Possible suspect?

Caspar the cat, killed.

A cat which became famous for catching the same bus every day for four years has been run over and killed – while crossing the road to catch its daily lift. Crafty Casper died in a hit and run accident as he tried to board the No3 service.

He hopped on the bus around 10am every morning and sat on the back seat throughout its entire 11 mile route.

The freeloading Feline would travel around his home city of Plymouth, Devon, for up to an hour before arriving back at the same stop.

Cripes, here is another cat in England that takes the bus as reported in 2007. What are they feeding them?

  1. Personality says:

    This is why my cat stays indoors. I live on a bus route and I don’t want her getting any ideas.

  2. McCullough says:

    Reminds of the Moscow Subway riding dogs story.


  3. Cursor_ says:

    The cat is taking the bus to reduce you fat, lazy, hoomans carbon footprint.

    You can thank him later.


  4. hhopper says:

    Great article McCullough.

  5. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    JD said, “What are they feeding them?”

    Probably tokens.

  6. Carcarius says:

    Hey, who wrote the noagenda plug in these comments!?!


    Who’s rpledge???

  7. Lou Minatti says:

    Hey John, I see that Hugo Chavez believes in the same Magic Earthquake Machine that Adam does.

  8. BadaBing says:

    #7. You’re showing your ignorance Minatti….but that’s nothing new, goombah.

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Yes the dog may have run over the cat. Dogs are on our side in the great animal conspiracy. The cat was obviously doing dry runs for some horrible terrorist act.

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    With all the video surveillance in Great Britain, the culprit should be easily identified.

  11. Lou Minatti says:

    “You’re showing your ignorance Minatti”

    Let’s see…

    1. Hugo Chavez believes in a Magic Earthquake Machine.
    2. Adam Curry believes in a Magic Earthquake Machine.

    Tell ya what, Chief. Point out the factual inaccuracy.

  12. BadaBing says:

    #11. Prove that they are wrong…..

    all I need to know is that you are a moron. Proof is by your posts. What an idiot!


  13. sargasso says:

    I like cats. Just feel sad when one dies. Sorry, going to cry now.

  14. thisislizz says:

    kinda a big duh that the cat would get run over eventually…


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