There are dozens of these recaptioned videos using this scene from the excellent German film, Downfall, but this is the that one really works for some reason.

Found by Postman

  1. bill says:

    AH is reacting just like most of the US is now.

    This should get really interesting!
    We are more divided than ever before.

    Is this how civil wars start? Sucession?
    Who the F is in charge around here?

  2. The Aberrant says:

    The reason the video works so well is because:
    1) It’s Hitler, and
    2) You’re a moron if you don’t AGREE with him.

    Which is in contraposition to not only everything we have ever been taught, but against everything the Democratic party stands for (or should.)

  3. Hmeyers says:

    Who’s this “Phydeau”? Is he a new forum nutbag or an embarrassed old nutbag that renamed himself?

    Either way, welcome Phydeau!

    @ Bobbo

    This Coakley lady didn’t know who Curt Schilling was.

    Female and the “sports ignorance” excuse only goes so far. You can’t be in Massachusetts and not know the fucking Red Sox. It’s a cardinal sin.

    It’d be like someone running for office in Florida and not knowing who Tim Tebow is.

    As someone who doesn’t really give a shit about party politics, I’d have to say this Coakley lady looked like your typical “running for office” paper pusher beaucracy DMV lady.

    And that Brown is rather Richard Gere suave.

    Personally, I’d never vote for a Department of Motor vehicles paper-pushing uptight lady who is afraid to shake hands because of germs.

  4. bobbo, my heroes have always been --cowboys??-- says:

    #72–HMyers==so, your heroes have always been idiotic lovers of pop culture huh?

    I almost agree. Worrying that a woman of great accomplishments and capabilities would not recognize she doesn’t give a crap about baseball and therefore should keep her mouth shut.

    Instead, Mass and the Nation now get a Playgirl Centerfold with all the Palinesque consequences that flow therefrom.

    More the gerbil than the Gere.

  5. Hmeyers says:


    You have to pass the “normal” test to get elected to office.

    Some crone lady who doesn’t know that Curt Schilling won the Red Sox their first World Series in 2004 ain’t living on the same planet as the rest of us.

    Keep in mind that George Herbert Walker Bush might have lost to Clinton in 1992 in part because he didn’t know the price of milk or a loaf of bread.

    Politicians that can’t pass the “normal” test are doomed to failure.

    And they should be.

    What kind of old crone lady in Boston doesn’t know shit about the Red Sox? That’d scare the shit out of me.

    Btw, Phydeau just tea-bagged ur keyboard 😉

  6. bobbo, my heroes have always been --cowboys??-- says:

    I agree ignorance of local culture is a negative. but then you have to look at the opposition candidate and do a proper values-comparison.

    Did Ghandi keep up on the hometown soccer team scores while traveling in India?

    While in human form, did Jesus keep track of the Bethlehem Sheep Herders Conference?

    All things in their proper context.

  7. Hmeyers says:

    Obama almost lost to Hillary because he had an extremely shitty game of bowling.

    Keep that in mind 😉

  8. bobbo, my heroes have always been --cowboys??-- says:

    I have already agreed repeatedly lack of pop culture awareness is a negative. No need to beat that dead horse.

    Just probe a bit deeper and recognize that these make and break issues really are IRRELEVANT to what we need in our elected leadership = = = which is very reflective of why GOUSA is spiraling towards failure.

    Does your recognition/analysis go that far or do you stop at the Repuglican high water mark?

  9. MikeN says:

    They are not irrelevant issues. Specific policy only takes you so far. You are voting for leaders, so you need to judge their character.
    How do you judge this, if not as someone who you can relate to?

  10. Hmeyers says:


    I don’t want librarian prudes making law. In fact, they don’t deserve to be in leadership positions.

    If that hag lady got elected, she’d have been the least charismatic person in the Senate and that’s saying something!

    I think you’ll discover: winning is everything

    It’s a property of politics, evolution and the world.

    I had really hoped Obama would change the Bush bullshit … shut down Gitmo, withdraw us from the Middle East and Afghanistan, pass some significant incremental health care reforms, not give huge ass bailouts to the banks.

    At this point, my best wishes are that both parties find permanent stalemate and are unable to pass any legislation.

    Any faith I had in Obama ended the day he decided to send MORE troops to that shithole Afghanistan. Who gives a flying F about that place?

  11. bobbo, I take the opposite approach says:

    Politics is like flying an airplane. You are in the dark and all you know is you are flying towards a mountain you cannot get over. What to do?

    Some say turn right. Some say turn left. HMyers says given the conflict, its better to do nothing.

    I’d expect nothing more from those wanting “charismatic leadersheep.” Sadly, these concepts and outcomes are intertwined.

    Lets “try” to make progress and make corrections along the way. Lets stop having opinions on complicated issues we know practically NOTHING ABOUT–AKA Coakleys qualifications or likely performance in Congress?

    Could say the same thing about Brown, but he sure looks like a typical corrupt repug politician. We’ve seen too many of them lately.

  12. Phydeau says:

    Having a senior moment there Hmeyers? Or have the times we’ve debated in the past been too painful for you to remember so you’ve blocked them out? Are you OK? Should we take it easy on you for a while?

    BTW I agree with you on Obama. He’s been a disappointment to us liberals, but we can’t seem to get any kind of reason why the wingnuts hate him so much, given that he’s acting like a Republican. Personally, I think they’ve been programmed by the likes of Rush and Beck to instinctively hate anyone with a (D) after their name, regardless of their actions. Either that, or they just can’t get past the skin color.

    Yoohoo, Dodd… still wondering why you hate Obama so much…

  13. Brock says:


  14. Dr Dodd says:

    #81-Phydeau-why do you hate Obama so much…

    After a year of social engineering, lying about his purposes, and looting 2 trillion dollars from the US treasury I might ask, why does Phydeau love and support the criminal OBAMA and his henchmen?

    He shouldn’t be President, he should be in prison.

    In fact, he could be your cell mate… there are reliable sources that can prove Obama likes to bend over. You might have to dress up as a Saudi king, but I’m guessing that wouldn’t be a problem for you.

  15. Phydeau says:

    #83 After a year of social engineering, lying about his purposes, and looting 2 trillion dollars from the US treasury I might ask, why does Phydeau love and support the criminal OBAMA and his henchmen?

    “Social Engineering”? WTF is that? Rushspeak?

    “Lying about his purposes”? WTF is that? More Rushspeak?

    “Looting 2 trillion dollars from the US Treasury”? OK, maybe we’re getting somewhere here. You disagree with his economic plan of running a deficit to try to stimulate the economy. Which is a pretty standard tactic that has been used in the past. And for this he’s a “criminal”? See, this is why people call you a wingnut.

    #84 You’re slipping, little pedro. You only used “sheeple” once! Try to keep up, ok? 😉

  16. Phydeau says:

    #86 Hmm, English isn’t your first language is it? I see why you keep your posts short. Your syntax and spelling goes to hell when you get upset. Calm down there little pedro, let Dodd answer the questions I asked him.

  17. Phydeau says:

    #88 Uh, thanks for sharing, little pedro. I see you’re still the president of my anti-fan club. I’m flattered. 🙂

    Looks like this thread is dead.

  18. funnyguy says:

    I have read all the blogs on this video and I have to say……..cant something just be funny!!!!!


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