As international aid agencies rush food, water and medicine to Haiti’s earthquake victims, a U.S. faith-based group is sending Bibles to Haitians in their hour of need.

Not any Bible. These are solar-powered audible Bibles that can broadcast the holy scriptures in Haitian Creole to 300 people at a time.

Called the “Proclaimer,” the audio Bible delivers “digital quality” and is designed for “poor and illiterate people,” the Faith Comes By Hearing group said. It added 600 of the devices were already on their way to Haiti.

The Albuquerque-based organization said it was responding to the Haitian crisis by “providing faith, hope and love through God’s Word in audio.”

Providing sectarian evangelism to a people struggling through enormous natural disaster – is not civilized disaster aid.

  1. right says:

    Sure, here’s something tangible that will help you get through this.
    You don’t need food, medicine or supplies but helping you believe in an imaginary being is the best thing.
    What a bunch of morons.

  2. Benjamin says:

    Seems like they are sending the audio Bibles in addition to the food, clothing, and other supplies to the people of Haiti. Christians want to take care of both their physical and spiritual needs.

    “Convoy of Hope has people positioned on the ground to receive containers of food, clothing and supplies that are being sent to Haiti. They are partnering with churches in Haiti that are ministering to those left in the aftermath of this deadly earthquake. Pastors will receive the Proclaimer units and will use them to minister to groups of hurting and wounded people who need the Word of God in their heart language.”

  3. The0ne says:

    I thought this was a bit shtty too this morning hearing it on NPR but then they also had a story of a handicapped old man who’s lost his family in the quake and has no one to take care of him.

    no one to clean his sht
    no one to clean him!
    no one to feed him
    no one to even look after him
    left by the 4 journalist who saved him from the rumble but left him on his mattress under a tree.

    and since he hasn’t been feed for ages, his ribs are sticking out and can barely move his head to talk to the NPR crew (even shameful that NPR is doing this instead of helping him first!); all his has to live on is the belief in Jesus.

    So, if that is what he is living by then I say good. Most of you won’t even survive that long anyway to be judging.

  4. sargasso says:

    What does an original Haitian disaster electric bible sell for on eBay?

  5. MikeN says:

    Better than giving them condoms like they did to the Serbians.

  6. Dr Dodd says:

    It seems people who complain the loudest about giving away Bibles are the same useless slugs that are too miserly to contribute money to the Red Cross.

    Fact of life #1 – Liberals find complaining more satisfying than generosity.

  7. soundwash says:



    -What moron did not know this was coming?

    -heck, South Park even has a few excellent episodes that describe this *exact* scam that we pull on 3rd Worlders. Only they left the part about the fact that we of course, *cause* the problem that facilitates the need for us to “rescue” them. All part of our special “debt package”

    They were just unlucky that they are located right in between Cuba and Venezuela, and we still make believe the Russians are a grave threat to “national security”

    Pay attention people -to the BS violence reports and how we handle the “security problem” in haiti (remember Security will be the only business allowed to really prosper, In a Big Brother world..)

    If not shortly after this spring, when the “food crisis” begins, definitely, by fall of 2011, when the energy in this part of the solar the universe peaks, we will have several major crisis which will look exactly like what you see on TV only 5x worse..

    –which will require military support here on U.S. soil..

    (why do think they are “bringing our troops home by 2011?)

    We will be “occupied” till about 2018 at least. -and by foreign troops ta boot

    -pay attention.

    -and get ready now.


  8. soundwash says:


    -NPR rots your brain.

    stop spreading the Media BS -this earthquake is to keeps us “entertained until next month when they start imploding the economy, followed by media reports of “omg -the crops failed last year, and they’re sending all our grain reserves to china…heavens to mergatroid!

    (gmo dont like da cold)


  9. he_who_must_not_be_flamed says:

    Audio Bibles? WTF at least with the paper kind you can burn them for warmth.

  10. amodedoma says:

    So what! It’ll take weeks just to get them out of the airport. Hopefully they’ll give priority to food water and medical supplies.

  11. brm says:

    95% of Haiti is Christian. I’m sure they appreciate having bibles during this crisis.

    Fuck off everyone who thinks this is a bad thing.

  12. Rabble Rouser says:

    @Dr.Dodd… Funny, Rush Limbaugh was sure complaining a lot about donating to Haiti, saying, among other things, that our taxes already are paying for it. He also does not have a link to any site that can donate to Haiti. He does have links to a commodities trader, and another one of his sponsors.

    Um, I’m pretty sure that Rush is in no way, shape or form Liberal.

  13. Skeptic says:

    I wonder how much it cost for the delivery and distribution of those Bibles? There are thousands of orphaned children who are injured and still without medical care or food and water.

    brm, don’t you think that the effort expended on those bibles at this point in time was a rather callous and self-serving act to promote Faith Comes By Hearing?

  14. RTaylor says:

    I’m not a Christian. I don’t underestimate the power of faith and belief in people coping with tragedy. Comfort can come in many guises. Please don’t make a religion out of atheism. People might have lost faith, but no one is talked out of it. Prayer is a form of therapy. You want to screw these poor people out of it also?

  15. Improbus says:

    Real Christians would go to Haiti and help them through the crisis. In America we have the other kind. As an atheist I find the whole grimly amusing.

  16. Glass Half Full says:

    So? Look, if you’re going to try to spread the wealth and power of your cult, you need to convince people that your floating invisible sky god is real. This is the way it’s been done for centuries. Now with technology, in the past with swords, or by teaching reading/writing ONLY of your religion, or outlawing other religions.

    Magic is magic. Superstitions don’t get any more sensible as the years pass.

  17. chuck says:

    The bible contains detailed instructions on how to turn a few fish and loaves into enough food to feed a multitude.

    So 600 bibles should be enough to feed everyone.

  18. bobbo, ignorant in all things religious says:

    #14–RTaylor==you say: “Comfort can come in many guises.” /// Ummmm, when you are dying of thirst, I “believe” the only comfort possible is delivering WATER!!!!! I’ll let you think about what comfort serves STARVING TO DEATH or DYING FROM AN INFECTION.

    Now, if this bibble does not interfere with delivery of needed comfort, then I’m all for caring to the needs of the donating class. After all, even the dying need to serve someone.

  19. Dr Dodd says:

    #12-Rabble Rouser-Rush Limbaugh was sure complaining a lot about donating to Haiti.

    As I understand it, Limbaugh said not to give money to Haiti via Obama’s dotgov web site. That giving straight to the Red Cross is the best way to donate and keep politics out of it.

    Seems sensible if for no other reason than to avoid making a middle man out of the White House. Besides, knowing this bunch you have to wonder how much of a donation would actually get to the Red Cross.

  20. Rufus says:

    Maybe if they get enough bibles, people can build solar houses out of them.

  21. EricPhillips says:

    Maybe some Haitian MacGuyver’s can use the bibles to build water purifiers.

  22. Benjamin says:

    Bobbo, you are an idiot. The Bibles are a small part of the shipment. They are sending food and water along with the Bible. Find out how much food and water atheist organizations gave. Compare that to the food and water that the Christians are giving. Christians are going there to meet the BOTH the physical AND spiritual needs of the Haitians.

    Six hundred solar powered MP3 players that play the Bible are not going to take that much room on their plane filled with food, supplies, and water.

    From their website:

    “Convoy of Hope has people positioned on the ground to receive containers of food, clothing and supplies that are being sent to Haiti. They are partnering with churches in Haiti that are ministering to those left in the aftermath of this deadly earthquake. Pastors will receive the Proclaimer units and will use them to minister to groups of hurting and wounded people who need the Word of God in their heart language.”

    bobbo, ignorant in all things said, on January 19th, 2010 at 11:00 am

    “#14–RTaylor==you say: “Comfort can come in many guises.” /// Ummmm, when you are dying of thirst, I “believe” the only comfort possible is delivering WATER!!!!! I’ll let you think about what comfort serves STARVING TO DEATH or DYING FROM AN INFECTION.

    Now, if this bibble does not interfere with delivery of needed comfort, then I’m all for caring to the needs of the donating class. After all, even the dying need to serve someone.”

  23. Skeptic says:

    Benjamin, re: ” Find out how much food and water atheist organizations gave.”

    The day atheists get complete tax-free status, is the day atheists will have organizations collecting tax-free gifts of money and property, and in turn giving out free stuff while we promote the benefits of a superstition-free society.

    Until then, we are giving to the red Cross, putting donations on phone bills, leaving donations at grocery store checkouts, giving to Doctors without borders, and donating through our taxes.

  24. fpp2002 says:

    #19, Dr. Dodd, the website has a link directly to the Red Cross. There is no middle man. You don’t give your money to the white house and then it goes to the Red Cross; that’s the stuff of conspiracy theorists.

    The main benefit of this is that it ensures you are going to the bona fide Red Cross, and not some sham website that takes your money.

  25. Lone Wolf says:

    Sick twisted evil mother fuckers! People are dieing, men woman and children are dieing, people are still trapped underneath rubble and these suck mother fucker send fucking bibles?
    I am broke, and have been broke but I have tried to help the victims of the earthquake, I have tried to spread massaged of how to help, charities to give to, charities that will actually help the victims. This shows the shear immorality of their barbaric religion that they would send bible to people who need food water shelter and medicals supplies.

  26. The0ne says:

    I don’t know if you’re serious or being sarcastic. But if serious you need some help.

    If all this reporting is “entertainment” how are you going to know what’s going on in the world? Granted some news aren’t “news” worthy but at least you know what is happening and can research for yourself and maybe, just maybe do something to help. May I suggest a small sum of $5 to Red Cross.

    So if you don’t believe in news, how is it that you know what’s going on? Internet? Word or mouth? God? Please, keep your ignorant comments to yourself if you have nothing slightly worthy to say.

    If NPR rots your brain, what do you think DU is doing to you? O.o Or cables news like Fox, or the actual entertainment news from Hollywood. You think all these fanatics are going to listen to you and change? I don’t think so, especially not on DU.

    So please enlighten us why you think NPR sucks and why you think having news is purely entertainment until the next news story comes along. Please.

  27. Special Ed says:

    They were probably labeled “food.”

    Sometimes the word “douchebags” is just not a strong enough descriptor for the religious zealots.

  28. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #9 said, “Audio Bibles? WTF at least with the paper kind you can burn them for warmth.”

    Or wipe your ass!

  29. Benjamin says:

    Funny you mention an organization with a cross in its name.

    # 23 Skeptic said, on January 19th, 2010 at 12:12 pm

    “Benjamin, re: ” Find out how much food and water atheist organizations gave.”

    The day atheists get complete tax-free status, is the day atheists will have organizations collecting tax-free gifts of money and property, and in turn giving out free stuff while we promote the benefits of a superstition-free society.

    Until then, we are giving to the red Cross, putting donations on phone bills, leaving donations at grocery store checkouts, giving to Doctors without borders, and donating through our taxes.”

  30. Awake says:

    Bobbo summarized the whole thing best in comment #9 here:

    “So now, if I’m ever trapped in wreckage, I will be comforted by thoughts of being crushed by the waste removal crews and the thought that I am helpless before the ravenous rats until my kidneys shut down.

    Praise the Lords infinite mercy and love for us all.”


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