There are dozens of these recaptioned videos using this scene from the excellent German film, Downfall, but this is the that one really works for some reason.
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#31–Pedro==YES==VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE. Now, I must assume that since you avoided every “fact” that I posted that you agree with them all?
Try to be relevant and on point?
The day after Obama won the presidency, I opined here at DU that “Every dog has its day” and “What goes around comes around”.
Well, last night proved that, and much faster than I had expected.
Interesting to see that the folks here who were the non-gracious winners then become the surly, non-good losers now.
Oh, and have no fear, lefties, you’ll “have your day” and “come around” again, but it’ll probably be 2 or 3 election cycles away…
I am not particularly happy it was a R elected. I would have preferred a third party candidate instead.
However, I am ecstatic it wasn’t another D to keep the 60 vote count.
And before you start griping, back in 2001 when Bush was president, I did indeed gripe about the fact the same party controlled two of the three branches of government. I just wasn’t on this blog then.
However, seeing as both parties are pretty much the same, I am not sure what Brown is going to do that is any different than any other R/D. Once the R’s get back in power, it’ll be R-City all over again.
The reality is that you can say anything you want during the election campaign but once you get elected the chances of actually being able to do it are almost nil. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitch and the rest knew this well, that is why they orchestrated a catastrophic event in order to win over all the “sheeple” as some of you are fond of saying. In the wake of their big scary event you all just bent over and said shove it in, I’m so scared of the bogey man terrorists, please take away all my rights, terror watch is color orange, oh my god I’m so scared – protect me. The whole system is screwed, because the people who are supposed to control the system are a bunch of stupid, scared, whining, chicken shit “sheeple”. On top of that many of you idiots want to remain the only developed nation that doesn’t provide health-care to its citizens. LOL – It’s actually funny and interesting to be able to watch the end of the American Empire in real time.
#35-Phydeau-Gee, somehow you must have missed all the venom and bile spewed by the wingnuts when Obama won.
Gee, somehow you missed the fact that the “Patriots” of this country “continue” to spit venom because of this great pretender known as Barack Hussein Obama.
Nope, nothing will change in that respect as long as that loathsome creature inhabits the White House.
You talk like that’s a bad thing.
These people don’t even know their history. Hitler was an ultra conservative (fascist). Hitler was an example of conservatism run amuck.
#41-Higghawker-These people don’t even know their history.
Someone doesn’t know their history but it appears the offender is you.
Hint: What does NAZI stand for?
#32 “I never heard of Croakley before 3-4 days ago “but” my take on her is she IS a dedicated civil servant…..”
Keith would love her.
The Boston Globe
Some saw Coakley as lax on ’05 rape case
#38 Liberty Lover… What Brown will do, will stain your underwear!
#46–Dr Dodd==even at the time, I don’t think ANYONE was “confused” by what was going on in Hitler’s Germany or the few years before he took power.
Are you thinking of anything specific, or just spouting verbal diarrhea to hide the fact you didn’t know what you were saying but thought it sounded good?
Believing labels will do that to you.
#47-boobo-I don’t think ANYONE was “confused” by what was going on in Hitler’s Germany or the few years before he took power.
Sure, everyone just stood around waiting for him to take the world to war. EVERYONE knew exactly what was coming so they sat back and waited for that hope and change.
#48–DoodyPants==”you know” you have already demonstrated your ignorance of history and your willingness to be led by meaningless talking points and bumper stickers.
NO NEED to make it at TRIFECTA by proving you don’t know the simple definitions of words. CONFUSION does NOT MEAN the inability to predict the future. Why would you say that?
Trumpeting History as you do, what was that again that Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf??? But nonetheless you are really being quite silly. Stop while you are behind.
#40 Gee, somehow you missed the fact that the “Patriots” of this country “continue” to spit venom because of this great pretender known as Barack Hussein Obama.
Thanks for providing me a classic example. Ooooh, Hussein! Run away, be afraid! You “patriots” were spitting your venom long before he actually took office. Y’all are just sore losers.
But I don’t know what you “patriots” are complaining about — he’s acting just like a Republican: More troops to Afghanistan, sucking up to the big bankers, sucking up to the big insurance companies, continuing Gitmo, continuing spying without warrants. You couldn’t get enough of it under Dubya, you terrorized little wingnut, why don’t you like it under Obama now?
God save my country from “patriots” like you.
#49 Hey Bobbo…stop being a douchebag know-it-all in the boorish style of Cliff Clavin. It sounds like someone trying to compensate for something…
Experiencing a bit of buyers remorse are we?
Why are you complaining to me about it – you’re the douche that voted for the Obamanation. You were warned, but noooo you wouldn’t listen.
Surprise, but you won’t listen the next time either.
#52 Yeah, I’m a liberal but no buyers remorse… McCain would have been worse. But why do you hate him so much? Like I said, he’s doing lots of stuff McCain would have done. You should be lapping it up. Torture, yay! Sucking up to big corporations like a Republican, yay! So why the hatred?
The only things I can come up with are:
1. The color of his skin
2. His middle name
In other words, nothing rational.
You were warned, but noooo you wouldn’t listen.
McCain would have been worse. No two ways about it. Our choice was between bad and worse. I’ll go with bad over worse any day.
You think McCain would have been better? Give me a f*cking break. He would have sucked up MORE to the big corporations, sent MORE troops, done MORE spying, etc.
Of course, that’s worse from my perspective. Being a wingnut you like the sucking up to big corporations, illegal spying, torture, etc. So I can see where Obama isn’t Republican enough for you. You want MORE sucking up to big corporations, MORE spying, MORE torture, MORE tax cuts for the rich, etc.
#51–boboo==all I do is post what I think, usually forgetting to post half of it and letting it go as long enough already.
By implication you think it is better to appear ignorant as Dr DoodyPants and the Repugs and the LIEBERTARIANS and the Bibble Thumpers hereon do? And to merely disagree with this group with facts and argument is – – – is – – – – is what exactly?
All criticism is indeed a two way street. If mere disagreement is considered “uppity” then count me in. Shouldn’t we all strive for such an appreciation?
I’ll let your detumescence linger on that puzzler for a while, but let us know with the character of your reposte?
Claiming you voted for Obama because he was better than McCain is a cop-out. There were alternatives to the two-headed, single party system.
Think outside the square.
Hey Dr DoodyPants, or other political retards, just for grins what SPECIFICALLY has Obama DONE that warrants your disparagement???
Make the list as long as you wish. I’m curious if you can find any error at all beyond Lindbaugh lies and the indeed deplorable continuation of Bush Policies.
As boboo would say “Amaze us with your know it all – ism.”
Hee, hee. Whadda bunch of dopes.
#57–Hey Loser==advising people to throw their votes away continuously or worse yet sinking your own preferred candidate?
You do know what they call people that put “philosophy” before common sense and their own best interests don’t you???
Yes, thats right: LIEBERTARIAN Losers.
QUICK====without using Google, who/when was the last viable third party candidate? We’ll all wait.
#55 All you do is loudly spout ignorant statements on this blog…oh that’s right…you’re an “independent”. I don’t believe that lie for a second. You are as partisan as they come which is OK…just admit it.
I get your game Bobbo the prepuce.
#60–Bobbo, not speaking of dopes==you say:
All you do is loudly spout ignorant statements on this blog…/// Name one, or make a list? Failure to do so will mark your abject failure as a human being.
oh that’s right…you’re an “independent”. /// I’ve never claimed that status. I have claimed, even in the last two days? a certain characterization that would capture that label but only by being much broader and not politically based.
I don’t believe that lie for a second. /// Ha, ha. Already too captured by other lies are you?
You are as partisan as they come which is OK…just admit it. /// Partisan for or against what??? Again, Name one, or make a list? Failure to do so will mark your abject failure as a human being.
I get your game Bobbo the prepuce. // Now “I” am the prepuce? Not by your claim unless you really come thru with your lists, but I won’t hold my breath.
You are but another shallow blow hard, not even up to Dr Dodds standards==more like LIEBERTY LOSER who right now is hiding behind his imaginary blocking software. Ha, ha.
Not even mildly interesting, but a change from having to defend my punctuation. Any grammar corrections? I should get “something” out of this exchange.
Why are you so against different points of view (View: a position supported by fact and not fantasy or worse just propaganda poorly constructed)? Education? A good joust????
Sad really. Show something good or stop boring me.
#58-boobo-what SPECIFICALLY has Obama DONE that warrants your disparagement???
“Now we know why Obama won’t release his school records. Bush got C’s and Obama probably failed lunch.”
You’ve got to start paying attention.
#62–Hey Dodd==thats it? Knock me down with a feather.
Yea, I don’t know why “O” didn’t release those records and I do think all politicians should be required to do so===just like a job application and all.
Just like I thought Bushieboytheretardwithasilvercokespooninhis pityfulass should have been required to release his military records. Not that I’m a partisan or anything.
Got anything else? How about that fly he murdered on tv? You know, flies are people too! Oops==I mean if you don’t repect the life of a fly, how can you respect the unlimited potential of an unborn human being?
Whoops, I guess that one went clean over your head.
Reference #1 or Hitler.
#54–Dodd==I saw the potential humor/sarcasm if it had come from non mindless partisans like yourself. But you can’t make that post which is of the sort you constantly make and then defend yourself by claiming humor.
If THAT post is humor, are all your others likewise???
Maybe I’m being too harsh. Convince me by making that list because right now it looks like you got nothing. At least you recognize it which is why I put you as a stretch goal for the prepuce. You should mentor that lad along. I don’t see much there, but if you can polish a turd, he should be worth a stroke or two from anyone with your rapier wit?
Scott Brown won Teddy Kennedy’s seat, but policy wise he is the heir to JFK. His first ad had JFK touting tax cuts to get the economy rolling.
Hitler was supported by the brothers’ father.
I’m waiting too Dodd… just exactly what horrible things has Obama done (in your mind I mean) besides being black and having the middle name Hussein?
Like bobbo, I’m all ears. Got any rational reasons behind your hatred, or did you just get it from Rush and Beck? Megadittos, Dodd???
#66 When it comes to criticizing people whose family supported Hitler, you wouldn’t want to be throwing rocks out of your glass house. A certain very recent past president had a family that supported the Nazis a lot during the 30s.