Watch it at your own risk:

  1. A Nony Mouse says:

    That TransAm driver should have used turbo boost. He clearly wasn’t paying attention as a kid.

  2. GF says:

    Were these people going to a Democratic rally in Massachusetts?

  3. Mr. Glum says:

    Final Destination 3. Fun. Heavily massacred on TV because in a movie about people dying gory deaths, you wouldn’t want any of it visible.

  4. ECA says:

    There are problems with this, and the only explanation is FATE controlled the whole thing.

    If that truck had dropped its load, EVERYONE behind Should have seen it and started stopping at the FIRST few logs.
    Diesel does not explode that well.
    AS well as an 18wheeler going down the Wrong side of the freeway..
    Yes I understand ITS A MOVIE..
    But the logs would have Rolled off and bounced to the Center meridian area/LOW spot between the N. and S. lanes and probably STOPPED or even went to the OTHER side..
    BUT, Logic and physics dont rule in this series of movies..

  5. Greg Allen says:

    The Romans had gladiator fights to satisfy their blood lust, we moderns have Internet snuff videos.

  6. BillBC says:

    Pointlessly gruesome. Driving safe didn’t help them much, did it?

  7. yanikinwaoz says:

    Wow… that was terrible.

    I once met a guy in the hospital who was paralyzed from the neck down. He had been driving on the freeway when a trailer being towed in front of him broke loose. It didn’t have the safety chains in place either.

    Poor guy. But ever since I met him, I’d avoided following trailers being towed. You never know how lazy or incompetent some drivers can be.

  8. mustardtits says:

    I miss the good ol’ days when cars exploded on impact

  9. deowll says:

    Interesting that nobody decided to run off on the shoulder or take the ditch. Yeah I know total fake but very graphic.

    One really dumb part was it started off as a four lane and then suddenly you have oncoming traffic at the end bulling along like they were blind.

    I guess a person could spend and hour or more trying to pick out all the gaffs but to gory for my taste.

  10. crasher says:

    i love how cars explode into huge balls of fire the second they hit anything!

  11. Postman says:


    Thanks to product liability law they don’t do that anymore.

  12. Cephus says:

    That was cinematically ridiculous. Cars do not explode on impact, physics doesn’t work that way and honestly, most of those drivers were so stupid, they deserved it.

    It wasn’t amazing, it was pathetic.

  13. bobbo, oh, the irony says:

    I too thought this was a good example of how the free market should be the only means of regulating how trucks get loaded.

    Who are these bureaucrats to tell small business owners and entrepreneurs how to load trucks.

    Talk about your nanny state.

  14. Cursor_ says:

    Utter crap.


  15. Nitroneo says:

    D@mn New York Drivers… and I live in New York I can testify how many of them drive.

  16. Ghost says:

    People just don’t realize that if you keep your collection of blasting caps too close to your collection of oily rags, a simple fender-bender could result in a 10 kiloton detonation.

  17. Zybch says:

    So I can just butcher a scene from any movie, post it on youtube and call it the Best Cinematic **** Ever and get thousands of views and appear on DU?

    Sucks to be cherman who though posting it here was an act of intelligence.

  18. jjjman says:

    Hilarious comment from youtube: “It would have been more realistic if the police officer hadn’t used his blinker.”

  19. Mr Diesel says:

    When is the last time any of you saw a log carrier with chains holding the load? This is one of the reasons why they have steel uprights holding the logs on the trailer. The good drivers then strap them down as well.

    Diesel exploding? Yeah right. Hilarious when the car hit the aux fuel tank on the semi-trailer and explodes.

  20. RTaylor says:

    The logging trucks around a local pulp mill here all look like something from Cuba. They drive them like nuts on narrow country roads and the so called steel posts are bent, rusted, and junkyard welded. They too frequently jackknife and roll over. I give you this is highly staged as a horror movie.

  21. Gasopin says:

    The only car in the scene that can explode on impact is the Pinto, and it has to go in reverse.

    Well, the cop car, the Crown Victoria, can also explode on impact, but not in this flick.

  22. DjfunkmasterG says:

    PINTO Explosion… Yep thats pretty common. Although you have to be hitting something backwards.

    Final Destination 2: I do agree it is probably one of the most brutal depictions of a multi car crash ever put on film.

  23. Bob3000 says:

    Terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to the victims. RIP.

  24. Bob says:

    This just a scene cut from Final Destination 2

  25. SparkyOne says:

    obama cash for clunkerz?

  26. Buzz says:

    Amazing. Two inches of water on the road, and not ONE cloud in the sky. It’s a miracle!

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    When a vehicle jackknifes, the truck stays straight and the trailer goes sideways.

    Trucks use several chains AND stakes. And chains don’t just break under a static load.

    How did the logs get in front of the first truck?

    How did the coffee spill without being touched while the car was going straight on a level highway?

    Why didn’t the last truck (Freightliner) either stop or pull off the road?

  28. moondawg says:

    #27. If the drive wheels slide, the trailer will push the drive wheels ahead of the steerers. It is quite possible to jack-knife a truck with the trailer perfectly straight.

    As you were.

  29. Tippis says:

    Sooo… don’t drive American? 😛

    Anyway, for proper (actually) gruesome car crashing, the “texting while driving” PSA that made the rounds on the interwebs last year is a far better example.

  30. ECA says:

    If you havnt seen this movie..Plz, understand, that its a series on FATE, and how FATE can kill you.

    I like the 18 wheeler..
    Dumping logs,
    THEN its SIDE ways on the freeway.
    Then its Perfectly STRAIGHT again.

    As mentioned..
    It was a 4way Split hiway
    Then a 2way??

    Then the physics of the logs..
    They should have Dumped to the side, then rolled MOSTLY off the road, only the Other half of the road would have been a mess.

    Then the Layout of Dropped logs and cars driving into them for 1/2 mile.. NO one seeing what was happening IN FRONT of them and STOPPING. Making it a CAR MAINTENANCE commercial MORE then care safety.

    Loved the part with the Bike rider, Flying PAST his fallen bike(not easy)..

    Iv talked to a couple Hiway patrols, and out of 20 years on the force they have seen only 1 car Burning/exploding..
    For Fuel to explode, it MUST have Oxygen..
    Room to burn.
    NO ROOM to expand.

    A fire is easy with a small leak..
    You would have to CRACK the tank and have Oxygen get into the tank, then a Flame from the outside SUCK into the tank and ignite it. Which isnt that easy.
    Diesel, needs even MORE to explode, as its an OIL and need compression to ignite.


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