1. Sea Lawyer says:

    Good thing that didn’t air on U.S. television. Would have been an FCC fine for sure.

  2. birddog says:

    Made in China

  3. bobbo, not a follower of fashion says:

    Does Spandex get brittle in the cold?

  4. FRAGaLOT says:

    nice ass.

  5. Raff says:

    They should make spandex splitting into its own event.

  6. Steve says:

    9.8, 9.7, 9.3, 10, 9.9

  7. awesome123 says:

    Who bobsleds in a thong???

  8. RASTERMAN says:

    Last time she eats at Chili’s the night before a big race.



  9. dusanmal says:

    She gave it a big rip…

  10. Silk Sponge says:

    Trying to crack her wat into show business by the look of it.

  11. cfk says:

    Thongs for the memory…

  12. Skeptic says:

    Adidas. Impossible is Nothing.

  13. Skeptic says:

    “Ok… on 3 Gillian. Ready to split?”

  14. sargasso says:

    A fine specimen of healthy womanhood.

  15. Skeptic says:

    … Bob the sled was about to have the most thrilling ride of his life.

  16. Skeptic says:

    1 hour before…

    “Would you like a potato chip Gillian?”

  17. Ed Zepp says:

    The Wide Wide World of Ass!

  18. denacron says:

    Next up bobsle… whoops! Bobtail racing.

  19. admash says:

    I wonder if her ass (or anything else) will be stuck to the cold bobsled at the end of the race?

  20. MattG says:

    What happens next? Does she ignore it and go? or does she stop for a costume change?

    I feel vaguely unfulfilled by this story.

  21. AdmFubar says:

    spinal tap
    big bottoms, big bottoms, talk about bum cakes my girl’s got ’em

  22. qb says:

    I wonder what her split time was.

  23. Animby says:

    #18 Skeptic:

    Hot coffee + Your comment = you owe me a new keyboard

  24. Rick Cain says:

    I’m sure her team will catch up with the leader, coming up from behind.

  25. RTaylor says:

    She has the honor of being the first hit on Google for Gillian. I do hope the kid has a good sense of humor, cause she’s going to need it.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    I find those super-thin, ultra tight sports outfits either vaguely interesting or vaguely bothersome depending on the gender.


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