Found by Jim McDonald.

  1. Zybch says:

    Amazing stuff. Sure beats the hell out of those dumb chimps who spend their entire day with bits of grass ‘hunting’ termites.

  2. bobbo, love every show he has done says:

    Why imply porpi are dolphins? They aren’t. Related, but a different species.

  3. hhopper says:

    A dolphin is a beautiful fish. Porpoises are called “dolphins” incorrectly but it has stuck. Dolphin is served in many restaurants but is called Mahimahi so the patrons don’t think they’re eating a porpoise. This is what a dolphin (the fish) looks like.

  4. honeyman says:

    Sensational photography. There’s something very comforting about a fat happy porpoise.

  5. bobbo, words have a context says:

    #3–hopper==are you THAT rigid and inflexible?

    There are “dolphins” in the fish family and there are dolphins in the whale family.

    Silly to so grossly confuse taxonomy as you do==especially on reflection?

    “Words” gain most of their power by their ability to make DISTINCTIONS. Lazy and ignorant to champion obscuring real distinctions. Like “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” When you see dissimilar things being lumped together, you know evil is afoot.

  6. chuck says:

    If dolphins (or Porpoises) are so smart, why don’t they invent guns so they can shoot back at @*&$! Japanese fishermen?

  7. Christian says:

    Why do documentaries have to have such dramatic music? Good grief, they’re eating fish, not saving drowning babies.

  8. Breetai says:

    I’m just waiting for the day we learn to tanslate Dolphin. You know the first words are going to be “the Answer is 42 ya hairless chimp!”

  9. Mike says:

    Dolphins and porpoises are two completely different animals. Like alligators and crocodiles. The image that hhopper posted is of a “dolphin-fish.” Specifically, you have to say dolphin-fish when referring to a mahi-mahi.

    Dolphins are mammals that breathe air and would suffocate if they didn’t surface for a fresh breath. A dolphin-fish is a fish, meaning it stays underwater and if it were brought to the surface, would suffocate in the air.

    That was long-winded, but I hope I cleard things up.

  10. Zybch says:

    Odd the the “(porpoises)’ bit was added after the video had already been posted and correctly labeled “dolphins”.

  11. hhopper says:

    Bullshit! I posted it as is when it first went up.

  12. McCullough says:

    Very cool…. I had no idea. And yes, dolphin…Mahi variety is my favorite seafood.

    These mammals are smarter than most humans.

  13. Skeptic says:

    I’m going to try that next time I’m hungry at the beach.

  14. Wretched Gnu says:

    This video disturbs my conviction that the earth is a stage for human beings, with its flora and fauna as mere decorative backdrop, erected by a supernatural being who knows we’re the only game in town. Maybe I’ll drop that.

  15. bobbo, words have a context says:

    I love words and the “thinking” that is inextricably entwined. We think with words, words are our mental life. Words make us human, albeit to various degrees.

    I love having an “objective resource” to help me understand words/thinking/life that helps out in so many situations. Mostly unimportant as the issue here, but sometimes very important if you think in terms of words/ideas instead of staying in the rut of unexamined emotions.

    Etymology: Middle English delphyn, dolphyn, from Anglo-French delphin, alteration of Old French dalfin, from Medieval Latin dalfinus, alteration of Latin delphinus, from Greek delphin-, delphis; akin to Greek delphys womb, Sanskrit garbha
    Date: 14th century

    1 a (1) : any of various small marine toothed whales (family Delphinidae) with the snout more or less elongated into a beak and the neck vertebrae partially fused (2) : any of several related chiefly freshwater toothed whales (as of the family Platanistidae) b : porpoise 1
    2 : dolphinfish
    3 capitalized : delphinus
    4 : a spar or buoy for mooring boats; also : a cluster of closely driven piles used as a fender for a dock or as a mooring or guide for boats

    It appears the picture at Post #3 is NOT A DOLPHIN, but rather is a Dolphinfish. Such as easy error to make, and such an easy one to correct and learn from. Dolphins are not porpoises, and porpoises are not dolphins. To make this error would be like calling chimps gorillas. You just have to pay more attention to the differences and less attention to the similarities.

    Words. You gotta love how you think.

  16. Zybch says:

    #11 you sure. I damn well know what a dolphin is and the bracketed porpoises would have rung alarm bells immediately. I sure don’t remember seeing it till later.
    Doesn’t change the fact that you’re too arrogant (or just an asshole) and won’t remove the misused word in question though.

  17. N74JW says:

    Ready? Hike!!!

  18. The0ne says:

    These are not only smart but utterly cruel fishes as well. Go watch them toss their babies around and stuff. Great stuff.

  19. Dan says:

    Those poor fish! Murdered by dolphins! Where’s PETA to protect them?!?!?

  20. The0ne says:

    some links to enjoy. Oh, I might might have been wrong about porpoises treating their babies like that…might have been dolphins 😮

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