expect his parents had already named someone, Banjo.

  29. Joe says:

    Whoa! Hold on here.

    Robert Bryce is an ill mannered, long-winded and short-sighted fool. He slams wind energy and government support for Natural Gas Vehicles started.

    Currently, wind power isn’t really cost competitive with coal and other fossil fuels, that is true, but we need to make some small investments now so that the cost can come down later as mass production cranks up. Remember, VCRs cost over $1000 each back in the early 1980s, now they’re under $100.

    As for vehicles, it is clear that all-electric cars are the end-game (by 2030?), but the batteries of today just aren’t ready to provide the kind of power for cars that we expect. I have a NGV (Honda Civic GX). It works just fine and I’m paying about $0.75 per gallon after tax incentives – thanks Sam!

    Boone Pickens is a billionaire already and he’s in his 80s. He has no need to become richer.

    NGVs are not just another alternative. They’re really the only alternative that can be scaled up quickly and relatively inexpensively. They’re much cleaner than a gas or diesel vehicle. Again, the end-game is all-electric but NGV is a good 20-30 year strategy while private industry and government invest in ever better batteries.

    Lastly, let’s remember that when we buy gasoline and diesel, a small part of that purchase buys bullets to kill innocent people. One of the best ways to mitigate terrorism is to defund the terrorists, and this really means finding workable alternatives to petroleum.

  30. LibertyLover says:

    I am not sure why he is going public with his wants. All he has to do is buy a politician.


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