There are dozens of these recaptioned videos using this scene from the excellent German film, Downfall, but this is the that one really works for some reason.
Found by Postman
Found by Postman
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Warning, spoiler alert:
“Now we know why Obama won’t release his school records. Bush got C’s and Obama probably failed lunch.”
Now that’s funny, I don’t care who you are.
As an aside, if you haven’t seen the movie that this film clip came from: “Downfall”, I highly encourage it. The original 2004 German-Austrian drama film is in in German with English subtitles.
Uncle Dave – good post!
That’s awesome and hilarious
#1 Specul8
Yeah, that line was priceless. I didn’t see that one coming at all. Almost as good as the Daily show bit.
Agreed! The film Der Untergang(Downfall) is so worth the subtitling. A powerful, amazing piece of cinema.
This film is the gift that keeps on giving. As good as the Boeing/Airbus one a few months ago.
Better go check to see if Hell froze over… ๐
have to agree, that was awesome funny.
Good find!
that was awesome funny.
Good find!
That was exactly what I said but not quite as eloquent.
Brown’s victory might mean that the GOP’s new re-branding strategy is actually working:
#9 Sheeple like shiny objects. Gotta admit, he’s pretty shiny.
Hey at least people are starting to stop compare Obama to Hitler. At least Hitler was able to bring the Olympics to Germany. ๐
Guyver,LOL, thanks for that!
That is so funny.
I cannot stop laughing , well done, great find.
Obama’s pretty shiny.
That was SO perfect! And exactly right.
That was hilarious. Screw the sheeple that voted for that nimrod Obomba in the first place.
I’m sure any second now Dallas will chime in and say it was a big fix and the Republicans stole the election and promptly blame Florida.
Nope, just voters who have quickly realized that Obomba is a fucking liar and has been from day one.
How’s that hopey changy thing working for you now?
Dems have lost all three major elections since the fucktard was sworn in one year ago.
Happy anniversary!!!!
Holy Shiite! Damn that was funny.
#15 And you think you’re going to get a better deal under the Republicans? Bend over and get that lube ready, pal. ๐
#17 Phydeau
Nope, never said that did I? I keep a jar of lube with me at all times just in case I run into a politician of either side. Both sides are screwing all of us.
Obama ran for president saying he wasn’t going to make health insurance mandatory and wasn’t going to have the government “run” health care.
If he would get back to that instead of trying to do HillaryCare 2 and reform the system a bit that would be nice.
#18 I keep a jar of lube with me at all times just in case
To much information there, Diesel
With this new change in the air maybe closing Gitmo is not a good idea after all. We will need somewhere to send Obama and his henchmen for their crimes of looting the people’s treasury.
The terrorist lovers should get along just fine with it’s present occupants… if not, oh well.
#21 Handy tip: When you start hyperventilating, breathe into a paper bag for a while. That will stop the dizzyness. ๐
#21-Phydeau-breathe into a paper bag
You must have retrieved that wonderful medical advice from the pages of ObamaCare under cancer treatment.
Film clip is funny “but” means very little. No constant analogy is maintained but rather a melange of various complaints about Obama/Dems/Repugs/Voters is presented. Lets every low brow have their point of view expressed.
Brown is all about “anti-incumbency” than anything else. Thats why he DID NOT RUN as a Repuglican. He LIED!!! Just like the Repuglicans do, just as they all plan to do in 2010 and 2012==gee, just like Hitler.
Relevant to the issue du jour: France provides the best healthcare–or maybe Germany.
“Myths abound about what health care is actually like in other countries” /// True enough but even more telling are the myths about health care in the GOUSA and/or current proposed changes. And some of those happen to be reviewed here:
#24 True… when the brand stinks, avoid the brand.
#27–Pedro==hurt might be implied if anything said isn’t true. Otherwise, its just the facts.
What do you have against facts Pedro?
I am sick of these captioned versions from this outstanding movie, and this one does it no service as well.
Coakley lost the race ON HER OWN. She was complacent from before the primaries. She thought that the seat should have been her’s all along. So she does no campaigning, and loses, that’s it.
This was not a referendum, because there was really only one candidate who was really out there running a decent campaign.
I never heard of Croakley before 3-4 days ago “but” my take on her is she IS a dedicated civil servant serving as Attorney General (?) for Massachusetts who got the chance to run for Senator. I understand she “hated to campaign” for the office NOT I assume because she thought the seat was hers but rather because she thought her record and party membership should win the current race when her opponent would not even run as the Repuglican he was.
When a “good campaign” is defined as someone who is willing to stand in the rain and ask for your vote instead of the actual representational positions the candidate evidences he will take in office, then what we have dear voters is a beauty contest.
Every thing I have heard Brown say other than a womans right to choose ((one wife two daughters?))((my source being Olberman===so, he surely can’t be THAT BAD can he?)) shows him to be a real repuglican.
Ha, ha. Stupid voters will rue the day no doubt. But who among us doesn’t?