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Video – Let The Chinese Explain To You The Conan/Leno Situation
By Gasparrini Tuesday January 19, 2010
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Of course! It makes a lot more sense in a foreign language and computer animated and give them super powers to fight each other. We settle this cage match style!
Where’s the animation on the health care debacle?
Except that it’s from Next Media, which is Taiwanese, not Chinese.
>># 3 nomadwolf said, on January 20th, 2010 at 12:45 am
>>Except that it’s from Next Media, which is >>Taiwanese, not Chinese.
Since when was Taiwanese not Chinese? It’s official name is still the Republic of China.
That is what the sheepish governments of the world ‘agree’ to recognize them as in order to appease China to avoid angering the eventual superpower, and thus continue trade with them. The reality is that Taiwan has been a completely separate sovereign nation for decades with no ties to China or the Chinese government. The ‘China’ you seen in their name was forced on it by the greedy cowardly governments of the world, not by choice of Taiwan.
One of the reasons that the RoC hasn’t changed it’s name to Taiwan is because China has passed a law saying that they would wage war if Taiwan had the impertinence to democratically elect to change their name and/or constitution to make clear that they are not a part of China.
#3, #4, #5
Next Media in Taiwan was found by Cantonese entrepreneur Jimmy Lai, with listed parent company and more established sister media in Hong Kong.
That is awesome.
The people that inhabit the island of Taiwan are Chinese. It’s a different country than mainland China but they are Chinese all the same. It’s a matter of ethnicity. What would they be otherwise?
An American living in china would still be an American, right?
Conan the Hulk! Rawr!
Hastur, If Hawaii became independent, they would no longer be Americans… right? After a generation or two, would you still call them Americans?
# 4
Before 1945 and after 1949.
Oh, of course, it’s all so clear now!
What is that language she’s speaking? What language is that writing?
It’s Chinese, that’s what.
# 11 Skeptic said, on January 20th, 2010 at 11:06 am
The Hawaiians on Hawaii would probably be called Hawaiians. The Americans would remain Americans.
In Finland, for example, there lives a large group of Swedes. This is a remain from the time when Sweden and Finland was one country. They are still Swedes. The Finns who lives in Sweden are Finns.
Together the people who inhabit Finland are called Finlanders.
If you go to the (finnish) island of Åland you will find that it is almost entirely inhabited by Swedes.
I understand that these notions are hard to grasp for Americans since it is a nation of immigrants. It used to be one of the best traits of the U.S. that once people came there they became Americans. no matter what their past was. That was also the goal of the immigrants going to America. To become part of something new, and better. A very big part of the American dream as I see it. Much of that seem to be gone now though, as the new waves of immigrants everywhere seem more intent on taking their old culture with them instead of adopting their new homelands. It’s the same everywhere.
#7. Very true, but the people who actually MADE the video are in Taiwan.
#9/15. By your logic, the Americans living in China would not be Americans, becuase nearly all are descendents of Europeans (except, of course, the Native Americans).
Secondly, it is dangerous to conflate the Chinese ethnicity with the Chinese nationality. That is one of the basis that China uses to assert ownership over peopole who fled the country 300 years ago.
#12, even between ’45 and ’49 it was not Chinese. During that time it was merely occupied by the government of China. …And still is. Taiwanese have never been allowed to develop it’s own governance since the Japanese occupation.
#14. So smart, you are.